Aragorn Premium Format!!!

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Re: Aragorn PF!!!

My piece of hair also had a kind of plug in it.

I repair a lot of pieces and am good at covering seems with a type of material that dries like resin and then painting but this piece is so small I don't want try.

It's only an issue if I ever lose my job or something and need to sell.

Yes. Post pics please.
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

Yeah I wish I had the skills to repair and repaint like you guys do...That's great that you have the skills to do that...
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

My piece of hair also had a kind of plug in it.

I repair a lot of pieces and am good at covering seems with a type of material that dries like resin and then painting but this piece is so small I don't want try.

It's only an issue if I ever lose my job or something and need to sell.

Yes. Post pics please.

You know the more I think about it, I wonder if it was a break at all. Mine has a plug as well and fits right into a hole near his forehead....makes me think it just didn't get properly glued into place??? :confused::confused:
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

You know the more I think about it, I wonder if it was a break at all. Mine has a plug as well and fits right into a hole near his forehead....makes me think it just didn't get properly glued into place??? :confused::confused:

Yeah im starting to think that more and more...It was prob meant to be a seperate piece, but SS didn't realize that it would be so fragile....If i were you Jen, I would glue it back together and just keep it as long as it's barely noticable....But thats just my opinion...but I would call SS and tell them about the prob and how unhappy you are about their QC...
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

You know the more I think about it, I wonder if it was a break at all. Mine has a plug as well and fits right into a hole near his forehead....makes me think it just didn't get properly glued into place??? :confused::confused:


I think that it was just improperly glued and came loose when it was shipped. Here's the pictures of the repaired piece and the repainted base. I also took a picture of the paints I used.




Re: Aragorn PF!!!

He's here...he's here.....he's heeeeeeeeere!!!! This is some great piece. I'm just loving it. Finally the Aragorn likeness I've been waiting 6 years for.

Re: Aragorn PF!!!

Why may I ask did you repaint the base?

I didn't like the color of the top of the base. It was a solid grey-green without any tonality unlike the base of the Lurtz, which was painted much better. Now the tops of the bases of both PFs match really well.
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

Wow. Mine is finally here as well, and the likeness is stunning. One of the best character likenesses to date on any figure IMO, and Viggo seems a bit difficult to capture. I think this one is a home run.
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

Wow. Mine is finally here as well, and the likeness is stunning. One of the best character likenesses to date on any figure IMO, and Viggo seems a bit difficult to capture. I think this one is a home run.


I agree completely. It's really a magnificent piece and the best likeness of Viggo I've seen so far.
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

Ah! there's Darth!

I see what you mean about the eyes. I think that orange outline is what may be leading many of us to see a bit of a Sith Lord here, although before now we couldn't quite put a finger on it...

Because of all the natural sunlight in Zoomaround's shots, you don't quite see what looks like a washed out skin-tone on Aragorn's face and especially the lips. From havoc's shots, we see an image which looks a lot more like the Sideshow production stills than with Havoc's. Couple the pale palor with the Sith accented eyes => instant Nosferatu

Impossible to say which shots are more representative of the in-hand piece, but at present count, it IS two to one on the side of the Aragorn sucking your blood.

Again, I think there is tremendous potential with this piece. If we just paint some color into his face, improve the notorious Sideshow eyes, take the browline down a little in terms of the intensity on his face, and possibly treat the stubble with a little more subtleness, I think one of our re-painters could get this VERY close to the proto!

Great shots, you guys. Can't tell you how much we appreciate them!

I know it's lame to quote yourself, but now that we've got more pics, I have to reiterate a few points I made earlier and emphasize a few more...

I still think the paint apps are a bit of a let down and Darth Aragorn is the result (none of the pics so far have gotten me to stop seeing this - in fact I think I'm seeing it more and more)

BUT!!!! Guys (and Girls), you have proven to me even more unequivocally that the sculpt we drooled over on the proto is there! I'm SO tempted to re-order this, but my fear is shipping the full polystone piece two more times and winding up with dust. And then, of course, there's the money.

Several folks have commented on this board that since the exclusive is not really a "must have", that they are waiting for dealers to put the regular edition up for a lot cheaper. How long have you all waited in the past for this to happen?
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

Several folks have commented on this board that since the exclusive is not really a "must have", that they are waiting for dealers to put the regular edition up for a lot cheaper. How long have you all waited in the past for this to happen?

That would be when the item goes up for order, I don't know of too many dealers that have the regular left.

The exclusive was a bit tangental when the item first debuted, but with the slight change of the pose; it now makes a not more sense.
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

#531 arrive and that strand of hair is broken off too. Looks like this one is going back. So sad, it is a great looking statue. I don't want to pack it up.
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

I haven't seen the piece in person, but it really does sound like that piece is a separate piece that was supposed to be glued on, and for whatever reason the glue didn't hold. It's a tricky issue, but I think if it was me I would just glue it back on and be done with it. That's assuming that it isn't actually a break.
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

#531 arrive and that strand of hair is broken off too. Looks like this one is going back. So sad, it is a great looking statue. I don't want to pack it up.

Check to see if it hasn't just been properly glued and isn't broken. Re-examining mine, I realized it wasn't a break at all - just not glued in place.
Re: Aragorn PF!!!

Check to see if it hasn't just been properly glued and isn't broken. Re-examining mine, I realized it wasn't a break at all - just not glued in place.

It took me a minute to find the broken piece, but you are right. It does look like it has a peg that was supposed to be glued in place. But it does like like it was painted after it was glued and the paint split unevenly which gives it the initial jagged look.