Prop ANOVOS goes into Star Wars Costuming

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Anovos' problem is they keep releasing new preorders while their other products are not finished yet. I suspect they keep doing preorders to get that cash inflow because they are running out of money and without it would be forced to file bankruptcy, but that is just my opinion.

You're probably not off the mark by that much. I know they want to go to an inventory method but that seems like it's going to take time.

Regardless, as long as I get my Kylo Ren helmet I'll be happy. The wait is worth it considering the price I paid and compared to the Prop Store $5k replica.
Anovos' problem is they keep releasing new preorders while their other products are not finished yet. I suspect they keep doing preorders to get that cash inflow because they are running out of money and without it would be forced to file bankruptcy, but that is just my opinion.

You may be right, but that is no way to do buisiness
I go back and fourth with my feelings for anovos. It seems they got too big for their britches too fast. I ordered my stormtrooper completed ensemble over a year ago, the timing is not a big deal to me. i will wait for a very nice quality product. i bought it on their one pricing so payed over 1200. I received it two weeks ago and I'm a small guy. I'm 5'7" and 145 lbs now if you check the site it says the medium will fit my size up to 6'3 or something like that. first off i understand that all the armor is one size fits all and the soft pieces are the ones they do in the different sizes. so soft pieces fit just fine, but man is the armor big on me to the point where i just look ridiculous. again something i can overlook as i planned on dressing a high quality posable mannequin anyway. but what i don't like is the ensemble came incomplete. it did not have the neck seal in the box, so i emailed them or sent a ticket (whatever they call it) and without any surprise i haven't gotten a response mind you it was sent two weeks ago. they say 5-7 business days to respond they also say only one ticket allowed and don't call as it won't help with your ticket times. the lack of customer service i cannot do. I work for a billion dollar food distribution company as busy as i am and my colleagues we answer our customers in a timely manner. mainly for peace of mind on the customers behalf. and nothing. You mean to tell me you have so many emails on a daily basis that it is taking you over two weeks to get to mine and then you limit my amount of tickets i can make. I'm very close to asking for a full refund and sending it back a this point. i can deal with a lot as i am a patient person but the lack of communication is not cool. in addition i know this was modeled after the original and made with ABS plastic and such.the originals were not well made. i am also aware that this piece is not a premium but it is very rickety. almost to the point where the helmet an be compared to a halloween costume at a costume store. Idk i just don't know, there are so many things i was interested with this company but i am so hesitant and will be holding off for the time being. just my to cents

Hey there. I wan't you to know that you are NOT alone in this. Our stories are remarkable similar; I got the ensembled version almost 3 weeks ago & they left out the neck seal in mine as well. I've written them, haven't heard anything yet and it's been over 2 weeks. Even worse, they glued the square "buttons" block on the front upside down!!! That really chaps my hide, as that's no easy fix.

Now fitting adjustments are just part of the process. You're right about this thing coming out of the box almost being tailored to fit a person that's 6'3" or something. I'm 6'1" and I'm STILL gonna to have to adjust my thigh and shoulder straps as well.

Value: I think $650 or cheaper for the kit was probably worth it. Over $1250 for the "ensemble" version...jury is still out for me. Just a feeling I have but I think there's a reason this isn't offered anymore. Anovos better get back to me and send me a Neck Seal b4 Halloween or like Uncle Owen said, there'll be hell to pay....
LMAO mr pickles, I'm with you buddy, still haven't heard anything back from them on the neck seal. and as far as the buttons being upside down thats inexcusable an lazy to me anyway. well i was going to order a 6ft mannequin I'm hoping it fits it.
This is the mannequin I purchased:

They also sell a voice booster, headset and icomm (random static generator).

I need to adjust/pose him better, but you get the idea. (Yes, I understand the ammo clips need to be moved to the side and I haven't fixed the button box yet.)

Also, if you haven't gotten boots yet, I really like the ones I got at

Post again sometime when you hear back from Anovos. Thanks!
Where are you guys getting your boots and how accurate is the sizing? I wear a 9.5 to 10 but RARELY have luck ordering a size online and actually having it fit.
Where are you guys getting your boots and how accurate is the sizing? I wear a 9.5 to 10 but RARELY have luck ordering a size online and actually having it fit.

I wear a size 10 and got a 10. They recommended wearing a silk sock underneath a cotton one to avoid blisters while breaking them in. So while I didn't do much walking around yet, that's what I wore and frankly I was surprised how good they felt. They come with a really large/long shoehorn so getting them on was a lot easier than I expected. Lots of good info over there, go check'em out.
How strong are the arms on that? I want to get one for my Royal guard and I want to make sure it's arms are strong enough to hold the force pike.

Quite stiff, but I don't think it's possible for this mannequin to hold much, as the hands are almost kiddie-like in their smallness. Easily the worst thing about it. I don't think the fingers would even be able to wrap around the pole. You'd probably need the pole-end resting on the floor and use the hands as more as resting points, would be my guess.

I got a E-11 blaster coming that I plan on displaying and there's no way the hands are big enough to wrap around the grip. I'm gonna have to come up with some sort of leaning/resting cheat with the other hand to make it work.

All that said though, I think overall it's a good choice b/c a) you do get some flexibility & b) I didn't have to put on the leotard on the mannequin as it's already black.
Looks like the Tie Helmets are on the way. This from Anovos update page

*Classic Trilogy TIE Fighter Pilot Helmet Accessory (Basic and Vader's Wingman): Initial shipment of Basic helmets en route from manufacturing partner to distribution center. Vader's Wingman variant to follow in Q4. Current estimated delivery: Q4 2016 New orders on hold.
Exactly. Take your time. It might have been easier and shorter waiting time if having a Laws pre-order LOL
LMAO mr pickles, I'm with you buddy, still haven't heard anything back from them on the neck seal. and as far as the buttons being upside down thats inexcusable an lazy to me anyway. well i was going to order a 6ft mannequin I'm hoping it fits it.
After 3 attempts at communicate and nearly 4 weeks w/out a response/answers, I finally got a one from Anovos via their Live Chat about this missing neck seal. Their Rep said they're aware of the issue and are having them manufactured right now. I take that to be code for "you're not gonna get one for several, several, several months." Made sure my name was on "The List" to get one, but in the meantime it looks like I'll have to go 3rd party to have one in-time for Halloween. Oh, I also let them know about the upside down button plate, but don't think it really matters since they're not offering Ensembled kits anymore. Well, just thought folks might want an update. Additionally, purchased replacement industrial-strength Velcro to replace their cheap stuff on the leg pieces & Gorilla Grip gloves [@Home Depot] to replace their rubber dishwasher ones.
After 3 attempts at communicate and nearly 4 weeks w/out a response/answers, I finally got a one from Anovos via their Live Chat about this missing neck seal. Their Rep said they're aware of the issue and are having them manufactured right now. I take that to be code for "you're not gonna get one for several, several, several months." Made sure my name was on "The List" to get one, but in the meantime it looks like I'll have to go 3rd party to have one in-time for Halloween. Oh, I also let them know about the upside down button plate, but don't think it really matters since they're not offering Ensembled kits anymore. Well, just thought folks might want an update. Additionally, purchased replacement industrial-strength Velcro to replace their cheap stuff on the leg pieces & Gorilla Grip gloves [@Home Depot] to replace their rubber dishwasher ones.

What a shame that they couldn't even get Storm Trooper armor right.
Has anybody received their Vader helmet? I haven't seen anyone posting about them.