ANH Luke

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If they did versions of our heroes in stormtrooper armour, wouldn't they be wearing the belts???

But yeah, make that into an expansion pack...

They would but they wore the belts after they changed out of the armor. That's why all the hubub over not having the belts.
The blast helmet isn't really that big a thing for me. First, it would cover what is easily the only sculpt in the world to rival the perfection of Old Ben's, and second, he didn't wear it the whole time he was training--he can still be displayed with the remote and it'll look just fine, as Ben didn't put on the helmet until after Luke had tried a few times.

BTW this is the single best costume Sideshow has ever done. I can't find a single flaw with this figure. I never really cared about Luke's ANH look before, but this figure has suddenly helped me to get the whole nature of Luke's journey, from his naive, innocent beginning to his mature, but still pure, belief in the Force. This figure manages to capture everything Luke was meant to convey. I have to thank Sideshow; the ANH line is the best collection of Star Wars collectibles I have ever seen.
Yeah, I think the ST belt is the only thing missing on this... and that could have a grappling hook as part of it or not. I wonder if maybe once they have the Stormtroopers sorted out that this maybe a case where you can buy a pack with 2 of them and a few other goodies to help round out Luke and Han.

Or maybe there will be a Death Star Han with one belt and his exclusive will be a second belt. Kind of like the 2 sand bases for Maul's balls.

Just checked out the pics and I am excited beyond belief for the PPO tomorrow.

I have to say that the Poncho was a welcome non-exclusive addition
He looks awesome, i think this might be the best costume there is in the SW line so far.
Nice big karate top and the boots look like the best SSC had ever done for a SW figure. The rifle is huge.
I would really like to see an unpainted version of the head sculpt.

I would rank the SS Luke sculpts like this:

ROTJ Luke 12"
ANH Luke 12"
ESB Luke 12"
Yavin Luke 12"

(The only one I haven't seen in person is the new one. Seeing it in person or seeing shots without paint might change my feelings.)
I'm with you, Tom. Though I'd rank them more as follows (right now, with just the PPO pics to go by on 12" ANH Luke):

ROTJ Luke 12" (Yeah, he looks a little shocked/surprised, but anyone who's ever been in my office immediately freaks out that SS managed to capture Mark Hamill and shrink him. THIS is the figure that got me into the world of Sideshow and 1/6 scale - period. PERFECT Hamill likeness.)

ESB Luke & Yoda PF (I don't own this, but when I saw it in person, I was blown away. Not as close as the ROTJ 12", but definitely Hamill.)

ANH Luke PF (This one never photographs well, but I saw it in person at a casino [of all places] recently and definitely think it's a great piece. It starts to wander a bit with the likeness, though, imho.)

ESB Luke 12" (I can definitely see where some people detect a hint of Brad Pitt here. I still love the figure, but it's nowhere near as "OMG! That's Mark/Luke!" as the ROTJ.)

ANH Luke 12" (These PPO pictures are not "wow"ing me at all. His eyes look very odd...too small, perhaps? I don't immediately think "Mark/Luke!" when ignoring the costume and focusing on just the face. I'm hoping an unpainted sample shot will totally change my mind, but right now I'm more excited about the costume than the face. :( )

Yavin Luke 12" (I don't agree with most who feel this looks "Hasbro-ish," but it's definitely the weakest of the SS sculpts/paint).
For me:

1:6 ROTJ Luke
1:6 ANH Luke
1:6 Yavin Luke (yup, thats right)
1:6 Bespin Luke
(Note to Sideshow: Please never again choose accessory items from DELETED SCENES in lieu of ones actually seen/used in the movie :lecture )

I've got to agree with you again IrishJedi. A non-screen item is okay for a character like Plo Koon who never used *anything* on-screen except for a lightsaber but for Luke, who had such important accessories that they did *not* give him, the goofy hat wasn't, unfortunately, a very good choice.

I would *never* display him with the hat, there's just no reason to. I really like the 1977 ES but that isn't enough to justify me spending the extra cash for a hat that'll never see the light of day (just like the scene its from.)

Its funny but this figure looks like it will save me the $60 I thought I was going to spend to get ANH Leia. But there isn't any point if this figure only works as "Tatooine Luke". I realize that you can still display Leia draping the poncho over Luke while he sits at the chess table but come on! No swinging across the bridge scenes? No diorama with Ben fighting Vader as Luke stands by? There are definitely some great moments on Tatooine, and I'm actually extremely excited about a Tatooine set up, but to ignore cinematic moments of such magnitude as his adventures on the Death Star when they'd be so easy to include...the only R&D would be for the grappling hook, they've already got the ST blaster and *hopefully* they've already figured out how to do the belts for the real Stormtroopers. Just a bummer of a missed opportunity.
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Well, if we have to rank sculpts...

1:6 ANH Luke
1:6 ROTJ Luke
1:6 Bespin Luke
1:6 Yavin Luke
For me:

1:6 ROTJ Luke
1:6 ANH Luke
1:6 Yavin Luke (yup, thats right)
1:6 Bespin Luke

Interesting. I'm with you in that I think the sculpt was better than most people feel on the Yavin Luke, but you really think it's a better Hammil than the ESB figure?
Pix, is the Yavin Luke you are putting ahead of Bespin Luke, the Les masterpiece or the straight out of the box Yavin Luke? Just curious.

That's actually a question I wonder of everyone's rankings, are these all based on the sculpts or the complete, painted portraits? I only ask because I would have different rankings each way.
I was ranking by sculpt and not by paint job. Yavin Luke had an atrocious paint (worsted only by Faramir). Having it repainted was enough to show me (in my humble opinion) that the sculpt is actually pretty great. I prefer the likeness to the Bespin Luke. In fact, Yavin Luke is now one of my favorites.