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Let me rephrase that then: When it comes to toys you guys have it easy. You cant deny it...well i suppose you could if you didnt know any facts and just took your abundance of cheap tf's for granted.
I know how easy it is over there, since i lived there for 3 years. Toys, drive throughs, movies, convenience everywhere. Yeah, easy as feck.
Let me rephrase that then: When it comes to toys you guys have it easy. You cant deny it...well i suppose you could if you didnt know any facts and just took your abundance of cheap tf's for granted.
I know how easy it is over there, since i lived there for 3 years. Toys, drive throughs, movies, convenience everywhere. Yeah, easy as feck.
Unless you're in to high-end collectibles like Hot Toys and Takara-Tomy's editions of figures; then we have to wait months after they've been released and pay a big wad of extra dough for markup and shipping ;)
Hello. Forcefield.:joy:flag


Let me rephrase that then: When it comes to toys you guys have it easy. You cant deny it...well i suppose you could if you didnt know any facts and just took your abundance of cheap tf's for granted.
I know how easy it is over there, since i lived there for 3 years. Toys, drive throughs, movies, convenience everywhere. Yeah, easy as feck.

True. Amurrikkka! Eff' YEAH!

Unless you're in to high-end collectibles like Hot Toys and Takara-Tomy's editions of figures; then we have to wait months after they've been released and pay a big wad of extra dough for markup and shipping ;)

Double True. :lecture
Unless you're in to high-end collectibles like Hot Toys and Takara-Tomy's editions of figures; then we have to wait months after they've been released and pay a big wad of extra dough for markup and shipping ;)

Aww poor you. Forced to put up with all your exclusives and never-cancelled waves of whole toy lines for half the price we pay for them always released on time and with plenty of stock.
I feel for you.
Aww poor you. Forced to put up with all your exclusives and never-cancelled waves of whole toy lines for half the price we pay for them always released on time and with plenty of stock.
I feel for you.

I think maybe you lived in the USB.

To be fair, though, I have no idea what it's like in your savage land with no movies or convenience. Need me to pick something up for you? :peace
I know the USA has always had the advantage before, particularly in the 80's for TF's, there was a whole slew of toys that never made it over here, Swoop being the prime example plus Gestalt giftsets were a rarity, only ever had one and that was Menasor and only picked that up in a sale by sheer luck..... even Soundwave was like hen's teeth.
What? I like the Dubble Bubble but his claims are totally incromulent.

Actually they are not, they make perfect sense and are indeed true (maybe a little exagerrated but based in the foundations of truth and reality), if you wasnt a typical american with no experiance of life outside of your own, spoon fed everything for your convineance you ever need so you take it for granted-country and actually have seen and experianced the world like i have you'd know this.

But apparently i just like to make BS up so i just say these things for the fun of it because i have nothing better to do in my life.
:rolleyes: (im not named Michael you know)
Another day, another dubcustomz rant……………..and the world keeps turning.
Sometimes it feels like Groundhog day in here.

Another day, another dubcustomz rant……………..and the world keeps turning.
Sometimes it feels like Groundhog day in here.


Yeah you're right it does. I say something and everyone insists on making an arguement out of it, or telling me im wrong or full of ____ or something.
Its like speaking to a brick wall in here...ON groundhog day.
Infact id say thats an insult to brick walls sometimes. At least they dont argue about...EVERYTHING.