3A HALO Thread

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USPS for me, priority mail international, $59.77 with insurance. Hoping the box gets there just fine. I still can't get over the fact that MC is the lead character of a multi billion dollar franchise (and I've said it a lot of times) that got the least treatment. It's looks is the only aspect of the figure that's positive. It's a statue pretty much. I mean look at the instruction difference between MC and the EVA. Instruction_Thumbnail.jpg
USPS for me, priority mail international, $59.77 with insurance. Hoping the box gets there just fine. I still can't get over the fact that MC is the lead character of a multi billion dollar franchise (and I've said it a lot of times) that got the least treatment. It's looks is the only aspect of the figure that's positive. It's a statue pretty much. I mean look at the instruction difference between MC and the EVA.

Agreed, Its a damn shame. I took mine out of the box for like the 6th time yesterday in an effort to convince myself to keep him.

Put him in a detolf, could barely get him to stand, and he just looks all wrong, fat, awkward. How 3A thought this was acceptable I do not know, and im guessing they just dont care much to continue with the line.


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this thread only makes me sad now

True, and dont forget we will get Gabriel and Thorne soon. Will there be a new thread just for those figures or we shall continue to use this one instead. I'll be posting some quick pics in here when those arrive. That will be my last 3A figure from that company. I will not continue to buy from them anymore. Shame cos I wanted to get their Destiny figures when that is announced, but I have no more confidence in their QC anymore.
Seems as though they took down thier statement they made on thier fb about taking returns. There's also significantly less complaints on the page made buy customers about the Chief.

They must be doing damage control slowly in order to wipe this from their fb history.
Seems as though they took down thier statement they made on thier fb about taking returns. There's also significantly less complaints on the page made buy customers about the Chief.

They must be doing damage control slowly in order to wipe this from their fb history.

True, Its harder to find anything Halo related, plus I have given up sending messages in their official forum and fb. They will ignore until ppl give up.

Also they keep throwing out sdcc items for preorders on their fb and online store, to get away from all the negative stuff.

They are once again back to their usual self. churning out crap all day long.
True, Its harder to find anything Halo related, plus I have given up sending messages in their official forum and fb. They will ignore until ppl give up.

Also they keep throwing out sdcc items for preorders on their fb and online store, to get away from all the negative stuff.

They are once again back to their usual self. churning out crap all day long.

The sad part is that these huge ****ups happen to thier expendable lines, so the majority of the people who buy from them won't bat an eye and they can continue to go about this awful business.
The sad part is that these huge ****ups happen to thier expendable lines, so the majority of the people who buy from them won't bat an eye and they can continue to go about this awful business.

Ashley is so far up his own a5re and just do his own stuff, then might as well just get rid of the halo license and let some other company take over.
Seems as though they took down thier statement they made on thier fb about taking returns. There's also significantly less complaints on the page made buy customers about the Chief.

They must be doing damage control slowly in order to wipe this from their fb history.

Not holding my breath, but here's hoping they removed the post simply because they now have plans to ACTUALLY rectify the situation.

EDIT: I just dug around their FB and the post is actually still there. It's just buried deep.
True, and dont forget we will get Gabriel and Thorne soon. Will there be a new thread just for those figures or we shall continue to use this one instead. I'll be posting some quick pics in here when those arrive. That will be my last 3A figure from that company. I will not continue to buy from them anymore. Shame cos I wanted to get their Destiny figures when that is announced, but I have no more confidence in their QC anymore.

I would say use the same thread. That way, if 3A's CS ever DOES pull it's head out, all the info they need on their own mediocrity will be in this one nice, tidy place. That's just my opinion.

I'm in the same boat, though. I haven't given up, but I'm so sick of being ignored. The last e-mail I showed you guys was the one in which they tried to tell me my figure is an isolated incident. They also told me they were going to be in touch with the admin of their FB page and would reply to me "very soon" (or whatever exact language they used). I waited a little over a week for that reply and still got nothing - still blocked from their FB. So I sent them another e-mail, a little under a week ago now, telling them how disgusted I am with their horrible customer service, how I can't believe they're trying to tell me that my figure was an isolated case when I literally have documented evidence of others experiencing this, etc. I asked to talk to one of their superiors; I told them I appreciated that they were being respectful to me, but still hated how horrible they were being at their job. And I didn't just say that as an insult - I told them that they're failing to meet some pretty basic customer service principles - those being honesty, urgency, and helpfulness. I just told them how dissatisfied I was that they continue to lie to me, continue to take weeks to respond with just a few brief, placating sentences, and continue to categorically NOT be helpful in this situation.

Yeah, that one was almost a week ago and I still haven't heard anything back. If I don't by tomorrow, I'm going to send them another one. I will keep sending them e-mails until they at least acknowledge what I want them to acknowledge.
I would say use the same thread. That way, if 3A's CS ever DOES pull it's head out, all the info they need on their own mediocrity will be in this one nice, tidy place. That's just my opinion.

I'm in the same boat, though. I haven't given up, but I'm so sick of being ignored. The last e-mail I showed you guys was the one in which they tried to tell me my figure is an isolated incident. They also told me they were going to be in touch with the admin of their FB page and would reply to me "very soon" (or whatever exact language they used). I waited a little over a week for that reply and still got nothing - still blocked from their FB. So I sent them another e-mail, a little under a week ago now, telling them how disgusted I am with their horrible customer service, how I can't believe they're trying to tell me that my figure was an isolated case when I literally have documented evidence of others experiencing this, etc. I asked to talk to one of their superiors; I told them I appreciated that they were being respectful to me, but still hated how horrible they were being at their job. And I didn't just say that as an insult - I told them that they're failing to meet some pretty basic customer service principles - those being honesty, urgency, and helpfulness. I just told them how dissatisfied I was that they continue to lie to me, continue to take weeks to respond with just a few brief, placating sentences, and continue to categorically NOT be helpful in this situation.

Yeah, that one was almost a week ago and I still haven't heard anything back. If I don't by tomorrow, I'm going to send them another one. I will keep sending them e-mails until they at least acknowledge what I want them to acknowledge.

Noted. I will continue to post any 3a halo related stuff in here then.

Unlucky about your situation man. Im sure you are not the only one alone. That is why going directly to their CS has no affect. They dont have to tell anyone else and it would only be you and them. If you didnt post in here, whos to say there were any complaints sent to them.

Look at it this way, many complained on their FB page, and many complained on their official forum. If they dont give a ***** about those two platforms where everyone can see, then you can imagine them not giving a ***** through their email system.

Honestly, they are probs too *****king busy taking in money with sdcc orders on their site as well as getting ready to setup the local HK event this coming week to give any ***** about this.

Im normally calm and polite, but for this figure I really dont give a *****k about 3A. If I see them at the show, i'll be sure to make a big *****king fuss about it. Plus I dont give a **** about ppl protecting gimbat in the official forum. They try and say its not his problem or whatever. Well, they have to ask themselves, do they have any problem with their MC or is this issue affecting them? If no, then p**s off. Secondly, Gimbat is the first contact on that platform, so it IS his duty to report these matters to official staff. No buts or ifs.

that guy has time to update the daily post but dont give a rats arse about the other posts. To me, hes a fu*king tw4t!
Nice to see people are taking a stand on this. If/when the new spartans come out, assuming they're just as bad, we really need to push it against 3A. This is ridiculous.

Hell I'm even considering contacting Microsoft and letting them know what happened. On Waypoint they have a toy section, and Thorne is listed there from 3A. If he turns out to be **** Im gonna contact them and let them know everything that happened and that they need to stop supporting businesses who **** over thier customers.
Nice to see people are taking a stand on this. If/when the new spartans come out, assuming they're just as bad, we really need to push it against 3A. This is ridiculous.

Hell I'm even considering contacting Microsoft and letting them know what happened. On Waypoint they have a toy section, and Thorne is listed there from 3A. If he turns out to be **** Im gonna contact them and let them know everything that happened and that they need to stop supporting businesses who **** over thier customers.

here here, I understand if a figure has faults. that is expected in this hobby and nothing is perfect. however with MC, even the basics dont work, so thats just really taking the p**s.

Ive got a good feeling, i'll be one of the early ones to get this figure and if so, i'll be sure to let everyone know if he is good or bad. if hes bad, i'll be telling everyone to cancel their orders and make a scene about it. i believe you should tell MS and waypoint now the situation, and allow them to see how bad MC is and allow them to monitor the new spartans for themselves. At least they could put a stop on things if must.
Thank god, good on you man. Although those are some pretty vague statements that I personally wouldn't feel comfortable walking away with as the end of the conversation, at least they're not playing dumb.

Shame to hear about Jorge though. In my mind, that basically means he's cancelled.

yup, that's who i was looking forward to the most from this line. damn shame. they took a wonderful license and essentially just took a huge dump all over it. looks like my wish for assembling the entire noble 6 team may have gone out the door.
**** 3A. **** Ash. **** Gimbat.

So pissed at their company. haha and thy have those 12 inch female StormTrooper stripper toys???? What the **** is that lmao what a bunch of idiots.
hi all, its been weeks since we got an update from 3A, but finally just now, I got some words from their official forum.
Heres a link to it for your enjoyment.

Nevermind the ******** and all that, the most important info you guys want to hear is that apparently KIM at the SDCC show said that the SPARTANS will be, i quote 'no problems'

Are they ****ing serious???

Log in

Just to follow up, in case no one can log in. Heres an included pic. You can tell im not very pleased at all, but it really took ****ing ages and a lot of facts just to get them to reply.

22-07-2015 02-47-27.jpg
Yeah maybe I will contact the Waypoint people and let them know. Unfortunately I cannot scare them into taking action since they have even less details listed on their website for him, and less photos of it as well. So by their standards, if Thorne came out in the condition the Chief did, they actually wouldn't have false advertised it.

And I also don't think the Waypoint Store people can try to do anything about pulling the license for 3A based off one person's warning that the figure might be ****. I don't know who else at MS I would contact.
Yeah maybe I will contact the Waypoint people and let them know. Unfortunately I cannot scare them into taking action since they have even less details listed on their website for him, and less photos of it as well. So by their standards, if Thorne came out in the condition the Chief did, they actually wouldn't have false advertised it.

And I also don't think the Waypoint Store people can try to do anything about pulling the license for 3A based off one person's warning that the figure might be ****. I don't know who else at MS I would contact.

Hmm I see your point. Well if **** hits the fan, its not really Waypoints fault. It was 3A that did the bait and switch. They should be the ones to take the fault.
I think instead of going to Waypoint, its probs best to go to MS, licensing department or something similar that handles the toys/figures etc.

They should hear the concerns that many have with MC and at least let them know that their partner (3A in this case) failed to meet the standards set out in the first place. Someone had to sign off these figures and at this current state, a case of just return it for refund is just a get out clause.

If you read my last post, you can obviously tell the 3A staff dont have a ****ing clue how to respond to complaints. Talking to them is talking to a ****ing brick wall.
Hmm I see your point. Well if **** hits the fan, its not really Waypoints fault. It was 3A that did the bait and switch. They should be the ones to take the fault.
I think instead of going to Waypoint, its probs best to go to MS, licensing department or something similar that handles the toys/figures etc.

They should hear the concerns that many have with MC and at least let them know that their partner (3A in this case) failed to meet the standards set out in the first place. Someone had to sign off these figures and at this current state, a case of just return it for refund is just a get out clause.

If you read my last post, you can obviously tell the 3A staff dont have a ****ing clue how to respond to complaints. Talking to them is talking to a ****ing brick wall.

Oh I know, they have great customer service as long as you're asking about how to buy something, but when something has gone wrong, it only gets worse by trying to talk to them.

Maybe I'll wait till the recruit and Thorne come out to really get on MS to take away the license. But if there's a way to notify them of what's going on I would love to get other people to jump in with me.
Oh I know, they have great customer service as long as you're asking about how to buy something, but when something has gone wrong, it only gets worse by trying to talk to them.

Maybe I'll wait till the recruit and Thorne come out to really get on MS to take away the license. But if there's a way to notify them of what's going on I would love to get other people to jump in with me.

you have that spot on man. It is so true for many companies, but for 3A to make it so obvious they dont give a **** about after care just shows how shallow they are and no matter how they spin things, they are not worth trusting at all. I believe it when I see it.

Sure thing, if those figures come out bad, im sure many of us will jump on them at once.