1/6th silicon joker head in works

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I do the best I can with the cheap camera I have. I can't afford a decent camera BECAUSE of this hobby. :lol

Everyone is of course entitled to their opinion and if some people really don't like this, thats fine. I do find it staggeringly hard to believe people would see this as off but that's just their view.

I have never owned a more perfect piece in this hobby and I am not just saying that because of the bones I've dropped on this. The paintwork is phenomenal to me. Makes the leap from paint to looking like makeup on a human face. Can't see the so called problems with the hair either. But then again, that's just my view.

:rolleyes2 :cuckoo:

im not usually like this, but it's ridiculous that you could think the likeness is off. I mean really, which head are you looking at? Because I will admit that Teddy's and Rory's look a bit off, (Teddy's cause of the odd make up, and Rory's because it's a prototype) but if you look at Snake Eaters or neo's they are perfect.

Must say i am intrigued as to know what you think is off about the paint job? Like it has been said you are totally within your rights to have your opinion i would just persoanlly like to know whats ''off''



Hey Teddy, i've noticed this before but forgot to ask you, but what IS this?

Hey Teddy, i've noticed this before but forgot to ask you, but what IS this?


It was a lone strand of hair, i have futzed with the hair more now and it looks alot better, waiting for my new camera and something else before i take more shots
Oh ok, i thought they were new pictures and that "thing" was still there :p
I wonder what those who complain about the cost think about Garage Kits and stuff. Sending them to a painter to be painted/assembled can cost $400-1000+ depending on the kit and that doesn't even include the price of the kit. If you think I'm full of crap then you can check places like theclubhouse1.net where you can commission people for these things. It takes a lot of time to paint and those are just resin kits. For The Joker head, the price of silicon, glass eyes, punctured hair (1 by 1) etc on top of painting is a very time consuming process so why would you think it would cost any less? These pics alone screams out how time consuming these heads are.


What I find kinda odd is that those here who've dropped such a large sum of money on an item of this type could spend so little on a decent camera. I'm sorry but blurry photos don't really portray a sculpt in the best light, even if it's a great one. Neo's photos are good, bit he's just one guy.

Even though I don't have one of these heads, I have to say that if I did, I probably wouldn't feel right posting pics of something limited if I didn't have some good pics to go with it. I'm not saying they have to be Neo quality pics because I myself have a 6yr old digital camera, but I'll work at it until I get a pic that's good enough to do the figure justice. This means no flash and I'll fool around with lamps etc for lighting and use a tripod with a timer. The end result is something like this and PS is only used for brightness/contrast to try and make it look more like it does in person:

I'm honestly not trying to be a ____ towards the owners since I think they're great fellow Freaks, but I have to side with you on this one plasmid.
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Hey Bobby C do you plan on making more and sell them.???

That would sell sooooo easily !

I''d want to buy one for sure !

Am I the only one here who doesn't like those Joker headsculpts? I mean, don't get me wrong guys, I admire Bobby c's work. I wouldn't be able to do something like that. Never in my life. This is great. But I just think that this is not Heath Ledger.
So far what has impressed me the most, is what monkeyrobotmaster has done with his figures. His Joker is just jawdropping. Mindblowing ! He repainted Hot Toys's face, and then added real human hair that he dyed.

Wow you changed your mind quickly, the first post i quoted was only posted on the 26 September :cuckoo:
Well, I'm going to enter this great debate again. I will try to thread carefully, with this my longest ever post, present or future.

Firstly the fact that all the freaks who spent a lot of money on these might not be completely objective about the finished heads needs to be taken into account.

I paid less for mine, maybe thats a contributing factor in what I hope comes across as complete honesty. This is how I see it.

The sculpt is amazing, absolutely amazing. The thing looks almost real in the detolf.
The paint job is technically brilliant (I have favourites too from the heads we have seen so far). I have always loved the proto (obviously) I think it has a certain malevolence, but is it my favourite? Probably not.

So here's the difficult bit: Physically the paint is quite dotty, as if the surface of the silicon is peeling at a very fine level, look at any of the pics so far, Teddy's, mine, especially Neos (sorry Neo, I know you have claimed that you "pressed" them in, but I know you have done major clean up on your pics) you can see this effect. This is not because the proto is a little rougher than the others, actually having it in hand and comparing it to the pics others have posted, I don't think it is. The eyes on some don't work for me as well as others, some are too bulging, but thats just my taste. The hair and hairline finish is better on some than others, I think the hair on mine is better than A.N.Other but my forehead is a bit messier.

So from a few inches away and with the correct lighting (not sunlight, not strong angular light) these look amazing. But there are faults. Why? Because guys these things are not real Heath Ledger heads, they are rubber and paint and animal hair. But they are so damn close that you can take pics of it and think its a real person. What kind of achievement is that in this artform?

I just feel as if no one is being really honest here, neither the fellow freaks who have gotten the heads or the naysayers who are just being negative for the sake of it. Regardless of the flaws (which I personally think are no reflection on Bobbys incredible talent) there is nothing even close to these available. The scale has become a technical paint/material issue for some but to say these "don't look like Ledger" well is just plain stupid.

The whole photographic debate, which I mistakingly entered into a while back is really dumb. Firstly people who bother their backsides to take ANY pics and uploaded here should be thanked for sharing. Not slammed for not having good enough cameras.

I have an amazing camera set up. But I simply don't have the time and inclination to spend hours setting it up and then hours photoshopping out the blemishes like NEO does (Look at the first few pics he posted). I love seeing his pics, and he loves doing it, others don't. But people seem to want to turn that into something as if I'm dissing his work, I'm not at all. Love your pics NEO!

I stick mine on the desk and snap and share.

Its all down to personal taste at the end of the day. I would much rather see raw pics that really show what something looks like in the real world than glossed over comps. Thats just me.

I will finish with this, I work with the FX industry quite a lot, from practical to CG. i've been in many of the prosthetic workshops in Hollywood, and I have rarely seen anything as ambitious and impressive as Bobbys work. Short of Winston's studio stuff, this is right up there.

And I am very proud to own a piece of that, its not perfect, but its art. This is very different to seeing manufactured toys or plastic repaints.

...and rant is finished....

Oh and Edward? Let it go, you didn't get the proto, you ____ed it up!

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This thread has gone full retard.

To those that got one of these congrats. It's an amazing piece that perhaps may never be topped at this scale. You not only own an awesome piece of art, but you own Bobby's very first production at this scale, not to mention you can tell people that Christopher Nolan has one of these in his office and works on all his movies while staring at it for inspiration, which indirectly means you are all connected to the awesomeness of his films.... Alright that might be extreme, but who knows it could happen. :D Be proud to own it and don't let the negativity of a very few island dwellers ruin your fun.

Awesome work Bobby. You're a master.
This thread has gone full retard.

To those that got one of these congrats. It's an amazing piece that perhaps may never be topped at this scale. You not only own an awesome piece of art, but you own Bobby's very first production at this scale, not to mention you can tell people that Christopher Nolan has one of these in his office and works on all his movies while staring at it for inspiration, which indirectly means you are all connected to the awesomeness of his films.... Alright that might be extreme, but who knows it could happen. :D Be proud to own it and don't let the negativity of a very few island dwellers ruin your fun.

Awesome work Bobby. You're a master.

This thread has gone full retard.

To those that got one of these congrats. It's an amazing piece that perhaps may never be topped at this scale. You not only own an awesome piece of art, but you own Bobby's very first production at this scale, not to mention you can tell people that Christopher Nolan has one of these in his office and works on all his movies while staring at it for inspiration, which indirectly means you are all connected to the awesomeness of his films.... Alright that might be extreme, but who knows it could happen. :D Be proud to own it and don't let the negativity of a very few island dwellers ruin your fun.

Awesome work Bobby. You're a master.

Amen! :thud:
Well, I'm going to enter this great debate again. I will try to thread carefully, with this my longest ever post, present or future.

Firstly the fact that all the freaks who spent a lot of money on these might not be completely objective about the finished heads needs to be taken into account.

I paid less for mine, maybe thats a contributing factor in what I hope comes across as complete honesty. This is how I see it.

The sculpt is amazing, absolutely amazing. The thing looks almost real in the detolf.
The paint job is technically brilliant (I have favourites too from the heads we have seen so far). I have always loved the proto (obviously) I think it has a certain malevolence, but is it my favourite? Probably not.

So here's the difficult bit: Physically the paint is quite dotty, as if the surface of the silicon is peeling at a very fine level, look at any of the pics so far, Teddy's, mine, especially Neos (sorry Neo, I know you have claimed that you "pressed" them in, but I know you have done major clean up on your pics) you can see this effect. This is not because the proto is a little rougher than the others, actually having it in hand and comparing it to the pics others have posted, I don't think it is. The eyes on some don't work for me as well as others, some are too bulging, but thats just my taste. The hair and hairline finish is better on some than others, I think the hair on mine is better than A.N.Other but my forehead is a bit messier.

So from a few inches away and with the correct lighting (not sunlight, not strong angular light) these look amazing. But there are faults. Why? Because guys these things are not real Heath Ledger heads, they are rubber and paint and animal hair. But they are so damn close that you can take pics of it and think its a real person. What kind of achievement is that in this artform?

I just feel as if no one is being really honest here, neither the fellow freaks who have gotten the heads or the naysayers who are just being negative for the sake of it. Regardless of the flaws (which I personally think are no reflection on Bobbys incredible talent) there is nothing even close to these available. The scale has become a technical paint/material issue for some but to say these "don't look like Ledger" well is just plain stupid.

The whole photographic debate, which I mistakingly entered into a while back is really dumb. Firstly people who bother their backsides to take ANY pics and uploaded here should be thanked for sharing. Not slammed for not having good enough cameras.

I have an amazing camera set up. But I simply don't have the time and inclination to spend hours setting it up and then hours photoshopping out the blemishes like NEO does (Look at the first few pics he posted). I love seeing his pics, and he loves doing it, others don't. But people seem to want to turn that into something as if I'm dissing his work, I'm not at all. Love your pics NEO!

I stick mine on the desk and snap and share.

Its all down to personal taste at the end of the day. I would much rather see raw pics that really show what something looks like in the real world than glossed over comps. Thats just me.

I will finish with this, I work with the FX industry quite a lot, from practical to CG. i've been in many of the prosthetic workshops in Hollywood, and I have rarely seen anything as ambitious and impressive as Bobbys work. Short of Winston's studio stuff, this is right up there.

And I am very proud to own a piece of that, its not perfect, but its art. This is very different to seeing manufactured toys or plastic repaints.

...and rant is finished....

Oh and Edward? Let it go, you didn't get the proto, you ____ed it up!



Most sensible post I have read in this thread so far. :clap
I really have to disagree with you on this, Devil. As a purely casual, detached observer of these works, I think Bobby's 1/6 sculpt looks almost exactly like his immensely impressive 1:1 and 1:3 sculpts, and I haven't heard a single negative opinion about those, so I don't understand how this one could be of a lesser calibur.

I disagree.. and it has nothing to do with the amount of work put into them because I'm sure BobbyC puts in the same amount of time and effort into each piece on each scale. It simply has to do with the scale and how things at 1:1 (especially materials) always look better and more realistic and how that realism goes down as you go down in scale.

So far we've seen 3 scales of the same head from BobbyC and IMO..

His 1/1 Joker > 1/3 Joker > 1/6 Joker

His 1/1 scale Joker is epic. His 1/3 scale head looks great but not as good as the 1/1 scale, etc. And that's not just with him and his work, that's in general from any company. If you use 1/1 scale hair/material on a 1/1 scale head/body it's always going to look better than using 1/1 scale hair/materials on like a 1/3 or 1/6 scale head/body.

Oh and FYI: While I haven't been impressed with the hair on the heads I've seen so far it's still some of the best hair I've seen at 1/6 scale for a Joker head. I think the fact that people were saying the hair would be exactly like the 1/3 scale head from BobbyC is why I'm not impressed.. because it's not. Just like the 1/3 scale hair is not as good as the hair on BobbyC's 1/1 scale Joker. And again, has nothing to do with the amount of work put into them.
This thread has gone full retard.

To those that got one of these congrats. It's an amazing piece that perhaps may never be topped at this scale. You not only own an awesome piece of art, but you own Bobby's very first production at this scale, not to mention you can tell people that Christopher Nolan has one of these in his office and works on all his movies while staring at it for inspiration, which indirectly means you are all connected to the awesomeness of his films.... Alright that might be extreme, but who knows it could happen. :D Be proud to own it and don't let the negativity of a very few island dwellers ruin your fun.

Awesome work Bobby. You're a master.

:lecture :lecture

You're not being extreme wofford. In my case, I draw a lot of inspiration for my work from the figures, statues, books, comics and movies I posses. This is something I expressed to Bobby in a pm to thank him for making something that moves my imagination and inspires me as much as Nolan's movies. (And that's just from pictures others have posted. Can't wait to see it in person!) This might sound stupid to some here (probably the negative posters), but who cares.

This forum in general is getting ridiculous. Now we are supposed to be experts in photography? At this point, I'm seriously thinking of not posting any pictures of this head sculpt at all. Ultimately, it is for MY own enjoyment and inspiration. F the rest.
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Must say i am intrigued as to know what you think is off about the paint job? Like it has been said you are totally within your rights to have your opinion i would just persoanlly like to know whats ''off''




I dunno, the way the hair and make up is, it doesn't resemble anything I remember seeing in the movie is all. These pics right here aren't as off as your earlier ones, maybe it was your camera.......idk

Oh and Edward? Let it go, you didn't get the proto, you ____ed it up!


Alright, whether that was joking or not it was uncalled for, out of the blue, not funny, and crossed the line...

Though I will agree the paint does seem a bit spotty sometimes, maybe it is just the silicon, or maybe it looked different before it shipped. Maybe Bobby should have had a lil more practice with these things. either way they are still amazing.

Devil, I think you would need to see Bobby's work and the head in hand to appreciate it.
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