1/6 Hot Toys Rogue One: K-2SO

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I'm actually really excited about getting K2. It's one of the few times where...
To correct you...I buy that VAST majority of my figures, including the Star Wars stuff. I don't collect it but that doesn't mean i don't enjoy the franchise. That being said, i do tend to buy them for review purposes because i enjoy reviewing them and like showing them to the people that appreciate them. When i'm done, as many can attest, i will sell the figure for exactly what i pay for them. I "man handle" all my figures AFTER spending EXTENSIVE time playing with them and learning the limits of them. I "man handle" them to let people see the tolerances that these very expensive figures have and with my large collection of Hot Toys, i have NEVER broken anything.

I guess I'm just being presumptuous with seeing only a handful of vids. I just baby my figures more than nose I guess. Rings come off before posing and I'm much more gentle on the articulation. Your reviews have actual made me pull the trigger on a couple of my first figures... TIE Pilot and HT Fett. Just this K2 review was extra handy and that ring tapping made me cringe. I don't handle my collection in that way.
Keep on with the detailed and informative reviews I'll be watching :)
Finished out my Jedha stand for K2 today but I think I'm going to switch out the plaque for one that's silver with black lettering.


Nobody is obligated to assist you in your attempt to make money as a youtube reviewer pal. Lots of folks do it just for fun and simply appreciate any money they accumulate as a bonus. If you don't think it's fair you should find another way to make money.

You can keep your condescending "pal" to yourself. Lots of folks do it for fun and would love to be in the position that i am. I do it for fun too but i have the fortunate ability to have this as a business as well. It's required a lot of time, patience and sacrifice on my end to do. Ending a career in corporate America to do something like this isn't something that is "easy" to do. As with ANYONE that owns their own business, I constantly evaluate things and make changes as necessary to keep my business alive and going. 10 years of doing this, i think i've gotten pretty good at it. If you don't like what i do in my videos, you're welcome to take your business elsewhere. I don't make apologies for the decisions i make to provide for my family.

I do apologize for derailing this thread a couple times. This will be my last post on the matter.
You can keep your condescending "pal" to yourself. Lots of folks do it for fun and would love to be in the position that i am. I do it for fun too but i have the fortunate ability to have this as a business as well. It's required a lot of time, patience and sacrifice on my end to do. Ending a career in corporate America to do something like this isn't something that is "easy" to do. As with ANYONE that owns their own business, I constantly evaluate things and make changes as necessary to keep my business alive and going. 10 years of doing this, i think i've gotten pretty good at it. If you don't like what i do in my videos, you're welcome to take your business elsewhere. I don't make apologies for the decisions i make to provide for my family.

I do apologize for derailing this thread a couple times. This will be my last post on the matter.

Hey if you can make a living out of making youtube videos good for you. I don't have a problem with you embedding ads in your videos either, it's your choice. Just don't come on here complaining about ad revenue and about people skipping ads on your vids, that's MY choice.
Hey if you can make a living out of making youtube videos good for you. I don't have a problem with you embedding ads in your videos either, it's your choice. Just don't come on here complaining about ad revenue and about people skipping ads on your vids, that's MY choice.

He wasnt complaining he WAS explaining. Youtube reviews are the only place i don't see very many ads so no reason to complain. I hit skip ad after 5 seconds and get watch 10 to 50 minutes of close ups of figures not a bad deal.
He wasnt complaining he WAS explaining. Youtube reviews are the only place i don't see very many ads so no reason to complain. I hit skip ad after 5 seconds and get watch 10 to 50 minutes of close ups of figures not a bad deal.

"It's unfortunate when i hear about people just skipping past them because it's how we as creators make our money."

^Above is a quote from him commenting on people skipping past ads.

You say explain, I say complain
"It's unfortunate when i hear about people just skipping past them because it's how we as creators make our money."

^Above is a quote from him commenting on people skipping past ads.

You say explain, I say complain

I will watch if it's something i'm intrested in but no reason to watch a ad about something i will never buy. I rarely watch or pay attention to ads on anything.

But enough of that, we should be talking about the K2
Ohhhh is THAT why videos have ads within them now?! I recall thy happening with larger vids in the past, but now I'm getting them on 3-4 min ones, too.
Well its good to know I was crazy about the internal content ads. :lol

It's quite off putting to have an ad show up in mid sentence though, maybe reviewers need to make act breaks where there's a natural segue into a commercial? Unfortunately, I don't think anyone is going to sit thru the commercial if there's the means to skip it. That's happening on every platform. But producers and advertisers are sneaky and will continue to find ways to add ads. Personally I think traditional 'forced' advertising is doomed. I think the future is in 'interest' ads where you hover over something you like and can go to that site or click-and-buy. Hopefully that becomes more readily available in the future.