1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

I simply blame JJ, Kennedy, Ford, Iger and anyone else that signed off on him getting killed off. I never truly understood Kylo, so I never really felt anything for him. I actually enjoyed his character til he took off his helmet then it went downhill from there. It all goes back to story and as awful as it was, it's hard to care for anyone in that movie.

I loved TFA when it came out. I'm as susceptible to the nostalgia and hype as the next nerd. Now, I don't hate it. But I guess it comes as no surprise that the shock and awe of new Star Wars has worn off. I'm an adult, the film was a money-making machine with some cynical decisions, yet it still had some magical moments. Do I remember it well? Not so much. And nor should I, you can't go back in time to being a kid.

I don't have a problem with it, I just don't love it. It's like someone you enjoy sleeping with but you're never going to have a relationship with them. :rotfl
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Regardless of TFA's strong or weak points. Harrison was awesome in the movie. Love his look, and can't wait for this figure.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

I loved chewie in the movie. It will be that much more heart wrenching when I burn the HT TFA chewie in a street corner garbage pail because I pre ordered the damn 2 pack!
Han looks great!

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

I loved chewie in the movie. It will be that much more heart wrenching when I burn the HT TFA chewie in a street corner garbage pail because I pre ordered the damn 2 pack!
Han looks great!

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Gotta play that music from the end of Jedi!
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Gotta play that music from the end of Jedi!

Yes! Owah... me sa ge bohhh la

It's funny - I bought the reissued vinyl soundtrack for Jedi with the original ending Ewok song. So much better than that digitized garbage LUCAS yanked Williams off to redo for the digital re-release with extended cartoon scene shots.

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

I loved TFA when it came out. I'm as susceptible to the nostalgia and hype as the next nerd. Now, I don't hate it. But I guess it comes as no surprise that the shock and awe of new Star Wars has worn off. I'm an adult, the film was a money-making machine with some cynical decisions, yet it still had some magical moments. Do I remember it well? Not so much. And nor should I, you can't go back in time to being a kid.

I don't have a problem with it, I just don't love it. It's like someone you enjoy sleeping with but you're never going to have a relationship with them. :rotfl

Pretty much my sentiments towards TFA as well.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

TFA was a fun movie to watch, due to the characters and light-hearted humor. But, the nonsensical storylines and retreading from EP IV killed it for me. Death Star 3.0 = lame. Luke hiding, but leaves a complex map to find him? Lame.......new designs = lame. Hate the new costumes mostly.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Yeah the story wasn't as original as I would have liked, but for me the humor and the fun and dynamic characters (which were all painfully lacking in the prequels), make up for it quite a bit. Not to mention the pure nostalgia factor of seeing Han, Luke, Leia, Chewie and the Falcon again after 32 years.

More importantly, it actually made me really excited to see future movies, and to see how the story of Rey and Luke evolves (which is an excitement I definitely never felt after watching TPM or ATOC).
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Yeah, Death Star #3 definitely collected most of the jeering from fans, super-fans, and casual watchers alike, but I found the character treatments so rich as to allow me to push that aside almost entirely. The mystery of Rey, Finn's break away from indoctrination, Kylo's conflict, Han & Leia's torment over their son. All pretty great stuff. If there is a weak element, I think it may have been Finn's story. Great bones, but they just didn't do all with it that I think they could have and was all there for the taking...

That said, I remain overall unapologetically positive on the movie...
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

We didn't see any gray area with Finn like we saw with Cassian. There we saw a conflicted character served well by the situations/story. With Finn, there's no conflict, which is largely fine by me, but some folks seemed to have a clear perception of how that would be played out (more hardened soldier) and were left disappointed.

It does make the opening scene of him escaping with Poe strangely and casually cold-blooded. But the film doesn't ask the viewer to think of those things like Rogue One does so we move right past it. You almost have to think of Finn also as a prisoner of the First Order who escapes for his story to make more sense.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

It had some flaws (mainly SK base), but honestly all of the movies do. In terms of characters and really setting out what it needed to do, introduce new chars we would care about while bringing back everything from 30 years prior - I thought it did a great job.

It's my 2nd or 3rd favorite out of all of them. I thought the new cast was all great and their characters are already some of my favorites. Can't wait to see what Rian's going to do.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

TFA is dependent on the next 2 sequels as to how we view it. The sequels are going to fill in the gaps & how they explain everything is going to impact how we see TFA from a certain point of view.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

It had some flaws (mainly SK base), but honestly all of the movies do. In terms of characters and really setting out what it needed to do, introduce new chars we would care about while bringing back everything from 30 years prior - I thought it did a great job.

Pretty much exactly how I feel about TFA too. I can still sit down and thoroughly enjoy watching it.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

We didn't see any gray area with Finn like we saw with Cassian. There we saw a conflicted character served well by the situations/story. With Finn, there's no conflict, which is largely fine by me, but some folks seemed to have a clear perception of how that would be played out (more hardened soldier) and were left disappointed.

It does make the opening scene of him escaping with Poe strangely and casually cold-blooded. But the film doesn't ask the viewer to think of those things like Rogue One does so we move right past it. You almost have to think of Finn also as a prisoner of the First Order who escapes for his story to make more sense.

Exactly. Finn's story was the biggest disappointment to me. The idea of a stormtrooper who defects is a good one, but you saw nothing in his character that hinted at the life spent as a trained killer with zero individuality. He was just so friendly and goofy that you couldn't take him seriously as a badass.

Personally I think Oscar Issac should have played Finn.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

The idea of a stormtrooper who defects is a good one, but you saw nothing in his character that hinted at the life spent as a trained killer with zero individuality.

This. A million times this.

So much good stuff to mine there. So much thrown away for one-liners and mugging for laughs.

Actually, Isaacs would have been a better Finn... and the guy who played Finn would have been a better Poe.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Was the beginning sequence on Jakku supposed to be Finn's first mission/outing as a Stormtrooper? I can't recall if he stated at one point in the film if it was or not.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Personally I think Oscar Issac should have played Finn.
It's not like the actor decides how the character is played though, so your central argument would still be the same.

Luna played the conflicted rebel assassin perfectly, but that's how the character was likely written, wasn't just his spin on it. I'm really not sure the Skywalker saga really has the tone for a character quite like that. They try to keep things somewhat black and white outside the force users who are pulled one way or the other.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Also, in case someone is confused what thread they're in.


Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode VII - Han & Chewbacca Collectible Figure

Also, in case someone is confused what thread they're in.



^^ Is that with the undersuit removed?

Hair doesn't look to bad there at all. It's the bright artificial light that seems to bring out the metal.

These pics show that shot just right, this fig could almost pass for screen captures from the movie.:clap

It had some flaws (mainly SK base), but honestly all of the movies do. In terms of characters and really setting out what it needed to do, introduce new chars we would care about while bringing back everything from 30 years prior - I thought it did a great job.

It's my 2nd or 3rd favorite out of all of them. I thought the new cast was all great and their characters are already some of my favorites. Can't wait to see what Rian's going to do.

The difference is that Rian is a real filmmaker. So many directors today are just regurgitators - take established intellectual property and do their take and cash the check. They don't even do what Spielberg did in his heyday - find original stories that have powerful cultural resonance and guide them to the screen.

JJ is a byproduct of this era of endless reboots, sequels and franchises (two dozen Marvel films in less than ten years.) The original stuff he actually wrote years ago is long-forgotten garbage ("Regarding Henry" was the first JJ-Harrison film:lol) and he really hasn't written much original since. One of the few, "Super 8" could/should have been "Stranger Things" but was forgettable.

Rian has a unique vision - and is a real writer-director - so what he does with SW could be as cool as the ANH days. Yet he's following a mediocre comfort-food film in TFA, and has Disney hovering over him, so who knows.