Hot Toys teases big announcement for 2019

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You're not alone. I refuse to be fecesbook'd, twattered or insta-anythinged. Gonna be a lonely world, but I will not be absorbed. I will not be one with the body.
Wasn’t the video with some of the same video clips that they posted the following day what they were talking about?

Can’t believe this thread hasn’t fizzled
out and especially can’t believe the other one exists that was borne out of this one. I’m gonna start “Should HT do 1/3 scale?” “Should Hot Toys start 1/5 scale?” “should Hot Toys start 1/11 scale?” “Should Hot Toys start 1/50 scale figures?” threads. Stay tuned for those!

Still 1/6, but animatronic?
^I’m not on any of the social media platforms either. Not my cup of tea.

Maybe the new announcement could just be ‘greatest hits’ releases... best sellers that are out of stock and going for a pretty penny on eBay.. HT sees the potential profits and reopens production on long sold out figures with minor variations and updated paint techniques... minimal effort required for maximum profit. (On figures they don’t want to update)
Cha-ching $$$

First release: TDK Joker
Well I guess I'm the 5th....don't facebook never tweeted nor insta'd anything but noodles...:wink1:
Welcome to the Team.

a team.jpg
You and I shall stride alone across the great wasteland...

I gave up all those time eaters a while back...

I lasted the longest on imgur because I had a following...

Then I realized I didn’t care....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
I gave up all those time eaters a while back...

I lasted the longest on imgur because I had a following...

Then I realized I didn’t care....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

I remain a ghostly presence on FB, occasionally (once every 1-3 weeks) logging in for like 3 minutes but no longer engage. Very infrequent, sporadic user of Instagram. Don't think I'm on anything else.
To be fair, this is technically social media. Just very niche.

You are correct. However , message boards and Forums are not “click and swipe” type media , thats rotting the brains of people.

Forums are a back and forth conversation you can have with like minded people, often about subjects that you couldn’t talk about in a group due to scarcity and geography.

Instagram, FB, Imgur all those have become pretty vapid and self absorbed. Most FB pages look like a “personal” People Magazine ....between the ads and other nonsense that shows up there. Even people who want it to just keep in touch with family have a mountain of nonsense on that site.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
You are correct. However , message boards and Forums are not “click and swipe” type media , thats rotting the brains of people.

Forums are a back and forth conversation you can have with like minded people, often about subjects that you couldn’t talk about in a group due to scarcity and geography.

Instagram, FB, Imgur all those have become pretty vapid and self absorbed. Most FB pages look like a “personal” People Magazine ....between the ads and other nonsense that shows up there. Even people who want it to just keep in touch with family have a mountain of nonsense on that site.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

True. For all the flaming, trolling and bickering that's sometimes seen on these boards, it's still a focused discussion group with actual correspondence. Facebook is absolutely like a tabloid -- the National Enquirer meets Angry Mob.
I'm on facebook but I usually only lurk, I post a comment maybe three times a year, I don't bother 'liking' anything. When it came time for facebook to do their yearly round-up videos for their users they had absolutely no material from me for 2018. I was quite proud of that :lol
I'm on facebook but I usually only lurk, I post a comment maybe three times a year, I don't bother 'liking' anything. When it came time for facebook to do their yearly round-up videos for their users they had absolutely no material from me for 2018. I was quite proud of that :lol

Haha, me too!
I only have a presence on there because i have a few friends on there from here, and even then, it's mostly a "customer" relationship where people contact me to make something in 1/6 for them.
Otherwise, it's like i am not there.
I share the dislike people on here have for it.
I joined a few years back after my relationship ended with my fiancee at the time. Sorta felt like I should get more social. Eventually I realized though that I'm just too private a person for facebook. That and a few embarrassing drunk posts gone wrong persuaded me to stop participating in it for the most part. I don't really post in whatssapp groups either for much the same reasons.
One day, Facebook will be so over-regulated it won't be funny. And still, they will have all that information for sale or trade, forever. Certainly the government will have it all too, stating that it is the only entity able to genuinely secure its privacy.

But by then we'll all be chipped anyway, so does it matter?

I suppose its all good for pre-crime analysis. Like too many drunken posts. That's a red flag to be sure. Anger issues.
My drunk posts weren't angry ones, good humoured actually but one of them was nevertheless interpreted the wrong way and the others I tended to be embarrassed about the next day and would delete anyway.