Hot Toys ROTJ Emperor Palpatine

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Actually, you will appreciate pictures like this if you ever get a "new" figure and its upside-down in the box or something's been moved around and you can see how its supposed to arrive.

Makes sense. Thanks for correcting me.
Is it just me, or does the outfit seem just a bit bulky for the Emperor? Not sure if there's another fat suit that might need to be removed, or if it's just a matter of futzing and squeezing the outfit in closer to the body...

GASP! We need yet another custom outfit for yet another Star Wars OT figure...

LOL...but it will happen

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. For the money paid for a figure like this, it can't be that hard to make a robe that doesn't bleed. Hot Toys knows very well this figure is going to be displayed with the hood ON. It's not like there are scenes of the emperor without his hood up in the OT (except maybe his visit to the hairdresser on Robot Chicken). Sideshow didn't have such a problem.

The sculpt looks great, but this is shameful, in my opinion. Purely shameful.

How exactly do you "avoid direct contact of the robe with the headsculpt and hands" with a fig like Palps? Especially for "long periods of time"?

"Otherwise, the color of the fabric may transfer onto the figure"?:slap
How exactly do you "avoid direct contact of the robe with the headsculpt and hands" with a fig like Palps? Especially for "long periods of time"?

"Otherwise, the color of the fabric may transfer onto the figure"?:slap

It really is ridiculous, as silly a disclaimer ever listed on a product. The stuff of a Saturday Night Live skit. The emperor always wears his robe and hood.
I think in the end it comes down to this:

Does any of us actually for-see anytime in the next 20 years another company coming out with OT figures that are even somewhat close to this level?

Just like with having to purchase the Jnix head sculpt for ANH Han, clearly there will be the room to make improvements on this figure. But does any of us really think another company is going to come out with an Emperor that is anywhere near this quality level, if any other company ever came out with one at all, know what I mean?

Of course things should be perfect right out of the box at this price point, but it’s never like that, very rarely, maybe the Hot Toys Wonder Woman training version, but that’s about it ...





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I think in the end it comes down to this:
Does any of us actually for-see anytime in the next 20 years another company coming out with OT figures that are even somewhat close to this level?

Why not? I'm sure people would have said something similar when Sideshow got the license back in the early 2000's. Someone will always come along and do it better.
HT has outdone SSC in many ways and in a 20yr time span I’m sure another company will do the same to HT. Especially with sending out figures that are easily stained... smh. If another company gets the license and puts out solid figures that look just like their protos or more movie accurate ones, collectors will go to them.

Edit: I guess i don’t type as fast as Kodiak3D :lol

Hope that happens.

I’m very happy with some of their stuff, and extremely disappointed with a lot of their other stuff.

Bespin Leia seems to be a step in the right direction however:


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How exactly do you "avoid direct contact of the robe with the headsculpt and hands" with a fig like Palps? Especially for "long periods of time"?

"Otherwise, the color of the fabric may transfer onto the figure"?:slap

Maybe it was intentional so we can recreate the black "slugs" on the side of his face and have a more accurate OT Emperor. :D

Ok. Let’s recap.

1. Figure is too short.
2. Seems are too big/noticeable
3. Robes have heavy dye and will stain.
4. Robe is too short if you make it taller
5. Robes are too bulky
6. Expression still wonky
7. Wrinkles not wrinkly enough
8. Eyes not yellow enough
9. Chair base too tall
10. Chair cushion too high
11. Chair cushion doesn’t sink down
12. Chair base bottom not designed right

Did I miss anything?
I’m still getting one.


Also where’s my Batman Returns Penguin figure!!!
The limiting factor is going to be the difference in dimension between the base pin height and the throne hole depth.

If you cut off more than this dimension the throne is going to bottom out on the base plate.

If you compare this dimension to the gap between his feet and the table you'll be able to see if that method would work effectively or not.

Or worse, you probably need quite a bit of the peg to fit into the base of the chair, if you shave off too much the chair may not stay on the base....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Maybe the disclaimer is there just so they don’t get a lawsuit in 10 years when someone looks at their doll and sees some stains. I hope we don’t have to rinse this robe. My wife may not be able to take much more in regards to me caring for my dolls. I’ve done some things to figures I’m not proud of as a 42 year old guy.
Lovingly brushing ht chewie for hours
Using a cotton swab to clean blue spots off of hoth leia
Undressing ht han to take out a copper wire
Squeezing anh leias boobs to see if they really were squishy (they were)
Screaming “f yeah” every time I pass my display cases.

That said
Can’t wait for palpatine, faults and all
Ok. Let’s recap.

1. Figure is too short.
2. Seems are too big/noticeable
3. Robes have heavy dye and will stain.
4. Robe is too short if you make it taller
5. Robes are too bulky
6. Expression still wonky
7. Wrinkles not wrinkly enough
8. Eyes not yellow enough
9. Chair base too tall
10. Chair cushion too high
11. Chair cushion doesn’t sink down
12. Chair base bottom not designed right

Did I miss anything?
I’m still getting one.


These are all the complaints? I missed them all. :lol

I saw the initial final product pics, thought it looked good overall, shared my sentiments, and then kind of unsubscribed from this thread for the most part, only checking back to see if any REAL (in hand) pics have came in yet. Gotta say, doing that has been awesome; you miss all the posts where people panic and nitpick the figure to death without really having seen any decent pics yet with the figure futzed properly to really showcase what it’s capable of looking like.
The dye issue is a non issue guys....if you worries take the robe off and soak it....

I did this with Kylo Ren just to get better “flow” of his robes....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Im still getting it but man I can't help but look at Palps face and just think of candle wax. I knew the sculpt would soften in final production but Something about it in the pics makes it one of the most muted sculpts ever.
P.S. Why not punch out the hole in the bottom of the chair then get a rubber "ring" or grommet to place around the post? The rubber ring could hold the chair up. Then you could have an adjustable Palpy chair! (or just cut the hole slightly smaller to make the post fit tightly) Less likely to screw that up then accidentally cut off too much post.