Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017) *SPOILERS*

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Really great conversation going on! I have to fess up and say that I skimmed a few posts here and there just to keep up.

One thing I’m not sure if it has been brought up is the idea of what a soul actually is. I see both sides to the theories about JOI. Personally I believe she is just a program and all those “hints” that suggest she has a soul are all part of her code. The love, the compassion, the jealousy, etc., are all part of a complex program that was written for the “product”. I believe these AI’s could learn and evolve, but that was all part of their design—they were made to evolve and learn.

But even if these “emotions” or responses were written in code, how is that any different than how real humans operate? We all learn and evolve and have common, universal responses to how we react to external stimuli. Our genetic code gives us our baseline of feelings and emotions. The AI’s have their base programming. As we all grow up we learn how to react to people, situations, etc. The AI’s learn and evolve the same way.

Perhaps the main difference is that the AI’s in the BR world have a much narrower focus to their existences. Pleasure robots main goal is to love and be loved. Blade runners’ main goal are to be good cops/detectives. So whereas a human can choose to do and be anything in life, the AI’s have basically one purpose.

But within that narrow channel of existence, I believe the replicants and JOIs of that world have sentience. They are able to “feel” (even if it’s a program). They are self aware. They care whether they live or die.

Some could even argue that a soul is unrealistic to begin with, particularly if you don’t believe in a higher power. Humans are just sacks of meat driven by chemical responses and self preservation and the need to eat, sleep and make babies. Replicants were finally able to achieve everything a human could by being able to procreate.

So I don’t know if whether JOI’s behavior was programmed or genuine is really the point. Honestly I haven’t entirely formed a solid point about this yet. But that’s part of what makes this movie and the original such great sci-fi. It raises these great questions about our own humanity.
Agreed Lu that for the question of "can replicants or virtual AI's have souls" to have any meaning then "souls" themselves have to be clearly defined. But that's just another beautiful thing about this film, IMO. Each member of the audience gets to interject their own faith/belief in what a soul is into the story and then we can come together to discuss the elements of the film from that point on.

It's brilliant because it allows us all to weigh in on the film's philosophical questions without getting derailed by metaphysical and/or religious debates.
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Dude, it's hardly possible to read your posts as anything except you shouting at the screen like a little child. "Failed the thread"?
Do you realise that we, as adults, can have two different opinions and it doesn't "hurt" either of us to express them?
Your constant posts demanding people to "prove" Joi was more than the sum of her programming is the reason i seldom participate in threads like this. A few pages back, we got into a really nice harmonic flow of people putting across their arguments either way for why they thought Joi was/wasn't more than she appeared to be.
But you are just ruining it. You are getting upset by people's posts when what you SHOULD be doing is either reading the post and saying: "I never considered that, what an amazing alternate viewpoint! It doesn't change my own mind, but it does make me think about other possibilities! Wow, this movie is DEEP!", or words to that effect.
Instead, you are belittling everyone who hold an differing opinion than your own with a "That's not true! That's impossible!" type of rant.

Realise, every post about Joi being just a hologram with no way to move beyond her program isn't an attack on you. In the same way that i accept every post about Joi evolving isn't an attack on me.
We should all be allowed to post our opinion without being attacked.
It's all civil discourse, because we all love the movie.
But if you are going to wade in and smash everyone over the head with a frying pan who holds a differing opinion from your own, then that goes against the very spirit of the movie.
It's MEANT to be talked about, MEANT to be argued and discussed.
But not violently. It should be debated with reasoned points. You can't say "I believe X and everyone who believes otherwise is wrong". Please tell me you don't live your life assuming you are always correct. We should always be open to changing our minds, even(Especially), on our most cherished beliefs!
I myself believe Joi is merely software, but there are a few people in this thread who have made compelling arguments for her being more than the sum of her programming. And each time i have read one of those, my heart has rejoiced for the fact there is a new facet of this movie i never saw before!
Having your notions challenged is a good thing!
Re-examine your ideas and if you can see they still hold true, then you will feel good.
But if, on occasion, you can re-examine something yo
u have always held to be true, and see the truth of another viewpoint, then you have grown as a person.
Be formless, shapeless, like Water.

have I ever talked to you about blade runner? :lol no seriously, I cant recall ever talking to you in here.
have you just been lurking or something?
Sorry i dont respond to lurkers, no, sorry. I cant take this post seriously sorry. I cant recall any of your posts sorry. im sorry

Dude, it's hardly possible to read your posts as anything except you shouting at the screen like a little child. "Failed the thread"?
Do you realise that we, as adults, can have two different opinions and it doesn't "hurt" either of us to express them?
Your constant posts demanding people to "prove" Joi was more than the sum of her programming is the reason i seldom participate in threads like this. A few pages back, we got into a really nice harmonic flow of people putting across their arguments either way for why they thought Joi was/wasn't more than she appeared to be.
But you are just ruining it. You are getting upset by people's posts when what you SHOULD be doing is either reading the post and saying: "I never considered that, what an amazing alternate viewpoint! It doesn't change my own mind, but it does make me think about other possibilities! Wow, this movie is DEEP!", or words to that effect.
Instead, you are belittling everyone who hold an differing opinion than your own with a "That's not true! That's impossible!" type of rant.

Realise, every post about Joi being just a hologram with no way to move beyond her program isn't an attack on you. In the same way that i accept every post about Joi evolving isn't an attack on me.
We should all be allowed to post our opinion without being attacked.
It's all civil discourse, because we all love the movie.
But if you are going to wade in and smash everyone over the head with a frying pan who holds a differing opinion from your own, then that goes against the very spirit of the movie.
It's MEANT to be talked about, MEANT to be argued and discussed.
But not violently. It should be debated with reasoned points. You can't say "I believe X and everyone who believes otherwise is wrong". Please tell me you don't live your life assuming you are always correct. We should always be open to changing our minds, even(Especially), on our most cherished beliefs!
I myself believe Joi is merely software, but there are a few people in this thread who have made compelling arguments for her being more than the sum of her programming. And each time i have read one of those, my heart has rejoiced for the fact there is a new facet of this movie i never saw before!
Having your notions challenged is a good thing!
Re-examine your ideas and if you can see they still hold true, then you will feel good.
But if, on occasion, you can re-examine something you have always held to be true, and see the truth of another viewpoint, then you have grown as a person.
Be formless, shapeless, like Water.

Good post. Judging by Crows post maybe he is a child. The lack of maturity is down right laughable. It definitely takes away from the "fun" of posting and discussing things on a forum. It's part of the reason I don't post as much as I used to.
Good post. Judging by Crows post maybe he is a child. The lack of maturity is down right laughable. It definitely takes away from the "fun" of posting and discussing things on a forum. It's part of the reason I don't post as much as I used to.

why are you picking fights with a child then? are you a bully?

I have never attacked YOU personally or called you names,
I never attacked your personality or style of posting. I just said you didnt understand the movie. And I said your points were missing the point of the character.
At no point did i ever insulted YOU as a person, I still havent.

But i am the child. correct? :peace
you talk about butt hurt yet you and username are attacking me and my style of posting and me as a person. nice dude.

but at LEAST you and me have had a conversation, at least you can attack me because I did reply to you. we have talked to each other.

Username shows up out of nowhere to attack me and he talks about me being the problem? how ridiculous. At least I can reply to yOUR post because I DID talk to YOU. Username's posts is just bullying to be honest.
I have no idea what Username is talking about and to be honest i have no respect for his post. it is easy to lurk in the shadow and come out when it seems fit to attack a person
yeah im the child :slap
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why are you picking fights with a child then? are you a bully?

I have never attacked YOU personally or called you names,
I never attacked your personality or style of posting. I just said you didnt understand the movie. And I said your points were missing the point of the character.
At no point did i ever insulted YOU as a person, I still havent.

But i am the child. correct? :peace
you talk about butt hurt yet you and username are attacking me and my style of posting and me as a person. nice dude.

but at LEAST you and me have had a conversation, at least you can attack me because I did reply to you. we have talked to each other.

Username shows up out of nowhere to attack me and he talks about me being the problem? how ridiculous. At least I can reply to yOUR post because I DID talk to YOU. Username's posts is just bullying to be honest.
I have no idea what Username is talking about and to be honest i have no respect for his post. it is easy to lurk in the shadow and come out when it seems fit to attack a person
yeah im the child :slap

Username was actively engaged in the discussion for quite a few posts a few pages back. None of this antagonistic back and forth is necessary IMO. It is a disservice to this great film and the discussion that was taking place.
Username was actively engaged in the discussion for quite a few posts a few pages back. None of this antagonistic back and forth is necessary IMO. It is a disservice to this great film and the discussion that was taking place.

but not with me

Sure perhaps I am being Overly passionate about the movie. Perhaps i am being overly passionate about Joi, maybe i am being a jerk about it. sure.
Movies are open to interpretation, like the Jurassic park and matrix examples i gave. people really believe those. Maybe i should not have come off as strongly towards snoop's posts. maybe i got too overheated about it.

But when did I attack snoop the way they attacked me? I might have attacked his opinion on joi, but I dont think I ever insulted him as a person or his style of posting.
I might be guilty of taking this movie too seriously but I wont agree that I've attacked anyone in here personally. like they have. Username's post is even more offensive because I havent said anything to Him. what gives him the right to say those things? Is he sticking up for snoop? are they friends? if they arent then he just wanted to mess with me then?
Username is just stirring crap up. I might have been strong in my opinions on Joi but i wasn't insulting snoop...
I do love Joi. I take the character of Joi very seriously. I came here to talk about the movie and Joi. can we go back to discussing the movie?
seriously please
I'm getting the Funko K for my Birthday this weekend. Was debating get a Joi too to keep him company. :D

makes me sad that neca didnt make her :(

What kind of Joi would you have, crows?

probably just a goth one lol. short black hair, black eye make up, pale, red lips, green eyes. maybe i would add glasses to her