Thor: Ragnarok (November 3rd, 2017)

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Hated almost all the joke. Sure some were funny and I laughed. Banner falling on his face. Loki falling for 30 minutes. But the jokes were baaaaad. Strange being a **** got old fast. Thor is an idiot. And led Asguard, all 50 people of Asguard to their doom in space.

It was kewl finally seeing Marvel characters display their power potential on the screen: Thors lightning, Hulks blows. Defeating a villain by unleashing another villain.

Overall I liked it. It was fun absurd flick. For this years comparison, I liked Spidey and WW more. For me the horrible jokes means I don't care to see it again.
I sense much conflict in you.

Master jye there ah too manny awf them MCU movies wut are we going to du.


Hated almost all the joke. Sure some were funny and I laughed. Banner falling on his face. Loki falling for 30 minutes. But the jokes were baaaaad. Strange being a **** got old fast. Thor is an idiot. And led Asguard, all 50 people of Asguard to their doom in space.

It was kewl finally seeing Marvel characters display their power potential on the screen: Thors lightning, Hulks blows. Defeating a villain by unleashing another villain.

Overall I liked it. It was fun absurd flick. For this years comparison, I liked Spidey and WW more. For me the horrible jokes means I don't care to see it again.

All that matters :lol
I didn't even see Homeycoming.

Spiderman's not my thing. Too boyish. Like a teen with ADD in pajamas jumping around.

Comic Book Heroes, for me, don't come anywhere near characters like Indiana Jones or James Bond.

RDJ's Iron Man is the closest thing to a good movie "hero". Cap was in TWS, but hasn't been that much of an underdog since. These super heroes need to be knocked down many pegs considering their indestructible rubber abilities. That's why everyone is rooting for Thanos to kick some serious ass.


I was gonna rebuff this, but it holds true for certain cases. There are exceptions, but they're few and far between. 80s Tony is the closest to that. Obviously Nick Fury (the Original & Best one). Old-School Batman as well. Then there's Wolfman's Deathstroke. Jackie Estacado is a character straight out of a Scorcese film. The Grendel is also worthy of a mention. Animal-Man can also be pretty close to a "regular guy" characterization wise.

For me, the problem aren't the power-levels. It's the fact that the Status Quo IS God, and it'll never be changed, no matter how "powerful" these characters are. Reed should've created a Utopia ala F4: The End, years ago. Stark should've built his own Elysium/Rapture/Whatever already. The X-Men should've made some progress. And it goes on and on.

My ideal version would be to create mini-Us, and give them a proper beginning, middle and end. What they've done to Nick & The Commandos, or Tony, or even Doctor Strange, is just insulting.
I didn't even see Homeycoming.

Spiderman's not my thing. Too boyish. Like a teen with ADD in pajamas jumping around.

Comic Book Heroes, for me, don't come anywhere near characters like Indiana Jones or James Bond.

RDJ's Iron Man is the closest thing to a good movie "hero". Cap was in TWS, but hasn't been that much of an underdog since. These super heroes need to be knocked down many pegs considering their indestructible rubber abilities. That's why everyone is rooting for Thanos to kick some serious ass.

Hey bruh I’m all for opinions and all but don’t diss the web slinger . Is all I’m saying.
I saw this today wow what a let down take away the garbage hulk stuff and the movie would be good .

What do you know we got the hulk fighting a dog again lol .
Like BvS people just need time too fully grasp the genius behind this movie that’s all.

I was gonna post something similar this morning but didn’t care to have to explain. I think your on to something .......

I’m surprised the hatred for the Hulk, I loved the time he was on screen.....just a big, dumb brute. All I want with my Hulk....I don’t need a Banner / Hulk conflict
But banner/hulk conflict is what makes the hulk..... hulk. I mean his internal conflict is what makes him interesting. Him being just some stupid dumb green man is just boring. Might as well replace him with a big gorilla
I don't really like Ruffalo as Banner honestly. He's dull and boring. I didn't have a problem with him in the first Avengers, I quite like how it was handled, but AOU and Thor 3 just cemented Ruffalo Hulk as a one note snooze fest. Just the way he drones on puts me to sleep. There doesn't feel like there is any pathos with Banner at all.
I saw this today wow what a let down take away the garbage hulk stuff and the movie would be good .

What do you know we got the hulk fighting a dog again lol .

You'll have to remind me when the last time he fought a dog was ha

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I was gonna post something similar this morning but didn’t care to have to explain. I think your on to something .......

I’m surprised the hatred for the Hulk, I loved the time he was on screen.....just a big, dumb brute. All I want with my Hulk....I don’t need a Banner / Hulk conflict

Oh snap sorry my man but my only motivation for posting that was to start trouble lol

But all kidding aside as you can see the critics and cinema score have both awarded this movie very high marks the movie has definately connected in a significant manner flaws and all no doubt about it.

What makes it even more impressive is that it was a comedy.

But banner/hulk conflict is what makes the hulk..... hulk. I mean his internal conflict is what makes him interesting. Him being just some stupid dumb green man is just boring. Might as well replace him with a big gorilla


I don't really like Ruffalo as Banner honestly. He's dull and boring. I did' have a problem with him in the first Avengers, I quite like how it was handled, but AOU and Thor 3 just cemented Ruffalo Hulk as a one note snooze fest. Just the way he drones on puts me to sleep. There doesn't feel like there is any pathos with Banner at all.

Bingo again.

Yeah i’m getting tired of his stoner Bruce snooze give me another Banner.

Still love Thor 3 though Ha Ha finger point @ DiFabio/JAWS
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Like BvS people just need time too fully grasp the genius behind this movie that’s all.

This is a joke right??

I was gonna post something similar this morning but didn’t care to have to explain. I think your on to something .......

I’m surprised the hatred for the Hulk, I loved the time he was on screen.....just a big, dumb brute. All I want with my Hulk....I don’t need a Banner / Hulk conflict

I gotta believe Jye was joking. If not then I recognized the genius it was the first time I saw it... And then the all of the brilliance has evaded me with repeat viewings. :lol

I can get behind what you want in a Hulk.. BUT he was given noting to do in this film accept get beat by Thor and do all his fighting off screen.

Hulk is no longer the strongest Avenger.. That goes to Thor and Hulkbuster Iron man... I am sure Cap and Black Widow can kick Hulks ass now also.

MU has castrated Hulk

I don't really like Ruffalo as Banner honestly. He's dull and boring. I didn't have a problem with him in the first Avengers, I quite like how it was handled, but AOU and Thor 3 just cemented Ruffalo Hulk as a one note snooze fest. Just the way he drones on puts me to sleep. There doesn't feel like there is any pathos with Banner at all.

I agree with this 100%.. I thought he was great in the Avengers.. The play between Tony and Banner was great. He was far more interesting.. Now I just want Norton back

You'll have to remind me when the last time he fought a dog was ha

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exactly. Ang Lee movie did it better though.. :lol
I agree about the soundtrack it was mediocre for me at best. The Zepplin song was great! I like her how the story all came together in the end. I just see it all being reversed at the end of infinity war though.

Completely agree. Considering it was the guy from Devo somehow I expected a better score, I loved the way they brought Led Zeppelin back as a reprise and also liked the use of Pure Imagination!
When Hulk has his fight with Thor and walks off in a huff and shrugs his shoulders I thought that is so perfect, reminded me exactly of my four year old.
One of the few things I didn't get was how Hulk just started talking and Thor was like ok. Since when did Hulk start talking in full sentences? And I would love to see the story of Hulk getting to Sakar.