1/6 Hot Toys BvS: Dawn of Justice-Wonder Woman

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I don't think there's any problem with it, and you're doing a really good job posting your pictures and new poses and hair styling, your pictures are great and myself and others enjoy them a tonne along with the others that are being posted here (seriously, some of the posing and lighting with the figure people are doing here are great)!

I've not received my Wonder Woman yet; so when I see that the thread has been posted in I like to see a useful discussion or a cool picture of it to tide me over. Now with the particular poster and his customs, I helped him in how to insert pictures into the forum to show his customs. However, and I'm not going to go back through the many pages and count, but he posted a lot of pictures of his custom in this thread without anyone being hostile towards him at all. It just got to a point where all the updates of the thread that were image related were of his custom, that is not representative of the DCEU Wonder Woman nor Diana, and certainly is more third party than Hot Toys (Hot Toys Wonder Woman thread) and gradually getting more, don't really know how to put this without sounding judgmental... revealing and uncomfortable.

I think a sense of humility and understanding for other people on this thread/board should have been used by him, as it's a lot of drama for what simply boils down to please be considerate of others and post your custom in a custom thread so that everyone who wants to see others' Hot Toys Wonder Woman can do so. I wouldn't like to think people are making enemies, I can't speak for the others but I admitted how I articulated my sentiments was a tad harsh, but in reality all that was being said was please post your custom in the custom thread you already have made.

Anyway..... I'm a fan of your stuff Guyver, keep those pictures coming! :D

At least I'm not the only one still waiting then. :lol

Justice League will be in cinemas before the UK retailers get her at this rate. I remember this time last year, after she'd already been delayed a couple of times, thinking worst case scenario we get her by the spring. How wrong I was. :impatient:
Again great pics Guyver. I'm the one from OSF, I saw his post there and in reading I saw he was trashing members here. I wrote him trying to explain what people were saying here was not what he was saying there. I didn't disrespect him or say anything harsh about his work, only that many members here were being very civil and he needed to get his facts straight. Then he started in on the name calling and took it to a different level. That's when I was a rough on him. I probably shouldn't have said some of the things I did so I just left it at that and I'm not going to waste anymore time on the, as he would put it !!!!drama!!!!
Okay I warned you guys this is going to be long but can I help it if it is requested by a fellow freak like Cicada17..Please understand I only do this to help , never to gloat :lecture

Glad you like my pics.. my goal is two things

1. Try to make each figure I acquire look as screen accurate and as realistic as possible ( can’t help it..it must be my artistic side in me )

2. Compensate for the lack of good backgrounds, props, detolfs, displays, etc with use of realistic poses and movements so I don’t look like I’m posting something that has been seen in these threads over and over again but with better use of backgrounds and displays which I don’t have

Now normally what I use for her hair is called Water Wax . Problem is it’s not always available , but it is fairly cheap..only around $5.00 plus shipping .

The trick is it’s all in the execution. As an artist I try to pay attention to the slightest detail possible. Researching in this case WW’s film hair. I’ve looked at high resolution stills from both B v S and WW now with the HD blu rays I can pause the video in certain spots and see how they did her hair in that moment. For ex: No Man’s land as I depicted in that previous shot that when she was deflecting the bullets off the shield , her hair was completely hanging over with just a hint of her face at first accenting her long fringes

1. First I completely washed her hair out with shampoo with conditioner , getting rid of any product that HT used

Good YouTube videos on this technique on YouTube..just search “ styling 1/6 rooted hair

2. Lightly took a toothbrush. Not hair, and gently combed her hair ever so slightly

3. While her hair was still wet, I took some wax, rubbed it between my fingers and applied it on her hair .

A. Starting from the top backside of her head. Rubbed very lightly and I do me lightly, the back of her head smoothing out any back tangles or loose hairs, water wax keeps the hair slick but at the same time, keeps the balance of the hair soft and not abrasive while still keeping it looking healthy and natural

B. my execution changes.

C. After applying some extremely small amount of water wax, still rubbing against her locks, but this time I use my fingers and proceed to twist or tangle the bottom fringes or locks that hit her back and shoulders, how little or lot will be your judgement call, this eliminates IMO the frilly and perm that people complain about.

D. Again this is strictly your judgement call, but what I do to the bottom locks is I try to tangle the edges into the Sharp curls with my fingers

E. Again using the same technique as the back with her front curls and fringes with the water wax and tangling method as before up to about the point of her forehead.

What I did again taking a small amount of wax in my fingers and rubbing it on her bangs but now in doing so, I also pull her bangs back so it looks like the wind is rubbing against the front bangs . What you will see happening is that this technique raises the bangs a little above her forehead ever slightly exposing her forehead above the tiara

Ex.. minus the wind blowing against her four head

Ex.. minus the wind blowing against her four head

You could see the bangs on both sides are slightly raised and curved , the wax creates this look. What you want to have is still keep the initial curl HT did on her sculpt but make it more raised and slicked so you get that side ways shape of a half U form that Gal has as WW IMO

Almost forgot, as for the side curls around her face , I just took two fingers , rubbed a bit of wax and just slightly smoothed the edges so you get a wave like shape. At the same time, tucking and gently pulling her side curls away from the face

I know this is a lot to process, but look at the leverage you get by posing the hair in multiple looks while still keeping the style

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Some people seek out drama and for others it just finds them. I didn’t think the criticism was necessarily harsh. I have a handful of phicens myself now. Anyway, I think posting a few pics is okay, within reason.

By the way, nice shield pose, Guyver!

I just realized I never took pics of my Wonder Woman after I got her replacement harness. I shelved her asap. Not that they would likely be any good. :lol
Some people seek out drama and for others it just finds them. I didn’t think the criticism was necessarily harsh. I have a handful of phicens myself now. Anyway, I think posting a few pics is okay, within reason.

By the way, nice shield pose, Guyver!

I just realized I never took pics of my Wonder Woman after I got her replacement harness. I shelved her asap. Not that they would likely be any good. :lol

If you are referring to this one , I kind of altered it to give it the iconic NML backdrop originally I shot it like this

But I really studied the footage throughly especially when they did the closeup of her hair in that exact moment

I loved how they shot it with her head barely visible but completely surrounded by her locks, it was so natural
I hope the headsculpt is more beautiful in real life.

I wait for mine since June, it has to come out in November, and for now all the pictures I've seen worry me.
...I can't speak for the others but I admitted how I articulated my sentiments was a tad harsh, but in reality all that was being said was please post your custom in the custom thread you already have made.

No worries Gary, I think that's the point he wants to ignore. It's a lot easier to make the other person (or entire forum) the "bad guy" then to look objectively at your own actions. I tried to help him see the issue as it related to his posts being better suited for a custom thread because that's what I thought the biggest issue was and wasn't sure I could criticize him for my discomfort with his taste (there is room here for different taste in collecting), but with that said, I felt his pics were weird too and I don't blame you for pointing out how they bothered you.

dursocapjr78 on another forum about posting here... said:
"I won't be posting on that forum again. I feel like my I.Q. has deteriorated as a result of involvement with that forum."


Yeah, bye indeed! I'm glad we can move on from his drama.
Yeah, he went from zero to offended very quickly over some very (imo) mild criticisms. Even if they weren't worded nicely they weren't attacks either, and certainly not on the same level of vitriol that he's currently directing at us.

Like, sorry dude we don't owe you glowing praise just because you did a thing that took you a long time. We're not your mother, we won't be posting your pics up on the fridge with a gold star.

That cat was already peculiar to begin with.

First, he did utterly nothing but disparage this figure and claim that it's one of HT's worst releases, and accused and dismissed anyone who disagreed with him as being just a blind loyalist to HT who buys anything they put out. The irony there? He bought this figure and also claimed that he's purchased every single HT figure since IM2. So let me get this straight: you think this is just an atrocious figure, yet you spent $230 on it anyway, while also accusing everyone else of being blind followers of HT, but you've purchased everything they've offered since IM2? :lol

His response to all of this was simply repeating over and over again "it's just my opinion."

Then all of a sudden, he did a total 180 and couldn't laud and shower this figure with enough praise. So much so that he eventually started cobbling together his custom and inundated this thread with large images of what appeared to be the strumpet version of Diana Prince (and other characters, such as Black Widow and Scarlet Witch) with the overly exposed cleavage of her enhanced plastic breasts popping out at you right in the center of the photo. It was indeed a good custom, if that's the look he was going for. However, many people politely told him that his custom figure pretty much left the realm of being anything remotely close to a WW figure, and it might be better, even for him, if he started a new thread for it in the customs section. The guy then had a complete meltdown, stating how gravely insulted he was.

Frankly, the criticism of his figure was, as you stated, mild at best, if you go back and read the comments people made to him. However, I can't say the same for him, as his retorts were pretty douchey. Someone like that, I couldn't care less if he's "offended" by a few candid, helpful suggestions. I mean seriously, man up. If he doesn't want to post on this forum anymore and thinks that his "IQ deteriorated" due to his time here, then good riddance.

Some people just can't get out of their own way and realize that the actual "villain", is themselves.

I just noticed in his defense that he actually did start a thread for anyone to share their customized Diana Prince figures in the customs section last month (posting in it as recently as yesterday, which is after his harangue on 1/6 warriors where he stated that he was never coming back to this forum :lol). However, the only person posting in it was pretty much himself and was flooding his own thread with his own pictures. Perhaps he felt his images weren't receiving the attention he wanted them to get and decided to inundate this thread with them instead, then got "offended" when he wasn't showered with the praise he sought.
That cat was already peculiar to begin with.

First, he did utterly nothing but disparage this figure and claim that it's one of HT's worst releases, and accused and dismissed anyone who disagreed with him as being just a blind loyalist to HT who buys anything they put out. The irony there? He bought this figure and also claimed that he's purchased every single HT figure since IM2. So let me get this straight: you think this is just an atrocious figure, yet you spent $230 on it anyway, while also accusing everyone else of being blind followers of HT, but you've purchased everything they've offered since IM2? :lol

His response to all of this was simply repeating over and over again "it's just my opinion."

Then all of a sudden, he did a total 180 and couldn't laud and shower this figure with enough praise. So much so that he eventually started cobbling together his infamous custom and inundated this thread with large images of what appeared to be the strumpet version of Diana Prince, with the overly exposed cleavage of her enhanced plastic breasts right in the center of the photo. It was indeed a good custom, if that's the look he was going for. However, many people politely told him that his custom figure pretty much left the realm of being anything remotely close to a WW figure, and it might be better, even for him, if he started a new thread for it in the customs section. The guy then had a complete meltdown, stating how gravely insulted he was.

Frankly, the criticism of his figure was, as you stated, mild at best, if you go back and read the comments people made to him. However, I can't say the same for him, as his retorts were pretty douchey. Someone like that, I couldn't care less if he's "offended" by a few candid, helpful suggestions. I mean seriously, man up. If he doesn't want to post on this forum anymore and thinks that his "IQ deteriorated" due to his time here, then good riddance.

Some people just can't get out of their own way and realize that the actual "villain", is themselves.

I just noticed in his defense that he actually did start a thread for anyone to share their customized Diana Prince figures in the customs section last month (posting in it as recently as yesterday, which is after his harangue on 1/6 warriors where he stated that he was never coming back to this forum :lol), but the only person posting in it was pretty much himself and was flooding his own thread with his own pictures. Perhaps he felt his images weren't getting the attention he wanted them to get and decided to inundate this thread with them instead, then got "offended" when he wasn't given the praise he sought.

Exactly. It just got out-of-hand, and I really couldn’t hold my tongue any longer!! I’m just glad that my fellow Freaks felt the same way as I did...:hi5:
That cat was already peculiar to begin with.

First, he did utterly nothing but disparage this figure and claim that it's one of HT's worst releases, and accused and dismissed anyone who disagreed with him as being just a blind loyalist to HT who buys anything they put out. The irony there? He bought this figure and also claimed that he's purchased every single HT figure since IM2. So let me get this straight: you think this is just an atrocious figure, yet you spent $230 on it anyway, while also accusing everyone else of being blind followers of HT, but you've purchased everything they've offered since IM2? :lol

His response to all of this was simply repeating over and over again "it's just my opinion."

Then all of a sudden, he did a total 180 and couldn't laud and shower this figure with enough praise. So much so that he eventually started cobbling together his custom and inundated this thread with large images of what appeared to be the strumpet version of Diana Prince (and other characters, such as Black Widow and Scarlet Witch) with the overly exposed cleavage of her enhanced plastic breasts popping out at you right in the center of the photo. It was indeed a good custom, if that's the look he was going for. However, many people politely told him that his custom figure pretty much left the realm of being anything remotely close to a WW figure, and it might be better, even for him, if he started a new thread for it in the customs section. The guy then had a complete meltdown, stating how gravely insulted he was.

Frankly, the criticism of his figure was, as you stated, mild at best, if you go back and read the comments people made to him. However, I can't say the same for him, as his retorts were pretty douchey. Someone like that, I couldn't care less if he's "offended" by a few candid, helpful suggestions. I mean seriously, man up. If he doesn't want to post on this forum anymore and thinks that his "IQ deteriorated" due to his time here, then good riddance.

Some people just can't get out of their own way and realize that the actual "villain", is themselves.

I just noticed in his defense that he actually did start a thread for anyone to share their customized Diana Prince figures in the customs section last month (posting in it as recently as yesterday, which is after his harangue on 1/6 warriors where he stated that he was never coming back to this forum :lol). However, the only person posting in it was pretty much himself and was flooding his own thread with his own pictures. Perhaps he felt his images weren't getting the attention he wanted them to get and decided to inundate this thread with them instead, then got "offended" when he wasn't given the praise he sought.

I can only assume you’re right..I was puzzled to see in that custom thread he kept posting his same pics over and over. Like I said, I had a good conversation with him so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, but his actions do need to be addressed and worst retaliation to do is to take his beef and spread it with negative thoughts onto another forum and upset the members there.

That’s where I feel is crossing the line :lecture
Well, looks like that are tonnes of action while I was away from this thread. Took some time off as I am jealous everyone got their figure and I am still waiting.. ahahahaha.. just joking.

I guess in this hobby, everyone has a little but of exhibitionist in them to share photos of their proud possession..There is nothing wrong with it as long as it's something inline with the interest. Of the general audience of the thread.

Like many of you had pointed out, slight modifications can stay in this thread to share some perspective, but customs need to go to custom threads.

Last but no least, I would like to rant again:-
Where is my figure??? I am always 1 of the last when I am nearer to HK.. :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Well, looks like that are tonnes of action while I was away from this thread. Took some time off as I am jealous everyone got their figure and I am still waiting.. ahahahaha.. just joking.

I guess in this hobby, everyone has a little but of exhibitionist in them to share photos of their proud possession..There is nothing wrong with it as long as it's something inline with the interest. Of the general audience of the thread.

Like many of you had pointed out, slight modifications can stay in this thread to share some perspective, but customs need to go to custom threads.

Last but no least, I would like to rant again:-
Where is my figure??? I am always 1 of the last when I am nearer to HK.. :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Would it help to say it’s worth the wait :wink1:
Frankly, the criticism of his figure was, as you stated, mild at best, if you go back and read the comments people made to him. However, I can't say the same for him, as his retorts were pretty douchey. Someone like that, I couldn't care less if he's "offended" by a few candid, helpful suggestions. I mean seriously, man up. If he doesn't want to post on this forum anymore and thinks that his "IQ deteriorated" due to his time here, then good riddance.

Yeah most in here were very patient and held back their criticism for quite a while, but after the 20th post of what appeared to be the exact same pic, taken from the exact same freakin angle, it was time to put that to an end. :D
That cat was already peculiar to begin with.

First, he did utterly nothing but disparage this figure and claim that it's one of HT's worst releases, and accused and dismissed anyone who disagreed with him as being just a blind loyalist to HT who buys anything they put out. The irony there? He bought this figure and also claimed that he's purchased every single HT figure since IM2. So let me get this straight: you think this is just an atrocious figure, yet you spent $230 on it anyway, while also accusing everyone else of being blind followers of HT, but you've purchased everything they've offered since IM2? :lol

His response to all of this was simply repeating over and over again "it's just my opinion."

Then all of a sudden, he did a total 180 and couldn't laud and shower this figure with enough praise. So much so that he eventually started cobbling together his custom and inundated this thread with large images of what appeared to be the strumpet version of Diana Prince (and other characters, such as Black Widow and Scarlet Witch) with the overly exposed cleavage of her enhanced plastic breasts popping out at you right in the center of the photo. It was indeed a good custom, if that's the look he was going for. However, many people politely told him that his custom figure pretty much left the realm of being anything remotely close to a WW figure, and it might be better, even for him, if he started a new thread for it in the customs section. The guy then had a complete meltdown, stating how gravely insulted he was.

Frankly, the criticism of his figure was, as you stated, mild at best, if you go back and read the comments people made to him. However, I can't say the same for him, as his retorts were pretty douchey. Someone like that, I couldn't care less if he's "offended" by a few candid, helpful suggestions. I mean seriously, man up. If he doesn't want to post on this forum anymore and thinks that his "IQ deteriorated" due to his time here, then good riddance.

Some people just can't get out of their own way and realize that the actual "villain", is themselves.

I just noticed in his defense that he actually did start a thread for anyone to share their customized Diana Prince figures in the customs section last month (posting in it as recently as yesterday, which is after his harangue on 1/6 warriors where he stated that he was never coming back to this forum :lol). However, the only person posting in it was pretty much himself and was flooding his own thread with his own pictures. Perhaps he felt his images weren't receiving the attention he wanted them to get and decided to inundate this thread with them instead, then got "offended" when he wasn't showered with the praise he sought.

You guys are giving him more attention than he deserves, I think moderators should handled this early and get it over with the minute it started.