1/6 ROTS Palpatine / Sidious Image Thread

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Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Lightning is looking great Sean, you're probably gonna have to do a tutorial once you get it all squared away :monkey1
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Thanks GB, if I arrive at a formula I'm happy with I'll share. I think part of what I'm unhappy with in the shot I did it with is the face that his hands are so out of focus. Most of the shots on screen are pulled back when you see that much lightning and his whole body is in focus, so I'm going to try again with a more balanced focus image and see how that looks. It's just awkward with the lighting in sharp focus coming out of very blurred fingertips.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

I was looking at the back of my SS Mace Windu box the other day (took it out of the cupboard for much needed and long overdue water treatment for his baggy trousers!) and i would love to re-create the scene you can see fourth down from the top. Palpy is poised low to the ground and his robes are splayed out from the spinning move he just pulled off (i think his flailing saber breaks the window to his office?).

I would do it myself but I dont own this set and dont plan to unless i find it cheap. Anyone want to have a crack at it?
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

I was looking at the back of my SS Mace Windu box the other day (took it out of the cupboard for much needed and long overdue water treatment for his baggy trousers!) and i would love to re-create the scene you can see fourth down from the top. Palpy is poised low to the ground and his robes are splayed out from the spinning move he just pulled off (i think his flailing saber breaks the window to his office?).

I would do it myself but I dont own this set and dont plan to unless i find it cheap. Anyone want to have a crack at it?

I'll be fully covering the duel with film stills down the line.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

I'll be fully covering the duel with film stills down the line.

Thought you would be MaulFan and I'll be looking forward to those too! Do you know the scene i mean tho? I tried to find a piccy on the interweb but I couldnt find the exact one. Getting the pose right could be tough but I've seem some of you freaks pose these figures in ways i didnt think possible (excluding the nuddy pics from one of you guys but i forget who :rotfl)

edit: Wor-Gar! Nuddy kitchen pics ftw! Except when work colleagues or my missus is looking, in which case you are a sad and depraved individual
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Not much I can add to this thread, pretty late to the party. Just a couple quick pix.





Blurry as hell, but it looks kinda cool.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Blurry as hell, but it looks kinda cool.

More pictures always welcome Chase, everyone brings a different image perspective, better to have variety.

This one reminds me of Skeletor from the 80's He-Man movie with Dolph Lundgren.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

May as well throw out my Sith lightning attempts. Palpatine was the first pass at it, and Sidious the second. I tried for a different approach each time. Palpatine's is a more traditional movie look whereas I was trying for an intense, violent look for Sidious' lightning.

Re: Palpatine Image Thread

Looks good, I especially like the lighting on the characters... makes it look like the lightning is part of the shot.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

My Palpatine won't be here for a couple of weeks, but I'm already experimenting with lightning...


This is from scratch, in Photoshop Elements, and is a small crop of a much larger lightning palette that I created. It's a pretty easy technique, but it's random. The best way that I can think of to make it practical would be to cut and paste the shapes you needed, then use the "Free Transform" function to manipulate them on the image in any way you wanted to.

I'm looking forward to trying it.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread

My Palpatine won't be here for a couple of weeks, but I'm already experimenting with lightning...


This is from scratch, in Photoshop Elements, and is a small crop of a much larger lightning palette that I created. It's a pretty easy technique, but it's random. The best way that I can think of to make it practical would be to cut and paste the shapes you needed, then use the "Free Transform" function to manipulate them on the image in any way you wanted to.

I'm looking forward to trying it.

That's what I did Monk. There's a way to do a few quick tricks with a layer to generate lightning shapes. First issue is, as you say, it's pretty random, so you're almost best to do it much larger than the image you're going to use it in, then take pieces you want. The second issue is coloration and effects. The lightning used for Sith lightning doesn't look like the kind of lightning you find in the real world or cheap 80s effects like in Predator 2.


I took a snippet from the lightning I generated and used copy, paste, and transform to generate all these sparks, then used them as a layer mask to allow me to better custom color them in. I'm still refining it, but I think I'm getting close.
Re: Palpatine Image Thread


Great pics King, this one looks like he is about ready to break out in song.:D

:lol :lol :lol

Yeah it does, I hadn't even noticed till you said something. Its like he is about to sing the national anthem at a baseball game:rotfl