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Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

BTW i just realized there's only 6 winners for the online exclusive lottery, if i knew i wouldn't even have bothered to sign up, but really congrats to those who won it, it's like winning a jackpot.
I think the 6 peeps on FB, were given the chance at one, after cancellations. Not a total of 6 being offered in the lottery.


This was on Facebook.


So cool.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Bah. Shouldn't have posted that handstand pic knowing my pics were following :lol Anyway.

My figure in "Whisper Mode". I imagined he was some kind of cyber assassin, moving stealthily in the dark, towards his next target.



I was thinking of maybe adding a sword, but then thought, nah. He doesn't need it. He can simply use his cyber limbs to snap necks & punch holes through things.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Bah. Shouldn't have posted that handstand pic knowing my pics were following :lol Anyway.

My figure in "Whisper Mode". I imagined he was some kind of cyber assassin, moving stealthily in the dark, towards his next target.



I was thinking of maybe adding a sword, but then thought, nah. He doesn't need it. He can simply use his cyber limbs to snap necks & punch holes through things.

how much are these going for now? They are cool but prob. not over 200.00 cool.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

$350, not bad consider the original cost $400.

Wow and people complain about BD Robo with Murphy is high costing, **** that, and I'm sorry but this company is crazy, I see why you are in the opinion of bootlegs potato
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Wow and people complain about BD Robo with Murphy is high costing, **** that, and I'm sorry but this company is crazy, I see why you are in the opinion of bootlegs potato

don't get it wrong, $350 & $400 is current aftermarket price, original was $120 & exclusive i think is $130-150 can't remember, which i think is reasonable priced for the item you get. i don't support the bootlegs, but i might buy 1 if priced cheap, everything i wrote is just about the company's decision & the problem it has to face due to the strategy. i still respect their skills & Quality Control. it would be sad to see such talented company go down due to bootlegs, since it's still in toddler stage.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

My thinking is this: "I'd love to buy more of these guys".
If the next release has clothing i don't need or some crazy gun arm i don't want and i was able to find the bootlegs for less than $200, i'd pick up a few of them.
I am not trying to upset anyone with that action. It's just a supply and demand issue. If 1000Toys cannot satisfy demand and the bootleggers turn them out in the thousands, it's only really 1000Toys that will lose out.
Purely a personal thing.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

My thinking is this: "I'd love to buy more of these guys".
If the next release has clothing i don't need or some crazy gun arm i don't want and i was able to find the bootlegs for less than $200, i'd pick up a few of them.
You'd spend $199.99 on a bootleg? Wow. That's crazy. Music to the bootleggers ears.

I was thinking peeps would only entertain them if they were $50 or something. They're basically nude bodies.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

You'd spend $199.99 on a bootleg? Wow. That's crazy. Music to the bootleggers ears.

I was thinking peeps would only entertain them if they were $50 or something. They're basically nude bodies.

Obviously you are enjoying yours. I have one of the original one. If these were made by HT, i'd have an army of them.
They're made by an art house design company, so only a fraction of those that want one can get one for a decent amount.
It's not crazy to want more. But i won't pay $400 for one.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

You'd spend $199.99 on a bootleg? Wow. That's crazy. Music to the bootleggers ears.

I was thinking peeps would only entertain them if they were $50 or something. They're basically nude bodies.

I guess $200 is abit too much, maybe $200 for 3 of them? So far what we see is a 95% accurate bootleg, other than the loose joint & what claimed to be touch & scratch paintjob, we don't know much about the materials used in the bootleg, i can live without the movable eyes, since it's still considered a premium function. Also if you say they are just nude bodies then you probably failed to appreciate your original & exclusive synthetic. From what i see the bootlegs share the same articulation as the originals, minus the loose joints.

Their next figure would still sell out if they produce the same limited amount, however demand will surely drop, since people want the synthetic due to it's artistic & superior body, the next figure might not suit everyone's taste, also the clothing & accessories will surely drive the price up.

I bought the Synthetic purely because it resembles Blade Runner/Snatcher/Ghost in Shell theme, but if they put a big gun arm on it, it's drifting away from what i want, so my journey with 1000toys probably stops here.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Also if you say they are just nude bodies then you probably failed to appreciate your original & exclusive synthetic.
:lol You basically said it yourself here:
I wouldn't call Synthetic a full figure set but a Base Body like TT. But a very limited Base Body.
I mean it is. It's basically a nude body. Yeah, it looks cool, poses & balances nicely, articulates well, has a futuristic artistic vibe to it, has some other little features (removable mask ..... etc), but in essense, it's basically a nude body. I'm not saying it as a bad thing. It's a quality nude body. It is what it is.
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Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

:lol You basically said it yourself here:

I mean it is. It's basically a nude body. Yeah, it looks cool, poses & balances nicely, articulates well, has a futuristic artistic vibe to it, has some other little features (removable mask ..... etc), but in essense, it's basically a nude body. I'm not saying it as a bad thing. It's a quality nude body. It is what it is.

in that case you can call any figure esp robot figures that doesn't wear any armor/skirt a nude body.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Que sera sera.
U mad?

:lol no not mad at all it seems like you are the one that is mad, your upset you missed out when this was first released and even more upset now this small company doing limited run figures wont stop what they are doing and do a re-release just so you can have one?

to each there own i have no desire to try to explain to you why supporting bootleggers is bad for a small innovative toy companies like this.

so enjoy your crap quality bootlegs meanwhile those that are patient will be able to get a high quality upgraded ver that is slightly diff but still using same body direct from the source eventually.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

in that case you can call any figure esp robot figures that doesn't wear any armor/skirt a nude body.
In what case? I never defined what a nude body was in my post. Only that this figure is basically a nude body.

You agree with me don't you? Why are you trying to find something to argue with me about :lol
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Before jumping to conclusion you might to go a few pages back.
I own the original release that I resold and grabbed the test body so you re completely off target.
Whatever happens I have the chance to have the means to get their figure even after they are released.
I'm not selfish, I want everyone to own what they want.
It's poor business decisions like these that creates flippers, bootlegs.
You know nothing about this company yet you make assumptions and say others don't get it.
You might just want to keep it quiet before pointing fingers at others.
Looks like you were also on a trip when I wrote that of course I will get the original first.
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Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Before jumping to conclusion you might to go a few pages back.
I own the original release that I resold and grabbed the test body so you re completely off target.
Whatever happens I have the chance to have the means to get their figure even after they are released.
I'm not selfish, I want everyone to own what they want.
It's poor business decisions like these that creates flippers, bootlegs.
You know nothing about this company yet you make assumptions and say others don't get it.
You might just want to keep it quiet before pointing fingers at others.
Looks like you were also on a trip when I wrote that of course I will get the original first.
Now you can keep on licking that company's ass as long as you want :)
I'm cool with that.

i have a friend that has worked with and is in direct contact with the 2 guys that started 1000toys, he shares behind the scenes stuff etc so in a way i have a more personal interest invested now knowing there motivations and all the work behind the scenes. also as i mentioned been wanting 1/6 nihei for awhile now. as i understand it bootlegging is bad for this company, a company i like and want to continue to buy figures from. i dont want them to become sour to creating figures or decide its more trouble than its worth in the long run due to no-stop complaints via those that missed out or bootleggers trying to profit of there limited run. nihei's designs in 1/6 are a breath of fresh air in mine and many others collects so yeah i like this company alot. you call that kissing ass, i call that respect.

it obvious we are not on the same page here, whatever enjoy them crappy bootlegs, i cant change your mind, your not goin to change mine, agree to diasagree and move.
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Lol now you know people who know people...
Miight have started with that don't you think?

Irony is not your thing, huh?
Of course I respect Nihei's work, I own every mangas and his artbook.
I'm really glad he is behind this.
Now I don't agree with their business plan and think its dumb to not meet the demand.
They never said why they are not producing more so the most obvious thing is that is calculated.
The bootlegs and flippers are the result of Their choices.
Whatever happens is on them.
I'm not going to bash those who are angry they missed, or now could not afford the flipper prices.
If they turn toward bootlegs to have the next best thing it's a choice based on 1000toys policy.

Also do I have to spell it out for you where I stand on the bootlegs?
Nah you will choose to ignore what could give you a less caricatural view of our take.
I will enjoy my ORIGINAL figures, thank you.
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Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Lol now you know people who know people...
Miight have started with that don't you think?
Also do I have to spell it out for you where I stand on the bootlegs?
Nah you will choose to ignore what could give you a less caricatural view of our take.

:rotfl moving on here.... you? i have a diff view/opinion on all this to you. need we spell that out anymore? jeeeebus sorry for disagreeing with you and asking some questions in attempt to understand where your comin from? i get what your saying and i dont agree. i think you should just wait and get the next fg they do rather than buying bootlegs. limited runs from a new small company is the norm. IMO

after Lawrence mentioned all back ver its all i can think of now, be so sick with that arm cannon. matte and gloss parts... :yess: all white under skull under a black faceplate would be sick also.

looking forward to the q+a they did recently goin up, would like to know when indra will be up for PO, how soon etc
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Yep let's move on.
I got you cornered with you re assumptions that I did not own the figures and supported the bootlegs.
Now yep just run run to your foxhole ^^
Bye now ass kisser and lier coz we all know that you know nobody from 1000toys lol
Re: 1000toys - TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human

Yep let's move on.
I got you cornered with you re assumptions that I did not own the figures and supported the bootlegs.
Now yep just run run to your foxhole ^^
Bye now ass kisser and lier coz we all know that you know nobody from 1000toys lol

lol its true i actually dont know anyone from 1000toys but know someone that does that has shared some behind the scenes stuff, he curated a 1/6 show and 1000toys were involved, since then he has stayed in contact with them and has been cool enough to share info with those interested in the behind the scenes going on. took our questions and comments to them and the like, it was back and forth. never said i knew them direct. lier? how am i lying now? you said you would buy the bootleggs no? i assume thats in support of bootleggers.

"asskisser" "lier" u mad bro? ;) if you want to continue send me a PM, would have liked to end it with agree to disagree.