12" ANH Leia

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Yeah...what can you do about it?

She's iconic in this variation so i'll look past her bobble head :lol

I'm not going to lie, me too.. rofl I was thinking about getting her... this is the coolest leia and as you said most iconic.. but dammit the head is a killer!
I'm not saying you have to like it. I'm just saying that I think criticisms of the head being too big aren't based in reality. It's mostly an optical illusion caused by the hairstyle.
Ok So I finally got around to taking Leia out of the box....Is the dress supposed to be separated from the "turtle" neck collar????
Yes.... the turtleneck hood is seperate from the rest of the dress.

And i'm sorry, but her Head is not in Proportion with the rest of her body when I see her on my shelf and that's what matters to me.

........But I can live with it

I'm not saying you have to like it. I'm just saying that I think criticisms of the head being too big aren't based in reality. It's mostly an optical illusion caused by the hairstyle.

I don't like it because I've seen it up close in person and I just don't dig it.
MaulFan, since you have both Elizabeth Swann and Leia, could you take a photo of them side-by-side?
MaulFan, since you have both Elizabeth Swann and Leia, could you take a photo of them side-by-side?

Sure, give me a moment. In the mean time, here's the shot I did of a Leia promo image and the figure.

Ok, here's the shot, and I threw Ben in to help make a point of mine.

Bottom line, the whole head size/proportion issue really boils down to personal taste. I know a lot of people will say Medicom has good proportions, but I find their head to be a bit too small for the body it's on, and looking at her in this photo clearly, I find Elizabeth's head to be a bit on the small side compared to the body it's on, and loses Keira's smaller stature. Now, that's not to say her head is out of proportion for the body it's on, but for the character it is. Personally, I find the scale of Leia's head, which isn't MUCH larger than Elizabeth's, is more proportional to the body and feels like Carrie's proportions, which is important, and it meshes with Old Ben, another figure in the line, which is also important. I think a factor in the Bobble head syndrom is the fact that Sideshow's female neck connections are quite off from natural human from, where HT is quite good and compensating for their design to keep a more natural look, so the head ends up looking more crazy than it truly is and would with a proper neck to head proportion. I know a lot of people think Sideshow has oversized heads, I've personally never felt that way.

Peoples perspectives sure can be different, that's a fact. I look at that trio of figures and see Swann's, and Ben's head as just about perfect and Leia's head/face a bit too big. I also notice Swann's hands being a bit too big while Leia's about perfect. Funny.
Ya I picked up on the hands and chuckled at that one. I think Swann might look better if her hands were Leia's size. It's a great looking figure and I never had proportion issues/thoughts until I snapped that shot and it put things into a new light.
I think you may be able to make the argument that Sideshow's heads overall are bigger than other companies, but what I'm saying is that Leia's head is in scale with the other figures in the same line.
I think you may be able to make the argument that Sideshow's heads overall are bigger than other companies, but what I'm saying is that Leia's head is in scale with the other figures in the same line.

Exactly. HT, Medicom and Sideshow all have their own systems for bodies and head and hands. Granted, overally HT and Sideshow blend pretty well together and are pretty much equal in scales, they're still different.

Here's Elizabeth with HT Jack, where she looks fine.


Like I said, I find looking at Sideshow figures, the head sizes are fine, and they all work with each other. Next to HT or Medi, sure they'll look off, as will parts of the others next to Sideshow. What's key is they work within the manufacturer, and that the details work right for the character as much as possible. Leia's body and head size give a great perception of her being a short little thing, which 5'1 Carrie Fisher is, so I'm very happy with that aspect of the figure.
Jesus, Jack is way too tall.


I was going to make that comment, but those of you guys who've been to me POTC thread have heard that rant from me enough I think, but it that highlights my whole comment about as long as the figure proportions are right for the character, I was thinking *cough* Jack Sparrow *cough* as I typed that before :lol