HBO's Game of Thrones

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I took the quiz four times with slightly different answers, but still true to my personality, and got Arya each time. :lol
I took it twice to see if i was being bias on the questions the first time but got Ned both times
I took the quiz four times with slightly different answers, but still true to my personality, and got Arya each time. :lol

Fascinating. Post the pic since nobody else knows what it says about Arya (is there something embarassing about it? Everyone who gets Arya neglects to post the meme). :lol
Make that a fifth time. :lol

Nothing embarrassing about the description, though I imagine some wouldn't be so eager to admit their personality most matches a little girl's. :lol

I retook the quiz three times. I got Arya once and Jon twice :lol. I like Jon, but I wish if I got Tyrion, instead.
...Nothing embarrassing about the description, though I imagine some wouldn't be so eager to admit their personality most matches a little girl's. :lol...

I may or may not have have gotten Arya which I refuse to disclose since I'm not a little girl! :lol
I may or may not have have gotten Arya which I refuse to disclose since I'm not a little girl! :lol

That little girl and a dwarf are the best characters in this entire saga!

I have to hand it to Martin for writing such rich, relatable characters. You'd think a little girl and a dwarf would be the least exciting characters in a fantasy series with knights and dragons and such, but the opposite is true. Tyrion or Ayra are frankly the two that need to be on the throne. Neither of them want it, but they would by far to the most good. Dany is to revengeful and power hungry to make a good ruler.
She will have the Iron Throne I predict! You take that back haha.
With that said its really hard to think who should and who probably will end up on the throne when its all over.

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Haha yeah true. I think her story is interesting, just not her character!
Best Buy has season 3 on sale for $30.

I went today and my best buy was wiped out. Really wanted the Targaryan cover
Idk if its been discussed but about how far are we to catching the books? Whats your opinion on when we catch the books on timeline?
Idont think the actors will want to wait until Martin is finished.
Im on book 2 BTW!
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Ended up with the Lannister cover. I have the Targaryen cover for season one and the Greyjoy cover for season two. I wanted the Stark cover, but the Best Buy I went to was sold out of that. Plenty of Lannister covers, though. What I should have done is get Stark for season one, Greyjoy for season two (love teh Kraken sigil), and Targaryen for season three. Oh well.

So does Amazon

Yeah, but Best Buy has the exclusive slip covers. :monkey3

Amazon used to get all my business, but since they've started charging sales tax, I'll only buy from them when the price for something is substantially cheaper...which it usually is.
:lol Thanks. I really can't help but wonder if Martin plans all of this build up of Dany only for something like that to happen. He's certainly cruel enough to do that to his readers. I mean she is the odd one out really. She hasn't interacted with the other 'main' characters on Westeros. She's off doing her own thing on the other side of the world, and I guess I've never truly connected to her because of that. She really has no stake in what is currently going on in the main land and if/when she finally crosses the pond, I wonder if she'll be prepared for what she'll face. Sure she'll have dragons, but she'll need more than that to win over the people too.

I'd really hate for her to end up with the throne. It seems too cliché. It would seem like why even have her as a character, build her up, etc and not have her win the throne? So I think she'll either end up as that cliché or she'll be a very tragic character in the end. Who knows, Martin will probably die before he finishes anyway and we'll only have the HBO version of how everything ends.
Dany is my favorite character but in the end I wana see a Stark in the throne or atleast at peace. I dont think it would be cliche if Dany comes to Westeros with a huge army and she rides Drogon into the final battle.
Def dont want a Lannister on the throne but Tyrion would be a comedic end.
Martin has to have some thing very manipulative, off the wall though. I would rage if Little finger sits on the throne when its over.

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