NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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I'm excited about all the new stuff, so much so that I went to Toys R Us and bought the new '79 Alien and Aliens Warrior. Sadly, the Warrior's leg snapped at the hip as soon as I moved it and the '79 Alien has really loose joints. They're pretty neat figures, but I like being able to stand them up on their own.

It's a shame that we always hear of constant issues with NECA figures. These sculpts deserve better.:lecture
You're comparing a 2013-released X-box 360/PS3 console game that's had 17+ years in development and Gearbox hyped up like there was no tomorrow, claiming "It's the real sequel to Aliens harharhar", to a 90's arcade game. See the problem with that?
In context, there's no problem with that. One recurring complaint that made the rounds when the game was released was certain elements, like the spitter aliens, were not in the movies so therefore nerd-rage for whatever reason.

And yes, in terms of story, it's a more consistent sequel than killing off every other surviving character from Aliens just so Ripley can stupidly replay the premise of the first film.

It's not a matter of opinion - the game was literally only thrown together as cheaply as possible to sucker Aliens fans into forking over $60.

I take it you didn't follow the news surrounding the game and must have missed the fact that Sega/Gearbox were sued twice because of it, and the fact that they showed fake footage at all of the gaming conventions because they knew if they showed the real thing no one would buy that POS game.
Dude, I bought it. Simmer down.

Can't forget that awful storyline where not only does Hicks survive, but apparently Weyland-Yutani are the ones responsible for saving him by replacing his body with another random person's in the EEV. That already sounds like some ridiculous 15-year-old fanboi's fanfiction
I take it you're not a fan of "Alien Cubed" and its mighty morphin' facehuggers, then. :lol

but what makes it 100x worse is the fact that there's no explanation for why W-Y didn't move about 3 feet over from Hicks' body and do anything about Ripley. :rotfl :slap
Actually, there is, but I'll leave it up to you to find out.

You like the game? That's fine. But you have to understand that there is nothing redeeming about it and it's only purpose was to rip-off the fans.
No, you have to understand that you are being completely ridiculous about it. Like Bison said, one would think that some chick dumped you for the level of squawking you're doing.

It's just annoying to see some guy going on a little crusade to defend something "in the name of the franchise!" despite the fact that it, and the people who created it, have pretty much admitted at this point that they don't give a **** about your franchise and put no heart or soul into the game. They just wanted to make a quick buck.
The same could be said about every film in the franchise following Aliens. I don't feel Colonial Marines insulted me as a fan to any degree like Alien 3, Alien Resurrection or the AvP films. In fact, my biggest complaint with the game's story is that they didn't take the opportunity to retcon the whole "Fiorina 161" episode from the continuity.

It'd be kinda like buying a $250 Hot Toy figure and receiving a $15 NECA figure and defending Hot Toys' decision to rip you off because you were still satisfied with the NECA figure. :rotfl
Not even close. It's more like Sideshow vs. Hot Toys. :wink1:
Asylum member nothingtogein over at the board gleaned these juicy tidbits from Randy at the booth:

'They have Weaver's likeness, they just don't have the official go-ahead to reveal. Regardless they aren't gonna show any of it at Toy Fair. No Ripley with Power Loader - they said they're gonna hash out a couple versions of her from Alien before they move toward Aliens Ripley, so my guess is we won't see any of that stuff until next year. The first Ripley will be in Series 4.'

Just in case anyone is hyping themselves up.

This is great news! At least they finally got her! If they release her next year with the Queen, it'll be worth the wait! Good job NECA! :hi5:

Here is my custom alien with resculpted cheeks and repainted body:

I think this figure has the potential but new bodie is real crap. Alien can barely stand even on a smooth surface. Besides, old alien body looked more like Bolaji`s costume. Also, new material is crap too - casting quality is terrible. However i like Alien`s new head. I wonder if it can be put on the old body.

Looks fantastic! Love the detailing! :clap
In context, there's no problem with that. One recurring complaint that made the rounds when the game was released was certain elements, like the spitter aliens, were not in the movies so therefore nerd-rage for whatever reason.
Yes, there is a big ****ing problem with that. The one recurring complaint that made the rounds when the game was released was that it's a pile of horse ****, which it is.

And yes, in terms of story, it's a more consistent sequel than killing off every other surviving character from Aliens just so Ripley can stupidly replay the premise of the first film.
There is nothing, whatsoever consistent about the game. Between the ludicrous story line that made absolutely no sense, and the green bubble-headed spitting alien, etc.

You don't like Alien 3. That's cool. It's a brilliant film, but it's OK if you don't like it. There are some really great movies out there that I personally don't like, but I will admit that they're great.

Aliens: Colonial Marines however, is not great. I don't think you understand that the people who made this game do not care about, nor do they understand, the Alien franchise. They intentionally made a ****ty CoD clone with possibly the most awful AI ever in a video game, then added some nonsensical Aliens fanboy wet dream story line.

No, you have to understand that you are being completely ridiculous about it. Like Bison said, one would think that some chick dumped you for the level of squawking you're doing.
You're the one "squawking", buddy. You're the one who gets all up in arms every time someone brings up that awful abomination that does nothing but taint such a beloved and well-made trilogy.

The same could be said about every film in the franchise following Aliens. I don't feel Colonial Marines insulted me as a fan to any degree like Alien 3, Alien Resurrection or the AvP films. In fact, my biggest complaint with the game's story is that they didn't take the opportunity to retcon the whole "Fiorina 161" episode from the continuity.
So you're telling me that David Fincher went in to direct Alien 3 just to make a quick buck? Yeah, wrong again. Fincher cared for the franchise and treated it with far more respect than Cameron ever did. He set out to make a great movie, and he did. He got the franchise back to it's roots, made the alien more symbolic and took away the idea of the aliens being a colony of bugs, and Ripley having a "happy ending" and a new family. I love Aliens to death, but it wasn't taking the franchise in the right direction and Hicks' character didn't add much. He was the good-looking hero solider love interest. That's about it. Other than that, he had virtually no depth.

I can't fathom how someone can write off the entirety of Alien 3 for some piece of **** cash grab video game.

It's rather sickening that you think you're an Alien fan, considering that this game is the epitome of what the franchise should not be.
So you're telling me that David Fincher went in to direct Alien 3 just to make a quick buck? Yeah, wrong again. Fincher cared for the franchise and treated it with far more respect than Cameron ever did. He set out to make a great movie, and he did. He got the franchise back to it's roots, made the alien more symbolic and took away the idea of the aliens being a colony of bugs, and Ripley having a "happy ending" and a new family. I love Aliens to death, but it wasn't taking the franchise in the right direction and Hicks' character didn't add much. He was the good-looking hero solider love interest. That's about it. Other than that, he had virtually no depth.

I can't fathom how someone can write off the entirety of Alien 3 for some piece of **** cash grab video game.

It's rather sickening that you think you're an Alien fan, considering that this game is the epitome of what the franchise should not be.

I appreciate the Alien 3 love because I do think its a grossly underrated film. However I wouldn't say Aliens took the series in the wrong direction. It made real story sense to bring in soldiers for that one. You wouldn't knowingly go back into that situation without at least armed back-up. And with guns, they had to increase the Alien-count (the bug element) or it would have been a short movie. Aliens was the most logical follow-up to that first film if it had to involve Ripley. You could have made it with an entirely different main character and followed the format and tone of Ridley's film but not with Ripley. Unless....unless the second film had opened under circumstances like Alien 3 did, with the Nostromo shuttle crashing (due to an unseen hatched egg) rather than being found and rescued. If it had the scenario where Ripley, like in Alien 3, had no choice in the matter but to be involved with the Alien again.
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I love Alien3 for how grim and dark it is. I always go back to a quote Elliot Goldenthal said in the music segment on the quadrilogy set:

'Fincher wanted you to feel like you knew you were truly ****ed five minutes in.'
:goodpost: :exactly: Fincher wanted you to feel like you were truly ****ed where as Gearbox wanted you to know you had been ****ed!

I played the game plus the DLC and Alien 3 is a masterpiece in comparison on every level.
Randy was pretty excited Friday night about an approval.

Just secured final approval on major news I've been waiting to share. Will let you know as soon as we can post or reveal.

He said he might not be allowed to show it yet and another site may have it as an exclusive reveal.

Weaver's likeness would certainly be major news.
Oh please be this:


Hence the flame thrower we saw. Along with jonsey too with his carry case! Please god! Ummfffffff

Imagine if they have secured her likeness rights but utterly fail to capture her likeness in the figures....I mean after all this hoopla the figure likenesses have to be good :lol
I've seen their various female figures at stores. They look pretty good. If they can get Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Watson down, they should be able to nail the likeness on Ripley.

But yeah, if they don't, maaaaaan what would be quite the flub.
HT will be scarpering to get the same I bet once it's out. They have gone up a notch in my book with the T1 T-800 today.
I have faith they’ll nail the likeness she would be the Dutch of this line. If they don’t we may never see another Ripley from anybody… ever! :lol