Premium Format Crimson Baroness PF statue by SSC limited to 200

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Yeah I hear ya. I can't believe she sold out in an hour. It makes me really want her bad and I love her look in red. I didn't like White Storm but this Baroness is amazing. Anyhoo, fingers crossed my brother. Good talking to you :) Later.
No not yet. I think it may later on. But it was not a must have when I saw the order. Now I do want it. But as long as I have the black one that's good enough. The red one is a bonus if it converts. If not I may not go after it. Must save some space for the DC trio coming soon. :wink1:

You have something I want.. Trade maybe? :)
Called and changed my order from flex to full pay. Christina said I'll be charged tonight, and my Crimson Baroness will ship early next week. Happy birthday to me!
She's WORTHLESS!! She's the new Elektra!! Sell her to me for retail 'cause you're going to lose your money with an ES of 200. LMAO. JK guys, congratulations on whoever scored her. She's an absolute rare beauty and a keeper for any collection! :) Here's to people's waitlists converting. *Fingers crossed CBG.*
One sold on eBay for $649.99... yikes. Glad i got in before the sellout. Got my shipping notice today from sideshow as well. Now i need to find a CC EX, and hopefully they will do a Destro PF sooner or later.
Yeah I hear ya. I can't believe she sold out in an hour. It makes me really want her bad and I love her look in red. I didn't like White Storm but this Baroness is amazing. Anyhoo, fingers crossed my brother. Good talking to you :) Later.

It was way more than an hour. It was listed about 3PM on the East Coast and it didn't sell out till about 9PM. Plus they announced what day it would be up for order. So, if someone wanted it, there was plenty of opportunity to get it.
One sold on eBay for $649.99... yikes. Glad i got in before the sellout. Got my shipping notice today from sideshow as well. Now i need to find a CC EX, and hopefully they will do a Destro PF sooner or later.

People really buy into that hype.
It was way more than an hour. It was listed about 3PM on the East Coast and it didn't sell out till about 9PM. Plus they announced what day it would be up for order. So, if someone wanted it, there was plenty of opportunity to get it.

I think most people who wanted it in Red prior to knowing the ES probably got it. There's always those who work or are otherwise preoccupied, think they have time to order later expecting a higher ES, don't check the site until later and ultimately miss out. That's how I missed the Droids last year. Didn't check the order page or a forum until I got home later that night after expecting a regular size ES.

On that same token, you're right. This wasn't a one hour sell out. It's those who knew this went up but ignored it because they weren't interested, later found out the ES is 200, and now wish they would have known and ordered it that really missed out.
One sold on eBay for $649.99... yikes. Glad i got in before the sellout. Got my shipping notice today from sideshow as well. Now i need to find a CC EX, and hopefully they will do a Destro PF sooner or later.

But, but, but Stampe said that would never happen! Just like White Storm, he has to come into a discussion and piss on everyone's cornflakes over a piece he bought...

While I flexed mine for Jan/Feb, going to pay it off in Jan to get it a bit sooner I think. Wish I could grab it now, but the wife/kids/Christmas thing is sort of in the way.
But, but, but Stampe said that would never happen! Just like White Storm, he has to come into a discussion and piss on everyone's cornflakes over a piece he bought...

While I flexed mine for Jan/Feb, going to pay it off in Jan to get it a bit sooner I think. Wish I could grab it now, but the wife/kids/Christmas thing is sort of in the way.

I can see you're still pissed about missing out on White Storm and in your anger with me you failed to understand me. I still have the pm you sent - nice language you have.

What I said was:

In your dreams. White Storm was 150 and right after release the asking prices om eBay was crazy. Now it can't even sell for $450.

So right after release (which is now for Red Baroness) the prices on eBay are crazy (and some may be stupid enough to pay these prices) but over time it will go down, just like White Storm has. Still over retail, no doubt.

I'm glad you managed to get a Baroness so we don't have to hear you go all cry-baby like you did over WS.
some of you are too funny.

the exclusive elektra comiquettes (white & black) sold at a hefty premium initially. You will be lucky to get much more than retail today.

Let's see what red baroness goes for 1 or 2 years from now.

I think we would all agree that cobra commander is far more coveted than her. He had a total edition size of 1250 (500/750) and the exclusive goes for only $50-$100 more than retail.

joe collectors are not statue collectors for the most part. They want articulation, which is part of the reason why no new pfs have been announced for some time.
$650 on ebay after fees and shipping he would be lucky to score not much more than $100 in pocket, not worth the time and effort imo
some of you are too funny.

the exclusive elektra comiquettes (white & black) sold at a hefty premium initially. You will be lucky to get much more than retail today.

Let's see what red baroness goes for 1 or 2 years from now.

I think we would all agree that cobra commander is far more coveted than her. He had a total edition size of 1250 (500/750) and the exclusive goes for only $50-$100 more than retail.

joe collectors are not statue collectors for the most part. They want articulation, which is part of the reason why no new pfs have been announced for some time.

Very true SS starts flooding the market with different versions, than they all go down, it really should have only been the black and red, the blue which isn't even accurate at all was idiotic to do..... And in the meantime we are still waiting for the next joe pf or statue.

If pieces like Electra can't hold their value, I don't see baroness doing so, yes she is popular now...kinda but joe statues just don't typically stay popular for long with the exception of snake eyes and stormshadow.
Stampe, posted just like the Euro trash you are. What point are you even trying to make? Nobody buying this in this thread was suggesting they were doing so to flip, and whatever it's worth in 1 or 2 years on eBay has no relation to the decision to purchase it today. So...what he hell are you getting at?

Unlike the White Storm, they at least gave advanced warning this was coming up, but you missed that entire aspect.

Meant every word in that PM buddy.
Stampe, posted just like the Euro trash you are. What point are you even trying to make? Nobody buying this in this thread was suggesting they were doing so to flip, and whatever it's worth in 1 or 2 years on eBay has no relation to the decision to purchase it today. So...what he hell are you getting at?

Unlike the White Storm, they at least gave advanced warning this was coming up, but you missed that entire aspect.

Meant every word in that PM buddy.

I know you did - so did I in the posts I made, but at least my posts were public, yours was a pm. But at least you don't need medical attention this time around:

I am actually feeling physically ill right now.:monkey2

I stand by my post in the WS thread - where you make post like these:

That's the thing Spidey, I was constantly checking my email yesterday, and went to order immediately. I never even got the chance to buy it. If it had been up long enough for people following their alerts to at least. Go to the site and decide, then I would own a cherished piece right now. So to be in the hobby and not have an inferior collection I need to be on FB, twitter and the boards 24/7 or miss forever on a piece I would love to own, or pay the lucky sob's gouger prices??? Does not compute!

This is going to leave a sour taste in my mouth for a long time.

Honestly not sure where to go with this. Should probably shut it down, eat some NRD's and return my focus to comics.

Why did it have to be something I wanted this much for this to happen on?

I was already buying Reg Storm having missed the first EX, now the site of it would irritate me to no end. Had to cancel even though I love the character.

I am absolutely crushed by this. I got the email and immediately went to order. This is a statue I was even watching the proof on in ebay debating getting...only to miss because they sent me an email about a sold out statue...WTF?

I mean, if you have Zero chance of getting what you want...what is the point of this hobby? So you can be gouged by some a-hole flipper having the same statue shipped/drop kicked twice?

This wasn't even teased, I mean, come on, how are you supposed to have a fighting chance? This type of thing isn't exciting or fun.

I am actually feeling physically ill right now.:monkey2

.... you got problems .......... serious problems. This is just a hobby, it's just collecting dead things but to you is apparently much more. And thats a problem - for you. Get help asap. Instead of pm'ing a message like this:

Tbolt said:
Thanks. For being such an *******, go **** yourself!
Stampe, posted just like the Euro trash you are. What point are you even trying to make? Nobody buying this in this thread was suggesting they were doing so to flip, and whatever it's worth in 1 or 2 years on eBay has no relation to the decision to purchase it today. So...what he hell are you getting at?

Unlike the White Storm, they at least gave advanced warning this was coming up, but you missed that entire aspect.

Meant every word in that PM buddy.

Elektra black sells for $650 on ebay these days. But... she's one of the fugliest female sculpts Sideshow has done. People are forgetting Baroness is one of the prettiest female sculpts Sideshow has ever done. Her total es is only 3200. Ivy is 4000 es. And I believe these people hating on Crimson Baroness missed out and are trying to get people to cancel so they can grab one. If any of you want to sells yours to me at retail lol.... I'm waiting. :pray: BTW no where in the history of Sideshow has ANYTHING with an ES of 200 lost its value. Just doesn't happen ever. Name one item from a popular comic franchise with that low an ES that no one wanted or didn't increase in value. *crickets* I would be more worried about that Batman PF with the idiotic 9500 edition size. THAT PF concerns me which is why I never ordered him (even tho nice sculpt on Bats). I don't want to pay money (not to flip) but to have my item be worth less after I buy him because of way too large 9500 ES) LMAO I honestly believe people want anyone who got Crimson Baroness to cancel. I admit, I want people to cancel so I can get one too. But I'm not gonna bash other people and their purchase to make it happen. BTW you don't need any other Joe PF to display her with. She's a beautiful and rare stand alone piece. Unlike fug Elektra. I'm hoping a deal for Baroness Crimson comes through for me. Now you all play nice. Later...:peace

PS And as for Euro Guy with the snippy know-it-all attitude, photos or it didn't happen that you got a Baroness Crimson. No one bashes their own purchase unless they are trolling for attention. Go out and get some fresh air buddy, there's more to life than Sideshow trolling. I mean, if you really didn't care about Baroness and thought she was worthless, wouldn't you just move onto another thread? Lmao.
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