Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Working like hell guys. EVERY day now. Get up early, paint as long as I can, walk, clean yard, help folks, paint...go to bed early...don't post at SSF as much as I want get me...

Just lettin' you all know. Photos very soon.

Just wanted to echo something Josh said in his thread, about "Are they done yet?" PMs... I want to thank all of you that are waiting on me and my work, for not inundating me with those. MOST APPRECIATED! Everyone has been so patient with me lately. I assume you all realize I am busting my hump trying to get your guys done in a timely manner, despite any outside interferences, and I appreciate your patience above all else. I hope to reward it all soon with shipments. MAN, are there gonna be a lot of those! :monkey1

Hang loose everyone! Hicks, Supermans, Anakins, Aragorns, Sherlocks, so much more is due soon! And I will send some of you partial shipments as some of you are waiting on full custom figures I haven't finished yet, but they are in progress also.
(It's hard not to feel a bit frustrated for all of you by my taking a while on my work, that is why I often seem apologetic. But, I am grateful that you all understand.)

Thanks and again, hang on, as stuff is coming!
Have a great weekend, and watch for posts soon!
Back to the bench! :chew
(I got a great creative groove going right now, and I am blasting away at everything! Feels great! Like I'm in total mode! Good news!)
I don't think anyone on the board would want to sacrifice quality work for a quick turn around. Take your time. As I said to Josh, I would rather my things be sitting at your place waiting to be painted instead of sitting at the Post Office.
I don't think anyone on the board would want to sacrifice quality work for a quick turn around. Take your time. As I said to Josh, I would rather my things be sitting at your place waiting to be painted instead of sitting at the Post Office.

That's why you rule, Bwayne... you get us, bro. :duff

I know how Les feels, we've talked about it several times. Just that feeling you get when you look over at your work desk and the heads stare you down... you know that friends are waiting for those heads, to complete their collections... and they are all counting on you to deliver....

It's scary sometimes, and the pressure can get pretty intense. All their money and waiting hinging on whether you are having a good artistic day or a bad one.

Up early as hell today. Painted some, then went and got my copy of Transformers on DVD. Wish I could get some toys and repaint them. No time. Lots of them at my Walmart though. Cool stuff!

Anyway, progressing on all Hickses. Most are about 85% or more done. Should be done by week's end with all I hope, and shipping notices to all involved accordingly. :rock

Got some Reese's and any other Biehn stuff in the pipe finishing up also. Need a Biehn break after this! :D
Of course you'll post some shots of these before they ship ! ;)

I'll have to book you in to paint up those heads I mentioned to you. Their factory paint apps look worse the more I stare at them !
Of course you'll post some shots of these before they ship ! ;)

I'll have to book you in to paint up those heads I mentioned to you. Their factory paint apps look worse the more I stare at them !

I understand Paul. That is the sad truth of many of these figures. I am not actually that happy about that, even though I know I benefit, thanks to you guys, from them not being top drawer from the factory.
But, they do the best they can, and I won't rag them if I can help it.

Having slaved over these Spikey Haired Hickses, I can respect the shortcuts methods taken in factories! They have it easy! I bet they mass paint huge amounts of them, in like, a day! Remember that old original 12" SS Lugosi Dracula? Man, got to give SSC credit. They have come a LONG way since those meager dinosaur figure days!

Anyway, look for posts of finished SSH (and more), VERY, VERY soon! :chew

I won't be accepting any Michael Biehn heads for a while after this lot. Hope everyone can understand. I know...I need to work on some others anyway. SO close on so many! Feels great!

Next, to ship! :monkey4 Doesn't feel so great! But, I bought lots of new shipping tape today! PACKAGES ARE BEING PREPARED! Won't be so bad I hope. Due to the expenses, I will be shipping them out in several lots, so bear with me gang. Thanks for your patience! Everyone will get their's! Hope you all like them!

Pics to come! :maul
You guys are really work horses... the board is lucky to have such talented and cool customizers :rock
Thanks Joe.

Burned my finger! :monkey2

Was baking bread in oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Went to take bread out of oven, bread slipped, grabbed for bread, finger touched 400 degree rack, sizzle sounds, !!!PAIN!!!, yanked hand out of oven! Have been nursing since. Nice scar to remind me!


Doesn't look so bad....
Anyway, slowed my work tonight, or I WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE WITH SPIKEY HAIRED HICKS! :monkey4
Some days, one needs to slow down....

Shipping will be more like Friday now. Sorry gang. I was trying to get them out tomorrow and to you by Saturday. Looks like Monday at the soonest.

HALL O' HICKS! You'll see! :D

Burns make doing anything with you hands miserable.

OHHH...and razor blades. :monkey2

How's it looking for new commission work Les?


Burns make doing anything with you hands miserable.

OHHH...and razor blades. :monkey2

How's it looking for new commission work Les?


Not 'til November at the soonest! Got lots to do still! The Hicks project is only about a third of what I have in production for folks. Hope to be done by Thanksgiving time. Hope. Keep hope alive! :rock
And by the way Orbiting, LOVE THAT AVATAR! :D
Sorry to hear about your finger. Burns stink. I once grabed an iron the bottom of an iron without realizing it was on and that hurt for a while although it did get me out of ironing for quite some time.







Random examples...some clean, some dirty. All coated and curing!




Shipping will commence tomorrow, and notices will ensue. Couple of batches, with some delayed to go with other sets in progress for certain folks. Info will be emailed as I ship.

Thanks everyone for your patience with me. This was not an easy project. Maybe now you can understand why I have been so slow lately (other than family and babies and burns etc...)
Other heads and figures are up soon.

Now, dream... :D
DAMN LES, they look great, but **** dude, DO NOT paint any more Biehn's for a while, you're going to have nightmares of giant Biehn heads coming after you, yikes.
Man thats creepy! (In a good way of course) But it looks like Michael Biehn was the source for the Sw clones.
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