Which HT figures disappointed?

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The Mark V. Paint was a boring flat gray and the entire sculpt was just too skinny. Its the only time I received a figure and really felt like I paid too much. He felt like a $40 off-the-shelf toy.

First, and only, figure I've ever returned to Sideshow.
& the MkV is one of my fav IM figures :lol Pretty funny how different opinions can be on the same figure.
So you're all for diecast then Nova (you're still Nova to me :lol)? I think a diecast upgrade would be sweet, if priced right. I think if diecast figures are spread out to maybe 1 per year, I might be able to pay whatever price HT decide to place on them.
Shouldn't this thread be in the General forum or are we only meant to list Marvel figures that have disappointed?

If it's the latter then it's the Rescue Captain America for me, can never get a good pose out of it, the outfit hinders the articulation way to much and the outfit aint even that nice. If it weren't for my mission to have every single Captain America produced by Hot Toys all in my collection at the same time his *** would of been sold long ago!! :lecture
I really have enjoyed the HT Avengers line so far. (I'm a sucker for superhero film collectables) However, if there was one major complaint I have, its the damned cut upper necks. (not real sure on the correct terminology...) Personally I feel they're completely unnecessary. Cetainly not enough to put me off as I've collected all released so far, but I hope this isn't a continuing trait from Hot Toys.
I really have enjoyed the HT Avengers line so far. (I'm a sucker for superhero film collectables) However, if there was one major complaint I have, its the damned cut upper necks. (not real sure on the correct terminology...) Personally I feel they're completely unnecessary. Cetainly not enough to put me off as I've collected all released so far, but I hope this isn't a continuing trait from Hot Toys.

Thank you.

Unfortunately we seem to be in a minority. I can hardly get anyone on board the hate-wagon for those damned ball-joint heads. People apparently find it essential to be able to make their figures look 'intrigued and curious' or have them do puppy dog head tilts. Thats the only benefit of such a joint over and above what an all-in-one head and neck can do. Seemingly its worth making the profile look unnatural and toylike with an obvious seperation of the head and neck. Go figure :dunno
This "HT figures disappointed" thread is a disappointment coz it's in Marvel section. It should be in DC section.
HA! :exactly:
They aren't going to be making Superman or Wolverine or Roadblock or Ichabod Crane out if De-Cast.

Die-Cast is the speedbump in the road for iron man customers. They'll lament it but still cave and buy.

Some will.
and then the first time it falls over, they'll buy new detolfs as it smashes every shelf on the way down.

Thank you.

Unfortunately we seem to be in a minority. I can hardly get anyone on board the hate-wagon for those damned ball-joint heads. People apparently find it essential to be able to make their figures look 'intrigued and curious' or have them do puppy dog head tilts. Thats the only benefit of such a joint over and above what an all-in-one head and neck can do. Seemingly its worth making the profile look unnatural and toylike with an obvious seperation of the head and neck. Go figure :dunno

The single neck joint makes for some wonky-***, unatural as hell poses.
I do get that the statue crowd in particular hates having the head and neck as separate pieces, and some of the figure crowd as well. REalistic human movements are sublte, and slight. added joints can mean the difference between having the correct pose.. and looking like a giraffe with rigamortis.
Thank you.

Unfortunately we seem to be in a minority. I can hardly get anyone on board the hate-wagon for those damned ball-joint heads. People apparently find it essential to be able to make their figures look 'intrigued and curious' or have them do puppy dog head tilts. Thats the only benefit of such a joint over and above what an all-in-one head and neck can do. Seemingly its worth making the profile look unnatural and toylike with an obvious seperation of the head and neck. Go figure :dunno

Puppy dog head tilts!:lol I appreciate that maybe a figure such as Black Widow or Hulk would need upper neck articulation as having it on the lower neck would ruin the look but the others don't need it. If they had to have them, they could've been A LOT more subtle. :hi5:

HA! :exactly:

Some will.
and then the first time it falls over, they'll buy new detolfs as it smashes every shelf on the way down.

The single neck joint makes for some wonky-***, unatural as hell poses.
I do get that the statue crowd in particular hates having the head and neck as separate pieces, and some of the figure crowd as well. REalistic human movements are sublte, and slight. added joints can mean the difference between having the correct pose.. and looking like a giraffe with rigamortis.

I guess its all down to preference. Although I would say when it causes Nick Furys head to somewhat resemble a Chupa Chup stuck on a true type, something ain't right! :lol
The single neck joint makes for some wonky-***, unatural as hell poses.
I do get that the statue crowd in particular hates having the head and neck as separate pieces, and some of the figure crowd as well. REalistic human movements are sublte, and slight. added joints can mean the difference between having the correct pose.. and looking like a giraffe with rigamortis.

I disagree, the DX10 has your favoured type of joint and not only does it look unnatural because of visual of the cut and seperation but it poses unnaturally too. The neck looks just as much like what you describe by being seperate from the head as it would if it weren't...in any pose. Incredibly stiff with the head awkwardly plopped on top. Its lose lose. :dunno
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It's my favourite armour and one i'd seriously consider upgrading to die-cast for that shiny look

Now there is an Idea that should have its own thread. I like the idea of the Mark V in diecast. That would be a sweet looking figure. I love the look of the Mark V too, but it would be even better in diecast to get the real metal look to contrast the red painted parts.
I disagree, the DX10 has your favoured type of joint and not only does it look unnatural because of visual of the cut and seperation but it poses unnaturally too. The neck looks just as much like what you describe by being seperate from the head as it would if it weren't...in any pose. Incredibly stiff with the head awkwardly plopped on top. Its lose lose. :dunno

I'll use Fury as an example. The cut at the top part of the necks are just straight cuts which kinda make the headsculpt look like a 1/6 mask as opposed to an actual noggin'. None of it is necessary either as the shirt/jumper/whatever is almost polar necked in its coverage so you can barely see the neck stump anyways.
I'll use Fury as an example. The cut at the top part of the necks are just straight cuts which kinda make the headsculpt look like a 1/6 mask as opposed to an actual noggin'. None of it is necessary either as the shirt/jumper/whatever is almost polar necked in its coverage so you can barely see the neck stump anyways.

Oh I agree. The counter argument is that our necks do not articulate - our heads do - on top of the necks and thus thats where the figures' should articulate. When you have the head and neck as one piece you can tilt the head but the whole neck goes with it which can look unnatural because our necks don't tilt over. I understand the argument but I have 2 problems with it:

1) Aforementioned DX10 T-800 has a seperate pivoting head on top of a neck and yet it still manages to look exactly like what lerath666 described as a 'giraffe with rigamortis' even in a neutral pose I can barely stand to look at the figure's profile because of it and diagonal POVs are affected too :dunno

2) Would it not be preferable to have a figure that looks natural and realistic most of the time with no ugly cuts and gaps in a visible area than to have a figure that maybe in some cases can look more natural in very specific poses some of the time?

I'll head off the 'then buy statues' response that some people come out with by asking is the Hot Toys T-1000 figure less an action figure because its head and neck are all one piece? I'm not even advocating the loss of a point of articulation - only that it be moved back to an invisible area like it used to be on most figures.

I'll jump on your wagon, give me the old style head & neck sculpts anyday

Thank you sir!
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What I originally planned to post is below. This is a post gone wrong, that I'm not sure how to delete. That is all. :lol
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Oh I agree. The counter argument is that our necks do not articulate - our heads do - on top of the necks and thus thats where the figures' should articulate. When you have the head and neck as one piece you can tilt the head but the whole neck goes with it which can look unnatural because our necks don't tilt over. I understand the argument but I have 2 problems with it:

1) Aforementioned DX10 T-800 has a seperate pivoting head on top of a neck and yet it still manages to look exactly like what lerath666 described as a 'giraffe with rigamortis' even in a neutral pose I can barely stand to look at the figure's profile because of it and diagonal POVs are affected too :dunno

2) Would it not be preferable to have a figure that looks natural and realistic most of the time with no ugly cuts and gaps in a visible area than to have a figure that maybe in some cases can look more natural in very specific poses some of the time?

I'll head off the 'then buy statues' response that some people come out with by saying is the Hot Toys T-1000 figure less an action figure because its head and neck are all one piece? I'm not even advocating the loss of a point of articulation - only that it be moved back to an invisible area like it used to be on most figures.

:exactly:Well put. We all want articulation, but a figure worth its salt and at these prices should have as little as possible showing in terms of joints.
What I originally planned to post is below. This is a post gone wrong, that I'm not sure how to delete. That is all. :lol

When you hit the 'edit' button there is an option to 'delete' there also - hit the delete button then hit the radio button labelled "delete message" :)
Not a fan at all of "hidden articulation" if it reduces the articulation of the figure.

they're figures, not statues. they need to be able to move.

So far, sideshow has done well with their muscle body.

thank god we've at least moved away from rubber bodies...



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