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Hmmm - lots of good things being said about the Panny VT50 plasmas, and they have a 65" model...anyone here have any experience with them?
I've two setups, one back home and one which I have right now. First up is my setup and collection back home.



More pictures of my setup and my collection can be found here:


(There are two tabs, one for my sideshow collection and the other for home theater)

Now I'm staying in this really tiny studio. (hoping to move soon though!) I really missed my setup back home so I decided to setup another mini home theater. I'm still a student so budget was super tight. You could probably get a better deal now but at the that time I thought it was pretty sweet.

59 inch samsung full hd 3d plasma tv series 5 2011 model $999 (comes with a pair of 3d glasses)
Kogan 3d blu ray player $129
Denon 3d AVR 1312 $262
JBL 5.1 Speakers $180 (retail was $1200 but I got it 2nd hand, in near mint condition too!)
Cables (free)

Total $1570

I still have the phat ps3 I got a long time ago.

I managed to get the xbox 360 slim plus kinect system and 3 games 2nd hand in mint condition for $100.


Close up with my Gentle Giant 3d Yoda



Rear Speaker "stand" lol



Current Collectibles:


Other art in my room


My comics


Do lemme know what you guys think! : D
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man, that TV is the size of your apt lol. Thats a gorgeous TV though. Mine just crapped out a few days ago (Pioneer PDP-503 CMX) so I'm on the look out for another one.
That's no moon. It's a space station. :lecture

Huh?? More conspiracy theories about the "evil Empire"?! I bet the next thing that you'll say, is that the Rebel base is located in outer reaches of the Hoth system :gah:. Fat chance!
What is that little Death Star replica under your screen?

Its a darth vader transformer. The death star transforms into darth vader. lol

man, that TV is the size of your apt lol. Thats a gorgeous TV though. Mine just crapped out a few days ago (Pioneer PDP-503 CMX) so I'm on the look out for another one.

lol thanks man. Pioneer tvs are awesome! I used to think 50 inch was massive, after going the projector route its kinda hard to feel that any tv size is big enough. lol But I'm quite happy with mine. :)
I took some shots today - this post is going to be long, so be prepared! :D

To show you my theater I first have to show you my bar - you'll understand in a minute. This first shot is of the wall of Blus, along with some other stuff in the bookcases. They wrap back around me, and the other half of my basement is behind me. My bar and theater takes up about 40%.


You take a left into the bar...


That wall to the left has about a dozen PF's on it, with my Star Wars popcorn machine as well. I love hot oil popcorn...with lots of butter.


So you turn toward the right and this is the bar area. This is the only section of the basement (other than the small storage areas) that the ceiling isn't finished, but instead painted black for a more industrial/commercial look. The ceilings are nine foot, and I didn't want to lose any of that openness.


Here we are looking from the corner behind the bar...


I love the bar, btw. I designed it and built it from the ground up, and am very, very happy with the look...notice the cubby with the Fertility Idol.


This wall has a couple interesting pieces of art...


I have a friend by the name of Dylan Cole, who was the lead matte painter on LOTR. it was his first commercial work out of college, but he's gone on to be the go to guy in Hollywood. If you watch the 'Making of Avatar' special, Dylan is the second person interviewed after Cameron - as matte painter, he created the Tree of Life. He did Alice in Wonderland, I, Robot, Chronicles of Riddick, Superman Returns, etc. These prints are about 5 1/2 feet by 3 1/2 feet, and both are signed by Dylan. Obviously, one is from LOTR, while the other is from Sky Captain. Here's a better look at one - it was a ***** framing them.


On the opposite wall, we have my two lighted poster boxes (these posters swap each month with something coming out that month), along with my custom built ticket window.


Since I can only have 10 images in a post, I'll break this into two...
I spent as much time on this ticket window as I did on the wet bar - probably more on design. Here's a closer shot - notice how it's built out from the wall to give it depth.


Now you flip the 'frame' outward on three sides...


And with a forceful push inward, the hidden door pops open...


Now you know why I had to show you the bar first!

Enter the theater, and this is the view...


That's a 120" Carada screen (the room is about 15x26) with Paradigms for fronts and center, an SVS sub, the JVC RS25 projector, and Axiom surrounds. I use an Oppo 83 blu-ray player and Onkyo 809 receiver.

There are two risers and 12 powered recliners, and the seating is very comfortable. Obviously the room is tuned for the center row, but all three rows give a great experience. In ths shot, I'm standing behind the back row...


And this is from the stage back...


The colors are a little weird due to the flash - the carpet is actually a darker caramel, with two tone browns on the wall. The front wall and ceiling are black of course. There's prop replicas on both side walls from various films...



Like I said, I built this room from the ground up, doing almost all of it myself. If you have any questions about anything - like RISC and hat channel, Green Glue, Fireblock pads, insulation, sound proofing vents, etc, etc, etc, just ask!
I've finally started working on my barn - hopefully by the spring I'll have the collection finally set up on display again!
Wow nice setups Zombie and Michael! Zombie I'm pretty sure I've seen yours before on Blu-Ray.com :wink1:
Yup! Amazing setups, guys! When I move out of my small apartment, I'll definitely be interested in making my own theater room. This thread inspires me.