Favorite Superhero Movie of Summer 2012? (don't vote till you've seen em all please)

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Which did you enjoy most?

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Rotten Tomatoes has the percentage of positive reviews from critics at 92% for Avengers and 87% for Dark Knight Rises. So they are both well received movies, with Avengers having a slight lead in critical approval, but not dramatically so. They are both good movies, but different enough in approach, execution, content, style, mood, etc. that I don't really feel the need to directly compare them.
How is a man returning from having his body broken to save an entire city from a terrorist/revolutionary and a
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not super heroic?

The Dark Knight Rises is a a super hero movie

A superhero (sometimes rendered super-hero or super hero) is a type of stock character possessing "extraordinary or superhuman powers

Batman has no super powers or extraordinary powers. He is just a man. That is the whole point of the films, to show Batman is a man. Unless you consider his money a super power, batman is merely a man in a suit. Which has been the appeal to me all along; because he's not a guy with adamantium claws, or shoots webs, sticks to walls etc.

Iron Man, Punisher and Batman to me are on the same level. They arent super heroes. Iron Man and Batman are billionaires who invest money in technology so they can protect people. They arent a supersoldier experiment like Captain america, or radioactively bitten by a spider, a mutant, a god from another planet or gamma-ray infused.

Batman is a vigilante detective. Returning from having your body broken, is possible by anyone in their right frame of mind, health and belief can do it; Broken back soldiers come back from. Saving a city from a terrorist attack? police do it, armies do it. They arent super heroes. Diffusing a nuclear bomb or any bomb? Bomb squads do it all the time. They arent superhuman or super heroes.

Batman is a man who is trained in many forms of hand to hand combat. He has got his body near the limit of combine agility, strength and stamina. Thats all he is. A man, in a suit, who is physically and mentally fit. Until he is ofcourse, broken. And Batman was broken in TDKR; not just his back, but his body bore the brunt of being stabbed, broken bones, dog bites, being shot and a large fall. If he was a superhero, none of them would bother him, none of them would affect him in the slightest. But he is just a man. plain and simple. Take away his suit, take away his gadgets and toys; and he is simply a man. just like Iron man.

And thats the point, he aint a super hero, nor a hero. He is a vigilante detective.
TDKR made me feel alot of different ways throughout the film, The Avenger's was good, 8/10 for me, but TDKR, well it's just a shame I can only go up to 10. I laughed at parts, clapped at others, almost teared up. During The Avengers I was like: "Cool!" Through the whole thing, and when Tony led the missile out, I wasn't even scared for him, cause I knew he wouldn't die. TDK trilogy is one of the best, and one of the deepest hero movies. So I'm going with Amazing Spider Man :p
I'm ashamed for mankind that these Saturday morning cartoons are even up against The Dark Knight Rises. They aren't even in the same stratosphere.


Completely bewildered that anybody could prefer Avengers over TDKR. No accounting for taste I guess.
I'm going with The Avengers, I thought DKR was amazing but overall I just enjoyed the Avengers a lot more. ASM was really
good but can't compare to the other 2.
A superhero (sometimes rendered super-hero or super hero) is a type of stock character possessing "extraordinary or superhuman powers

Batman has no super powers or extraordinary powers. He is just a man. That is the whole point of the films, to show Batman is a man. Unless you consider his money a super power, batman is merely a man in a suit. Which has been the appeal to me all along; because he's not a guy with adamantium claws, or shoots webs, sticks to walls etc.

Iron Man, Punisher and Batman to me are on the same level. They arent super heroes. Iron Man and Batman are billionaires who invest money in technology so they can protect people. They arent a supersoldier experiment like Captain america, or radioactively bitten by a spider, a mutant, a god from another planet or gamma-ray infused.

Batman is a vigilante detective. Returning from having your body broken, is possible by anyone in their right frame of mind, health and belief can do it; Broken back soldiers come back from. Saving a city from a terrorist attack? police do it, armies do it. They arent super heroes. Diffusing a nuclear bomb or any bomb? Bomb squads do it all the time. They arent superhuman or super heroes.

Batman is a man who is trained in many forms of hand to hand combat. He has got his body near the limit of combine agility, strength and stamina. Thats all he is. A man, in a suit, who is physically and mentally fit. Until he is ofcourse, broken. And Batman was broken in TDKR; not just his back, but his body bore the brunt of being stabbed, broken bones, dog bites, being shot and a large fall. If he was a superhero, none of them would bother him, none of them would affect him in the slightest. But he is just a man. plain and simple. Take away his suit, take away his gadgets and toys; and he is simply a man. just like Iron man.

And thats the point, he aint a super hero, nor a hero. He is a vigilante detective.

Why didn't they just call it Bruce Wayne rises then? For seventy odd years Batman has been globally acknowledged through every medium and incarnation as a superhero. You're not even giving him the status of 'hero' :slap
Why didn't they just call it Bruce Wayne rises then? For seventy odd years Batman has been globally acknowledged through every medium and incarnation as a superhero. You're not even giving him the status of 'hero' :slap

Agreed. :goodpost::exactly:
Rotten Tomatoes has the percentage of positive reviews from critics at 92% for Avengers and 87% for Dark Knight Rises. So they are both well received movies, with Avengers having a slight lead in critical approval, but not dramatically so. They are both good movies, but different enough in approach, execution, content, style, mood, etc. that I don't really feel the need to directly compare them.

Metacritic is a more accurate measuring stick of how much the people enjoyed them vs. just how many and has it TDKR 78 to the Avengers 69. When looking at the RT site avg. rating they are about the same from all critics with 8/10 and with top critics TDKR is 7.9/10 to the Avengers 7.8/10.
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comes down to if your a marvel or dc fan :dunno

Not entirely. I picked ASM, although i liked The Avengers and TDKR, i physically enjoyed watching ASM the most, and it wasn't anything to with a particular affiliation to either company

But just fir the record, i would say that i prefer Marvel, but that's just a coincidence! Imagine Daredevil had come out now and not years ago, i'm pretty sure i would have enjoyed TDKR more if those were the choices!
Why didn't they just call it Bruce Wayne rises then? For seventy odd years Batman has been globally acknowledged through every medium and incarnation as a superhero. You're not even giving him the status of 'hero' :slap

Tell me what mediums specificall call Batman a super hero?

And you dont get it. In these films, Bruce wayne is the mask. BATMAN is the real person. Bruce waynes rising, is Batmans rising. Let alone, Batman is rising to become the legend he is; after being called a murderer, a criminal, he has risen from the Dark to become the white knight Gotham now knows him as. Which is why Bruse rising means Batman has risen, and the exchange with Blake in the police car about one day, anyone can be behind the Batman mask and stand for the same thing. Bruce brings batman out of Darkness and rising into the light, and leaves the mantle to Blake.

And not every medium calls him a superhero. Which villains call him a super hero? How many times have you heard him refered to as the dark detective or Dark Knightor Caped Crusader? Oh yeah, tv shows call him a dark detective, worlds greatest detective etc. BTAS he was a dark detective. The COMICS were called Detective comics, legends of the dark knight or just Batman. I dont recall him being refered to in the comics as a super hero

No 'amazing Batman' or 'super-batman'.Theres the kids programme, that . He is a vigilante detective. I dont get how anyone calls him a super hero as he has no super powers, meaning he isnt a super hero, so Superman, mutants, spidey, wolverine, theyre all superheroes as they are not a normal person. They have extraordinay abilities, changes to the DNA or Genes, or are alien. Batman was born a normal little boy. He grew up and trained like a warrior and has high intelligence. Thats it. Its a normal man in a suit :dunno

And I havn't said Batman isnt a Hero. He is a man who takes the law in his own hands which is what a vigilante is. I dont like calling Batman a hero or a super hero. His actions ARE heroic. Its just, Batman deserves more than just the normal hero or superhero tag. He is much more than that. A legend, a knight of Gotham. Which is why I never call him a hero or anything.

Hero is too happy and chirpy for me. When i think of Hero or superhero I think of like Captain America or Spiderman standing tall on a building with the sun behind them american flag waving behind them, Iron Man being celebrated and that, crowds cheering. I just dont get that from Batman. Its a war, its never ending. He doesnt just web swing away to fight another day when trouble occurs. batman is ever present, day in day out. Which to me, is more than a hero, is more than some super-powered superhero.
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TDKR is on a whole different level than either of the other two movies. How anyone could vote against it baffles me.:dunno


Completely bewildered that anybody could prefer Avengers over TDKR. No accounting for taste I guess.

Guess you will just have to live with the confusion. I can only speak for myself but The Avengers was leaps and bounds better. TDKR was a good movie and I enjoyed it but it doesn't walk on water, isn't the second coming, etc. It like the other Nolan batman films was solid but not omg great. I hope you two can love with the confusion. :peace
Guess you will just have to live with the confusion. I can only speak for myself but The Avengers was leaps and bounds better. TDKR was a good movie and I enjoyed it but it doesn't walk on water, isn't the second coming, etc. It like the other Nolan batman films was solid but not omg great. I hope you two can love with the confusion. :peace

No. You can speak for me, as well.

The I liked TDKR, but Avengers was definitely the better movie. It wasn't even close.

Bane's voice was terrible, the action scenes were a step above "crappy," and how anyone can take Bale seriously as Batman is beyond me.

Nolan can definitely write a good story, though.
I would argue that the story could have been streamlined a bit. Making the plot complex just for the sake of complexity isn't necessarily good writing. Whedon did a good job writing the Avengers because he knew what to cut--how to trim the fat and keep the story focused and simple. Sometimes intentionally simple and focused is better than overstuffed and bloated. Not that I'm calling TDKR bloated, but in no way would I say that hands down the script was better because it had so many characters and subplots. There is stuff in TDKR that could have been left on the cutting room floor. You have to make sure that your film doesn't become overstuffed and indulgent in an attempt to top everything that has come before. Still, TDKR was a good movie. But Whedon's writing for Avengers was remarkably economical and I wouldn't immediately say that about TDKR.

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