1/6th Scale Sideshow Boba Fett Figure

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Yeah, posing Boba with his rifle across his midsection is definitely going to be my default pose for him and I can see for the most part being OK with that. I'm pretty confident that someone will design a fix for the vest, though, that will allow for more flexibility.
Please list them. Even if it's in the Medicom thread. I know how much you detest the yarn belt and the jetpack mounting points, but I'm very interested in the other inaccuracies.

What details of the jumpsuit are you referring to exactly?

You should really have a look at real pics of the suit regarding your comment on color. They can be found over at The Dented Helmet. Thousands of them.

Medi RotJ Fett (humoring you since Natrix has already repeatedly listed what hes done to improve his)
-Out of scale

-Doesn't even have the correct helmet, they used the reshoot helm :slap

-Obviously it was too hard to put the three tubes leading into the right gauntlet

-Braids hang to mid thigh, wtf? :dunno

-Why are the belt and codpiece molded together?

-overly cheap looking waist pouches

-except for a couple, most of the RotJ Fetts have their bells up too high, they're supposed to be over the shoulder quilt, not riding the main vest

-The right arrow above RotJ Fetts T Visor should be red.

-Why does Medicom have his cape tucked under his armor?

-Why is Medi Fetts rear armor piece not as long as it is in the movies?

-Why does Medi Fetts back pack so far up his back it looks like Fett has a chimney?

-etc. etc. etc....

Medi looks pretty, but its got tons of problems. The difference is if you remember correctly the Medi fett was pre scorned, so once people started getting it, they were like, hey this isn't bad for a Medi. The SS was pre held up on a dias and people obviously expected more from it.

Plus, as has been pointed out repeatedly, if you collect 1/6th, this is the only game in town.
What's the Medicom holster made of?

The worst things about the few Medis I have, apart from the rubber doll faces and skinny teen bodies, are the rubber accessories - such as belts, holsters and boots.

Those are aspects that Sideshow have generally done much better, leavng the Medicoms looking like highly priced Hasbros.

The ROTJ Boba is the only Medi I've seen that appeals to me, but since it's not even in the same scale as SS it's really a non-debate. Yet it's often cause for a mass debate. :wink1:

Alot of Medi parts look like they were blown up from 3.75" toys. But, what they do good on, they do very good on.
I don't have him in hand yet, actually still awaiting a shipping notice, but to me it appears the boxy shape of the torso may be from the chest armor being a bit too large. If it were smaller, it would correct that shape, no? I suppose there's not much point in asking this question or raising this point, it's just a thought and we're getting what we're getting. As disappointing as it may be that the figure hasn't quite lived up to out hopes, I really can't complain much that soon I'll have a rather nice toy of a beloved character. Where's my dang shipping notice sideshow?!!!
First off, I'll just say that I think it's just a little to early to start comparing the SS Boba to Medi's version.. Lets wait until SS Boba has landed in more people's hands and then lets compare the modded/futzed versions of BOTH figures.. not just a modded Medi RotJ Fett to an un-futzed out-of-box SS Fett... cause that would only be fair, right??

Next, IMO it sounds like all the Medi fans are those who actually own the Medi RotJ Fett and perhaps they are boasting that version to justify their purchasing of said Fett?? Again, just my opinion cause that what it seems like..

And I will also add to the list of criticisms of the Medi RotJ Fett, but first be aware that I think the figure looks pretty impressive and pretty decent over all. But I have always looked at Medi's version and felt that it looks a little miniature... everything looks small and tiny on Medi's Boba. And not to mention that all those small pieces on him are cheap plastic... just saying..
Maybe if the protype was what we got then i'd agree. But i feel you're speaking with SS bias on your tongue. Both Fetts are far from perfect, but i don't think it takes someone with X-ray specs to see the Medicom is the better Looking figure.

As i visit other forums that seems to be the general consensus... Till i come here.

Enjoy your Fett guys!



I dont own either...yet...but based off these two pictures i would take the sideshow version. The medicom helmet colors look too red...the gauntlets look cheaper...as do the hyper yellow shoulder pads. Just not a fan of the medicom. If i has both in hand...maybe i would have a different opinion....
Has Sideshow responded about why the vest is the way it is? Is it a production error, a creative decision, a way to keep the armor on properly? Throw us a freakin' bone here! :lol
The only real mod that mattered to me on the Medi was the fact that the rocket rides too high.

The only real mod that matters to me on SSCs version is the Lego Vest.

After that, it all depends on quality of materials and execution of said materials.

I agree that Medi's accessories were and still are a cheap looking production pieces. But even though SSCs has traditionally sourced better materials, their tailoring has always been a crap shoot.
I dont own either...yet...but based off these two pictures i would take the sideshow version.

They also highlight something I think I've been noticing more and more (though I'll have to wait 'til next week when I have my SS Boba in hand); the actual chest armour plates look far more contoured/curved/shaped on the Medicom whereas on Sideshow's they're more flat looking? I don't know whether this could the cause or effect of the padded jerkin they're on.

I wonder if pushing the leather pouch belt up a bit help disguise any boxy lego effect of the chest protector?
Wow.. in that above comparison pic, I much prefer the Medi personally. :peace


Also, ask yourself if this is ok with you. I don't care what figure is better,(i personally think the medi looks best) this is what pisses me off most!(proto looked heavenly) And i've had enough of it. (If i can get it for cheap i may)


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hi guys, i went to pick up my fett at hottoys today and took some quick pics, pre-ordered dx batman as well!!!
the square vest does look pretty obvious when i first took it out, but ti became less of an issue as i was posing it. i tried to move the belt higher so that it wraps around the vest..









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Having looked at the photos everyone's been posting, I'm torn over whether or not to cancel my order. I can live with the boxy vest if it an be futzed but my biggest gripes are 1) colour 2) legs.

Boba in these photos look pretty damn good. I can really see the weathering and subtle shading on the fatigues and the chest armour. The boxy vest doesn't look too bad at this angle and pose either.
https://i1143.photobucket.com/albums/n635/amidala_zelda/Boba Fett sideshow/KP1_4936.jpg

This other photo on the other hand is pretty unflattering. Boba's armour looks a terrible and sickly green. Could it just be the lighting?

Some shots of Boba make the legs look awkward, while other shots look decent enough.

https://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/ryanjrubio/Boba Fett/Untitleda.png

Also, ask yourself if this is ok with you. I don't care what figure is better,(i personally think the medi looks best) this is what pisses me off most!(proto looked heavenly) And i've had enough of it. (If i can get it for cheap i may)



Yes it did.

The vest. The braids. The white ankle straps. The skinny arms (really obvious in the shots where it's bent)... but the worst, most unforgivable thing...


It's waaaaay too fat and big - especially across the "eye area". Look at the proto and ANY real shot of the helmet :(