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I think it is time that they split the title "show runner" in two: Series Producer and Head Screen Writer. I believe that is how it was in the old days and I think the show benefited tremendously.

Indeed, during (new) series 1-4, series producer was Phil Collinson and Head Writer was RTD. Plus overall, the executive producers for the show were July Gardner and RTD. Now everything just seems to be bloody Moffat, Moffat, Moffat...argh.

Though I must say, "The Doctor's Wife" was an absolute gem. Cudos to Neil Gaiman on that one
Any thoughts on the 50th anniversary episode lads? I know Tennant, Davison and McGann have publicly expressed interest.

To be honest, I'd love to see the Time War raging in all its might. TV Movie maybe? Either way, Its the BIG 50 and Doctor Who really deserves the best...
Well I did realize today that the 50th anniversary show is likely to be the 250th story. Thats kinda cool.

Per the Time War, the only way I would want to see that handled would be as a stand-alone series starring McGann. One episode would not do it justice IMO.
I think I'm the only one in the world who hated The Doctor's Wife. I guess I prefer my TARDIS seen and not heard.
I think I'm the only one in the world who hated The Doctor's Wife. I guess I prefer my TARDIS seen and not heard.

I enjoyed seeing the dead RTD console room. Gave me a thrill to think about the older classic console rooms knocking around somewhere in the TARDIS.
I don't think they should bring Tennant back, his departure was too recent, but I would dearly love to see McGann back. The 8th Doctor deserves another chance onscreen.
I don't think they should bring Tennant back, his departure was too recent, but I would dearly love to see McGann back.

Not to mention IMO people would start hating matt smith

To be honest, i really think they should being tom baker back for an episode even if his role is minimal...I mean he still acts, and lets face it, There's no way he'd still be around or even if he is, be able to act in a 60th anniversary special
I think I'm the only one in the world who hated The Doctor's Wife. I guess I prefer my TARDIS seen and not heard.

Same here. I just prefer my TARDIS to not be a coked-up Helena Bonham Carter impersonator. Must everything in this series go overboard on the "wacky"?

No, I am excited for the next series though. At the very least the change of broadcasting schedule might prove interesting.
I stopped watching a little after The Doctor's Wife. I realized I despised every single element of the show and since no one was holding a gun to my head there was no reason to continue subjecting myself to something I wasn't enjoying on any level. Once Amy (LOATHE!!!) leaves I'll give it another chance, but I think what's killing it for me is Moffat (HATE!!!!) so I might have to wait until he's gone too before I can start watching again.

I do look forward to the 50th anniversary and hope all the living Doctors and companions participate in some way in whatever special there may be. Having lost the Brig and Sarah Jane so close to the anniversary, it would be a shame not honor the ones that are left, even if the producers have to use some of the Master's hypnosis (You will obey me!) to get some of the more reluctant Who alum to take part.