HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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As far as the digital sculpts go I know it's daunting as we've seen many digital sculpts produced and little printed as of late but I have WGPs catwoman, and I have to say that the prtinting is every bit as good as the model was, the tiny intricate stitching on the mask looks excellent
I am VERY interested in seeing these WGP sculpts once they are in production.... although pricey.. if they look as good as the computer rendering i WILL be replacing my HT sculpt with one..

Two amazing characters, together.
I agree 100%. It is arguably the best Indy out there, but that's not saying much. I can't possibly believe people think it looks JUST like HF, because it absolutely does not. Is it close? Kinda. As close as say, a stuntman has to be to the actor he is covering for.

HF STUNTMAN??? lmao! totally not true. now ive heard everything! are we even talking about the same figure??? this is what im talking about.
Ever since I could walk I dreamed of one day owning the perfect rendition of my favorite Harrison Ford stuntman from the Indiana Jones movies. Thanks to Hot Toys, this dream finally became a reality in the late fall months of 2011.:dance
Agreed. Some just can't move on.

I took a break for awhile... but I missed it so i thought I'd join back in on the fun...

also hoping there is some sense that HT never forgets this blunder so it is a reminder that when the fans backlash on a sculpt we want to see it addressed before it's promised to be revised, released without showing it to us, letting the preorders go through to find that it has not been changed at all :dunno
Nope, I can never let this go! :D

It's just surprising to me how some people really seem to think that this looks just like HF. So naturally when someone comes in and says, "I don't know what everyone is complaining about. This look just like HF!" I can't help but be amazed and voice my astonishment.

Indy is my favorite movie character and I have been waiting for the perfect Indy for a very long time. HT missed the mark. They have hit home runs with Supes, Jack Sparrow, Sweeney Todd, Batman 89 and Joker (and plenty of others). They were exactly what we expected of HT. I can't believe anyone truly believes that Indy is in the same level as those. If those other HT sculpts are 90-100%, then Indy is 60-70% (and I am being generous). And oddly enough for HT, the paint apps seem to make it worse (as we've seen from some impressive repaints here).

There's nothing wrong with liking this figure. Hell, I bought it and am generally okay with it. I appreciate the craftsmanship and details in the costume and accessories. But the sculpt is most definitely off (among other little nits).

Rant NOT over. It will NEVER be over! :cuss :nana:
Nope, I can never let this go! :D

It's just surprising to me how some people really seem to think that this looks just like HF. So naturally when someone comes in and says, "I don't know what everyone is complaining about. This look just like HF!" I can't help but be amazed and voice my astonishment.

Rant NOT over. It will NEVER be over! :cuss :nana:

Every word makes sense.:goodpost:

and while I don't think though, that "so" many people think it looks just like Harrison Ford. Even though it's a very small handful that do, the fact that anyone can think that at all just makes me shake my head in disbelief.

Also who the hell should really be OK with "pretty good" or "i still like it anyway" ?? Pretty good should mean that it costs LESS than the usual HT price not may more like it does. "Pretty good despite..." insinuates that we should settle for mediocrity but pay premium prices for it anyway.

As long as we are paying premium prices and the prices keep going up I expect HT to keep up with the bar they raised. I'm not expecting it to be better than anything I've seen them do.. but I at least want it up to par and for an iconic character like Indiana Jones I don't think that's too much to ask really. IF I was HT I'd feel like I dropped the ball and be disappointed in myself as a company. I say that because this is clearly a company that prides itself in innovation in terms of realism. It's not just a company out there to make a killing off of cheap bobbleheads no matter how crappy they look.

Also I'm disappointed because I know they KNOW it was not their best effort. That's why they admitted they would rework the head sculpt. But I find it just shady and in poor taste that they SAID they did and filled the preorders without showing anything when in actuality it was not really reworked at all.

Who knows why this happened. Were they not trying to crush their new poster boy Arnie Kim (who did redeem himself with Reeve) Hell maybe we should even be blaming George Lucas for all I know.

Either way I'm still waiting for a company to release an Indiana Jones figure that does him true justice the way it's been given to countless other characters.
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I'm amazed that people are still whining about this figure.

If you just got your fig just recently or
have just come on board, please let us know what you think + or -

If you chose not to buy the fig and have never seen it "in the flesh"
but still c-o-n-t-i-n-u-e to whine about something you do not know what your talking about or
If you got the fig months ago and you've been on the board----
I'm sure you've said your piece ( or peace) + or - a long time ago
enough already with the broken record
For cryin out loud the figs been out since before Christmas. February is alomost over
For me i just resumed my interest and I couldnt take it anymore and tried my best to rework the likeness as inspired by Rorywan, Guyver and countless others.

When it was all said and done I got it to look a little more like him but all it served is to agitate me again.

I will totally admit with just a little shame in the matter of being open about the fact it makes me pretty damn pissed the thought that this might do well financially despite the backlash and it gets under my skin that there are people out there who don't have the taste level that us "whiners' do and therefore HT and there are enough Indiana fans out there that will just chalk it up to _____y fans on the internet but who cares because they made their coin off of the average guy who thought it would be neat to have Indiana Jones and doesn't' know any better or care to be honest.

I guess i just think if the figure was the best ever those guys would like it despite the fact they didn't know any better. People would buy it just as much the only difference is us Indy fans would not feel disappointed. It's not like being ____ about the correct position of the ridges in the dome of the Alien sculpt. I don't think we're all that crazy. I never cared about stuff like that. Hell I don't even care that the belt color is wrong, or the shirt color. It's just that Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones and this does not look like Harrison Ford so it just makes it a bitter pill to swallow. :(

But anyways ive ranted enough for awhile, as mentioned it's all been said anyway ;) I'll shut up now I swear.
I think keeping HT informed is extremely important.

HT really needs to know that we hold them to higher standards and that for the price they charge they need to make sure every figure is as close to perfect as possible. And that includes telling them Indy was not the home run it should have been. There's nothing wrong with honest feedback. They need to hear both the accolades and the criticisms. I think they are professional enough to distinguish between nitpickyness and legitimate complaints.