Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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I never liked Jack Nicholsons joker. I wasnt even born when it came out, and I was 2 when I Returns came out, so my first point was BTAS.

I watched the films when I was 7 or 8 for the first time and loved them.

But as I grew up, read comics and understood the character more, I just didnt like Nicholsons portrayal. Just something from him that didnt do it for me. Its hard for me to explain, he didnt seem... well I dont know. I think for me, Joker dancing to Prince (as much as I do love the artist who copyrights a colour), messing the paintings up, 'joker was here'... it just wasn't joker at all.

I always remembered joker as a complete cold killing maniac. No reasoning behind it. He wasn't criminally insane, he was such a tame character that take the make up off and change the colour of the suit, and it couldbe anybody.

Ofcourse, there was some funny bits from Nicholson (this town neeeeeds an enema!) But on the whole, I didnt like the whole, was a former mobster, got betrayed, fell into the vat, came back for revenge and thats about it. I just didnt get him. He wasn't a psycho, he wasn't someone who would randomly murder someone for fun, there was no crazyness about him. I mean, he obsessed over Vicki Vale for most of the film and wanted her but why? Ugh, im not explaining myself very well here am I!

Just didnt make sense at all, and there was no... connection between Batman and Joker. I dont mean, batman failing to save him from falling, but there was nothing there. come to think of it, theres only the Nolan films who actually puts connection between batman/bruce and his enemies.
lol wut?
Hahaha! you sound like me talking about Heath Ledgers Joker.
But there was a connection. Burton!Joker killed Bruce's parents. Joker made him and in a roundabout way he made the Joker.

Joker? Tame? In all the incarnations I remember I never remember him being tame. Not even in 89 Batman.
He kills without reason, even his "number one.... GUY" Bob.

I honestly believe for it's time, Nicholson's Joker was perfect. For a lot of people, it still is.

For its time, it was pretty definitive, no doubt about it!

And, I didnt like the fact that it was Nappier/Joker who killed bruce's parents. I dont believe in the catalyst of Batman being his arch enemy, doesnt fit right with me because ive always loved the idea of joker just, being there, being who is no. No real back story.

And the bob thing was lame. Why? Because he copied what his boss did to him, except he shot him in the face instead of in the back. Poetic irony, because he told Nappier that 'you.... your my number 1 guy' in which he proceeded to set him up.
Tame is not really the right word. Inaccurate is a much better word. And I mean inaccurate to his comic book counterpart.

It isn't the right word, I agree.

To be honest, if nicholson did The Dark Knight, and Ledger did Batman 89, it wouldve been stupid for its interpretation of the film they are in.

I do prefer Nolan's joker. Why? It was the interrogation scene which nailed it for me. It was the connection between the characters. The shining light of batman being nothing like the people he strives to be like. How he 'completes him'. That scene in the film was pitch perfect. Including Bales portrayal and reactions. I loved how he pushed bruce into getting angry, all for the fun of it because he had nothing to threaten him with. Aside from joker being genuinely crazy, a homicidal murderous maniac.

It was the little touches like his reaction when the Hospital didn't immediatly blow up, and how surprised he was at how much recoil there was when he fired the RPG. He was genuinely crazy and to me, nailed 90% of the joker.

I mean, His final fight with Bats, the frenzy he went into with the crowbar was ripped straight from his 'murdering' of Todd, you could tell he wasn't physically strong, and it was just an uncontrolled frenzy attack.
Joker killing Bob really disturbed me as a kid. He is definitely a psychopath. He kills Bob because he is mad that Batman 'stole his balloons', the balloons that he was going to slay the innocent people of Gotham with.
Joker killing Bob really disturbed me as a kid. He is definitely a psychopath. He kills Bob because he is mad that Batman 'stole his balloons', the balloons that he was going to slay the innocent people of Gotham with.

Don't forget trying to kill Bruce for "rubbing his rhubarb!" :exactly:

Nicholson Joker is completely crazy. To say otherwise is madness. He took on the Batplane with one bullet and won.
Joker killing Bob really disturbed me as a kid. He is definitely a psychopath. He kills Bob because he is mad that Batman 'stole his balloons', the balloons that he was going to slay the innocent people of Gotham with.

Ofcourse, that was pure joker, and something he deffinitly would do! Similar with the poison and making people die with laughter. It was crazy, but Nicholson to me didnt portray, he didnt act crazy to me. You didnt look at him and think 'my god, he's manic murderer'.

And to me he killed bob because he didnt know bats had 'one of those, one of those THINGS!' and as his right hand man he expected him to know everything. So yeah, it was crazy that he didn't know he had the Batwing, but it was crazier the batwing being destroyed by a single bullet. I mean, sorry, that was pure bull____ for dramatic effect. What was it made of, danish cheese?

To be honest, I think part of it, is that Ledger spoiled me. He took the character nigh on flawlessly from many sources, which nicholson and Burton had no access to. Let alone that Nicholson I believe, wouldn't have gone into that depth.

To be honest, I reckon Nicholson was too old to be the Joker. I always imagined joker to be around the same age as batman, give or take a few years, which that problem came from him creating batman, which to me is absolute rubbish also.

And the nolans films to me, have darker character interpretations which I much prefer. Joker was quite camp in the 89 film, when you look at the gothic style of everything else. I still loathe the resturant scene with Joker and his goons dancing to Prince, then the purple and green cars/vans the goons used. It felt abit out of place from the gothic set of Gotham visioned by Burton.

Even though im not a fan of Nicholson or his Joker, keaton's batman is still one I hold with regard, and it still has to me, THE ultimate Batmobile.
As a fan of the comics, I have a great appreciation for both the Nicholson and Ledger Joker. Each represented the Joker that I was familiar with at the time. Nicholson's was funny and dangerous. Given to big plots like poisoning Gotham. He also used the Joker toxin (Smilex) in the movie. Ledger's is more in line with Morrison's Joker from the last few years. Crazy, not necessarily a prankster, an "agent of chaos" in Batman's organized world. He was almost the "super sane" type as depicted in Arkham Asylum and the RIP storylines (which I really like for some reason)

I can't wait to have the Jack Joker on the shelf next to my DX01. It will fit into my display perfect.

Now, if you ask me, there are only two figures I would really kill to have. A comic-style Joker (preferably in a style similar to Brian Bolland's in Killing Joke) and a Cesar Romero Joker (absolutely a brilliiant Joker - except for not shaving his mustache).
It isn't the right word, I agree.

To be honest, if nicholson did The Dark Knight, and Ledger did Batman 89, it wouldve been stupid for its interpretation of the film they are in.

I do prefer Nolan's joker. Why? It was the interrogation scene which nailed it for me. It was the connection between the characters. The shining light of batman being nothing like the people he strives to be like. How he 'completes him'. That scene in the film was pitch perfect. Including Bales portrayal and reactions. I loved how he pushed bruce into getting angry, all for the fun of it because he had nothing to threaten him with. Aside from joker being genuinely crazy, a homicidal murderous maniac.

It was the little touches like his reaction when the Hospital didn't immediatly blow up, and how surprised he was at how much recoil there was when he fired the RPG. He was genuinely crazy and to me, nailed 90% of the joker.

I mean, His final fight with Bats, the frenzy he went into with the crowbar was ripped straight from his 'murdering' of Todd, you could tell he wasn't physically strong, and it was just an uncontrolled frenzy attack.

Ofcourse, that was pure joker, and something he deffinitly would do! Similar with the poison and making people die with laughter. It was crazy, but Nicholson to me didnt portray, he didnt act crazy to me. You didnt look at him and think 'my god, he's manic murderer'.

And to me he killed bob because he didnt know bats had 'one of those, one of those THINGS!' and as his right hand man he expected him to know everything. So yeah, it was crazy that he didn't know he had the Batwing, but it was crazier the batwing being destroyed by a single bullet. I mean, sorry, that was pure bull____ for dramatic effect. What was it made of, danish cheese?

To be honest, I think part of it, is that Ledger spoiled me. He took the character nigh on flawlessly from many sources, which nicholson and Burton had no access to. Let alone that Nicholson I believe, wouldn't have gone into that depth.

To be honest, I reckon Nicholson was too old to be the Joker. I always imagined joker to be around the same age as batman, give or take a few years, which that problem came from him creating batman, which to me is absolute rubbish also.

And the nolans films to me, have darker character interpretations which I much prefer. Joker was quite camp in the 89 film, when you look at the gothic style of everything else. I still loathe the resturant scene with Joker and his goons dancing to Prince, then the purple and green cars/vans the goons used. It felt abit out of place from the gothic set of Gotham visioned by Burton.

Even though im not a fan of Nicholson or his Joker, keaton's batman is still one I hold with regard, and it still has to me, THE ultimate Batmobile.

I couldn't agree more. I like Jack, but Heath is my Joker now.
Why are we discussing the Ledger Joker in this thread and comparing him, yet again, to the Jack Nicholson Joker. Doesn't Ledger Joker and The Dark Knight have enough threads?

It's old hat everywhere on this board as well as other message boards. Some people prefer one, some prefer the other, some love both. There's really no way to validate that one is better or "more accurate" than the other.
Why are we discussing the Ledger Joker in this thread and comparing him, yet again, to the Jack Nicholson Joker. Doesn't Ledger Joker and The Dark Knight have enough threads?

It's old hat everywhere on this board as well as other message boards. Some people prefer one, some prefer the other, some love both. There's really no way to validate that one is better or "more accurate" than the other.

Why are we discussing the Ledger Joker in this thread and comparing him, yet again, to the Jack Nicholson Joker. Doesn't Ledger Joker and The Dark Knight have enough threads?

It's old hat everywhere on this board as well as other message boards. Some people prefer one, some prefer the other, some love both. There's really no way to validate that one is better or "more accurate" than the other.

It might be old hat, but the brim isn't wide enough.


The comparisons will never end! It's like sports; once you pick a team, you spend all your time pouring over stats and cheering them on.

Anyway you look at it, Nicholson and Ledger did a great job for the franchise and are one of the many reasons we have the luxury to argue.
The comparisons will never end! It's like sports; once you pick a team, you spend all your time pouring over stats and cheering them on.

I guess that's true. There's a need for competition in sports as there are actual rivals though. There's victory to obtain when two teams go against each other. With film vs. film, character vs. character? All it is is fan induced nonsense. What benefits are there in proclaiming that you prefer one to another or that one is worse? Both Jokers are from the same film franchise, there isn't a competition, only with it's fans. It seems petty and ridiculous to me that fans have this need to choose one or the other and tell about it.

It's difficult for me to understand the logic about praising one and dumping on the other when I pretty much like both equally. There isn't this "end all be all", not in the comics, not in the films and yet people take it upon themselves to think as such. What one doesn't accomplish, the other one does and vice versa.
I guess that's true. There's a need for competition in sports as there are actual rivals though. There's victory to obtain when two teams go against each other. With film vs. film, character vs. character? All it is is fan induced nonsense. What benefits are there in proclaiming that you prefer one to another or that one is worse? Both Jokers are from the same film franchise, there isn't a competition, only with it's fans. It seems petty and ridiculous to me that fans have this need to choose one or the other and tell about it.

It's difficult for me to understand the logic about praising one and dumping on the other when I pretty much like both equally. There isn't this "end all be all", not in the comics, not in the films and yet people take it upon themselves to think as such. What one doesn't accomplish, the other one does and vice versa.

I guess that's true. There's a need for competition in sports as there are actual rivals though. There's victory to obtain when two teams go against each other. With film vs. film, character vs. character? All it is is fan induced nonsense. What benefits are there in proclaiming that you prefer one to another or that one is worse? Both Jokers are from the same film franchise, there isn't a competition, only with it's fans. It seems petty and ridiculous to me that fans have this need to choose one or the other and tell about it.

It's difficult for me to understand the logic about praising one and dumping on the other when I pretty much like both equally. There isn't this "end all be all", not in the comics, not in the films and yet people take it upon themselves to think as such. What one doesn't accomplish, the other one does and vice versa.

Yeah, and though I prefer Nicholson over Ledger, Nolan's movies actually got me watching Batman movies again. As far as I'm concerned he wrote the book on reviving franchises. I thought it was too soon to reboot, but I'm glad he proved me wrong. The new movies are definitely a darker variation on the bat-theme, but the visual impact of 89 Bats will never be replicated on film again for me.

Nolan repaired the damaged left by Schumacher and it's been great for us fans. Like I said before it would have been awesome to see what he had planned for Heath in the third film.

Maybe the biggest disappointment in all this is that we're not getting a Nolan Riddler.
Yeah, and though I prefer Nicholson over Ledger, Nolan's movies actually got me watching Batman movies again. As far as I'm concerned he wrote the book on reviving franchises. I thought it was too soon to reboot, but I'm glad he proved me wrong. The new movies are definitely a darker variation on the bat-theme, but the visual impact of 89 Bats will never be replicated on film again for me.

Nolan repaired the damaged left by Schumacher and it's been great for us fans. Like I said before it would have been awesome to see what he had planned for Heath in the third film.

Maybe the biggest disappointment in all this is that we're not getting a Nolan Riddler.

Yup, I was sad that burton left after returns and nolan did get the buzz for bats growing again. And I too wish we saw a better riddler from nolan.
Why are we discussing the Ledger Joker in this thread and comparing him, yet again, to the Jack Nicholson Joker. Doesn't Ledger Joker and The Dark Knight have enough threads?

It's old hat everywhere on this board as well as other message boards. Some people prefer one, some prefer the other, some love both. There's really no way to validate that one is better or "more accurate" than the other.
