Star Wars On Blu-Ray

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Doesn't the DVD with the original theatrical release solve all that for those who hate the changes?

You would think just because the newest thing will be the blu rays doesn't mean you have to stop watching the original versions on DVD. There's always the VHS way also :lol
So has it been confirmed that the Sarlac Pit has gone back to being a pit rather than a the pen is fly trap?
Han shoots first and i'll never say anything bad about SW ever again!

Every freaking character in SW can step on Jabba's freaking tail for all I care as long as Han shoots first again!

I'll even sit and watch the PT and cheer while doing it if Han shoots first again!

Just freaking fix Han already, enough with all the bull____ reasons.
I mostly like the special editions, the PT and now the Blu ray/ 3D release because what it does from Star Wars. The SE bought Star Wars back from the dead there were some dark times than. The PT even made it more popular along the lines of collecting even though not everyone likes them. Star Wars is strong now and will be for a long time with the 3D's coming up as well. For every fan that says Star Wars is ruined because of SE's and PT's there are 5 more younger fans jumping aboard for the SW ride. Lucas main intentions is to keep SW alive for many generations and to grab many new fans, if some fans jump ship than oh well!! For the Blu ray's I can't wait to see the new CGI Yoda in TPM. That movie already is better for me being a huge Yoda fan and disliking the episode 1 puppet.
Han shoots first and i'll never say anything bad about SW ever again!

Every freaking character in SW can step on Jabba's freaking tail for all I care as long as Han shoots first again!

I'll even sit and watch the PT and cheer while doing it if Han shoots first again!

Just freaking fix Han already, enough with all the bull____ reasons.

It would be a welcome change!! But I will hold you to watching the PT :)
Han shoots first and i'll never say anything bad about SW ever again!

Every freaking character in SW can step on Jabba's freaking tail for all I care as long as Han shoots first again!

I'll even sit and watch the PT and cheer while doing it if Han shoots first again!

Just freaking fix Han already, enough with all the bull____ reasons.

Love this post!
It would be a welcome change!! But I will hold you to watching the PT :)

Deal :lol :hi5:

Let me explain what Greedo shooting first represents. :lecture

It says that GL thinks we're all ignorant _______s.

Why is that you might ask.

Because anyone who believes that a person could miss a shot at that range, across a freaking table, and a bounty hunter at that, is indeed an ignorant _______.

That change insults my intelligence and it should yours.

If the shot was across the entire crowded room, that would've been fine, make Greedo miss for whatever reason you have.

But the scene is not both of them across the freaking room from each other, is it Lucas!

A freaking bounty hunter across the freaking table! :gah:

Go F yourself Lucas!
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Deal :lol :hi5:

Let me explain what Greedo shooting first represents. :lecture

It says that GL thinks we're all ignorant _______s.

Why is that you might ask.

Because anyone who believes that a person could miss a shot at that range, across a freaking table, and a bounty hunter at that, is indeed an ignorant _______.

That change insults my intelligence and it should yours.

If the shot was across the entire crowded room, that would've been fine, make Greedo miss for whatever reason you have.

But the scene is not both of them across the freaking room from each other, is it Lucas!

A freaking bounty hunter across the freaking table! :gah:

Go F yourself Lucas!

I think lucas wanted to change Han to a Nice guy, so instead of him just shooting Greedo and giving him the bad guy i'll shoot whoever gets in my way bad boy thing, he wanted to make him killing greedo justifiable as Han just defending himself......

Screw that I like Han wasting Greedo. Greedo, never shot!!. anyway, i'm still getting it. Love my Star Wars!!! :dance
aren't the originals supposed to look like poopy? Isn't the point to see them as they looked back on 1977,and so on. :dunno

In 1977 SW was not shown on non-anamorphic DVD transferred from a degraded 30 year old film negative. We'd like the film restored and displayable just like...any other movie that currently exists on blu-ray.
In 1977 SW was not shown on non-anamorphic DVD transferred from a degraded 30 year old film negative. We'd like the film restored and displayable just like...any other movie that currently exists on blu-ray.

I can see your point. Maybe one day he'll budge. I think if a large enough fan base said we aren't buying it until you give us what we want, he would eventually cave in.
I think lucas wanted to change Han to a Nice guy, so instead of him just shooting Greedo and giving him the bad guy i'll shoot whoever gets in my way bad boy thing, he wanted to make him killing greedo justifiable as Han just defending himself......

Screw that I like Han wasting Greedo. Greedo, never shot!!. anyway, i'm still getting it. Love my Star Wars!!! :dance

Oh, ok.....then I forgive him and i'll just ignore the character assassination. :lol
aren't the originals supposed to look like poopy? Isn't the point to see them as they looked back on 1977,and so on. :dunno

:hi5: Exactly! There's no way to win this one if you are Lucas.

If you clean up the original then people are going to complain that it takes away the nostalgia and if you give them the original then they'll complain that it's nostalgic.

I don't envy Lucas a bit--at least when it comes to this position. I envy the snot out of his money and ideas...
What? No. No one will say that because that's ____ing retarded.

There's a difference between restored, and made better then those crappy versions....

I'm not asking for an extensive Blu Ray transfer that creates the greatest movie watching experience of all time....just a decent transfer that looks GOOD.

I'll take a first Predator Blu Ray quailty version...grainy, but still good.

Also, Alien was restored, and looks like a brand new movie...I dont see how that makes it "not nostalgic" any more.. It looks fantastic, and it's still a great movie.
It amazes me that there are people out there who, when they hear the phrase "original versions", think it refers to the grainy low-res VHS transfers THEY first saw as kids, and as such, the films must've looked as poor and lackluster in theatrical exhibition. It's a total disconnect from logic.
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i think if you want to celebrate the release of the saga on blu you come here with others excited about it as well.

If you want to bash it down make a thread for it for you and the fellow bashers to congregate.

Get them or pass.

Bashing on the movies again and again isn't going to change what is coming out on Bluray next month.
Also, Alien was restored, and looks like a brand new movie...I dont see how that makes it "not nostalgic" any more.. It looks fantastic, and it's still a great movie.

Had to quote you for speaking the absolute truth. I love Alien more than I should and the bluray release was so phenomenal. Also you get the option of original theatrical version, or updated extended (but really shortened :lol) version. Ridley is the man, man.

Hope A New Hope and Empire look as wonderful as Alien did to me. To the point of shockingly beautiful.