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The fact that there were only 30 seconds of 10/Rose in the entire proceedings made it totally worth the £38.50.

The other stuff was a bonus :rotfl

One intresting thing I read in the programme notes on the Cybermen was the final paragraph which described the Cybus Industries versions being erased from history during the events of the series 5 finale.

The final line was "Whether this means the threat of the Cybermen is gone forever remains to be seen".

During their introduction in the show they never got described as being made on a parallel Earth or anything........the costumes were clearly the Cybus Industries versions but it was left somewhat vague as to their origins.

Maybe I'm reading too much into things but it seems like Moffat's trying to condition modern audiences to the possibility of the Cybermen being an actual alien race again.
Awesome you got to attend this. :rock

Me and my boys watched SJA last night and they loved it. My only complaint was that the music level was definitely overpowering the dialog. But other than that definitely an A+ episode. RTD was in good form IMO. Now please no more from RTD for a looooooong loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

A couple of people on another site claimed I didn't deserve a ticket because I'm apparently a "hater" of all things Nu-Who and predicted that I'd spend the duration grumbling about certain things.

As ever such fools were completely and utterly wrong and if anything they were probably jealous they couldn't go :yess:

A buddy recommend I watch the SJA episodes but it's not happening as I can't be doing with RTD fanwankery in a spinoff intended for an audience who largely have no idea about anything prior to the 2005 revival of the main show.

Garbage stinks when it gets old and so do former Who companions brought back as some kind of nod to an era RTD previously showed zero respect for.
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I think you might rage quite a bit at the SJA episodes, in my opinion it felt like RTD was making 11 seem lesser than his predessesor by constantly explaining who he was and talking about 10, such as talking to both Jo and Sarah about his last days. Matt Smith did the best he could with to be honest some very shoddy lines but he still came off well, it wasnt RTD's worst effort by far but it being a lesser show somewhat impacted on his writing more making it seem a whole lot dumber.
It seems like the SJA story represents a last desperate attempt from RTD to get acceptance from Classic era fans who haven't liked his version of Doctor Who.

He killed the credibility of most of the major villains and made the lead character the most unlikeable twat in the show's history so a bit of sentimental fanwank in a lame spinoff is far too little, far too late.

I last watched something with his name on the credits 2 years ago, the season 4 finale. That was the end of my journey with the work of RTD and now I just roll my eyes and dismiss anything he does as having any relevance to the continuity.
To be fair.. the way the "507" line was delivered, it came across (to my ears anyway) as the same sort of dismissive comment one would throw at an annoying kid who asked too many questions. Not one to be taken literally.
Of course, thats just the way it sounded to me.
To be fair.. the way the "507" line was delivered, it came across (to my ears anyway) as the same sort of dismissive comment one would throw at an annoying kid who asked too many questions. Not one to be taken literally.
Of course, thats just the way it sounded to me.

Sounded that way to me too. I think with the Time Lords gone he has no real idea about whether or not he has 13 lives.
I think you might rage quite a bit at the SJA episodes, in my opinion it felt like RTD was making 11 seem lesser than his predessesor by constantly explaining who he was and talking about 10, such as talking to both Jo and Sarah about his last days. Matt Smith did the best he could with to be honest some very shoddy lines but he still came off well, it wasnt RTD's worst effort by far but it being a lesser show somewhat impacted on his writing more making it seem a whole lot dumber.

It seems like the SJA story represents a last desperate attempt from RTD to get acceptance from Classic era fans who haven't liked his version of Doctor Who.

He killed the credibility of most of the major villains and made the lead character the most unlikeable twat in the show's history so a bit of sentimental fanwank in a lame spinoff is far too little, far too late.

I last watched something with his name on the credits 2 years ago, the season 4 finale. That was the end of my journey with the work of RTD and now I just roll my eyes and dismiss anything he does as having any relevance to the continuity.


I still enjoy RTD's Who stuff and some of it i can watch over and over, but with the Moff in charge and his general direction for the franchise is much more exciting to me.

I wonder how annoying it must of been for the orginal actors to carry an air conditioning unit around all day on set!
Speak for yourself bcm.

Il take the colorful excitement and sentimentality of RTD's Who anyday over the bland, drab, and cheap looking borefest that was Moffat's first year.
Speak for yourself bcm.

Il take the colorful excitement and sentimentality of RTD's Who anyday over the bland, drab, and cheap looking borefest that was Moffat's first year.

I always do, which is something many Nu-Who fans seem incapable of...........they always seem like they have to wait for the head of their collective to think for them because the intelligence isn't there to do it for themselves.

Aside from 3 stories I thought Moffat's first series was more of the same drivel that his predecessor excreted onto TV screens but I could at least believe in the Doctor as an eccentric, unpredictable, ALIEN time traveller again instead of a generic human action hero.
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I was thinking, since Moffat has wiped clean the Cybus alternate universe as if it never happened, then that means Rose and Meta-Crisis Doctor are dead and never existed? or am i mis-understood?
I was on a forum whose name escapes me, where people where talking about the new Big bang the Doctor created, i do get awfully confused with things like this so apologies that i could be really off the mark which is why im asking lol, Terminator still confuses the hell out of me. but i was readin how people thought with the Big Bang the alternate universes might not of been recreated, or started over again. and as bcm had in his program from the live show,
"One intresting thing I read in the programme notes on the Cybermen was the final paragraph which described the Cybus Industries versions being erased from history during the events of the series 5 finale."
Like i said i could be way wrong and just totally confuddled!
I've only seen "The Big Bang" once and I can't be bothered to watch it again so forgive me if any details are off,

As far as I remember the TARDIS Big Bang Incident was yet another magic reset but this time one with some real purpose, that being to eliminate all the bollocks about the Time War, the Cybusmen and with any luck Admiral Ackbar's offspring and her beloved Doctor clone.

During the story the proper Doctor talked about old planets leaving "echoes" in space ie enough remains were left from their destruction for them to be restored fully when the 2nd Big Bang ocurred.

This would set things up perfectly for Gallifrey and the Time Lords to be restored to the main universe as well as the original Cyberman homeworld of Mondas and hopefully put to rest all the crap about the Time War........that whole thing was just one of RTD's gimmicks to try and get people to believe his work was more sweeping and grand than it actually was.
Im looking forward to series 6 now just to get this whole plot with River out in the open, feels like the hype might just kill the final result. Going back to Gallifrey would be awesome just to see how his people react to their 'destroyer' if they were aware of it.
I'm in favor of anything that brings Mondas and/or the real Cybermen back.

Indeed. Not that I don't like the look of the Cybusmen as they look very impressive ( especially from a few feet away :wink1: ) but their being made on Earth just seemed like one of those things that was changed just for the sake of change and the addition of the "delete!,delete!" catchphrase was unecessary.

As far as series 6 goes I just hope it's the last in which River Song appears, I don't care who she turns out to be , I just want the character gone as with luck I'll then be able to watch a series of Nu-Who without having to tune anybody out.
Yeah, I hope we're rid of River as well. I really liked her character in the Tennant library story, but they ramped the campiness level on her up to 11 (no pun intended) in series 5, and I suddenly found her grating.
I only wish I could tune horrible Amy Pond out. The sooner she falls into a black hole or gets eaten by a space whale, the happier I'll be.

On the other hand, I really like River Song when she's not being used as an authorial mouthpiece to tell us endlessly how awesome horrible Amy Pond is, but then I really like Alex Kingston so I admit I'm biased in that direction.