PREDATORS 2 Confirmed

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They know everything and you know nothing. That's what I've discovered on SSF. Your opinion means nothing and will be shot down. Attempts to brainwash you will be made at every opportunity. It's sad. They are sad... and cheap too. Some.
Holy ____'s just a forum. Goodness.


RR just announced the new Predators title at comic con!


Should be great.
gee, 5 homages. OH NOES.

It's more than 5 and TBH anything over a single nod is pathetic. "Paying Homage" just means to show your respects. For movie sequels, that's just a brief acknowledgement of the previous film(s) in the series. Which isn't even necessary IMO.

It doesn't mean numerous instances of copying. That's beyond "Paying Homage".

If someone in your family died and a person payed their respects and said "Sorry for your loss" you'd say "Thank you" and keep it moving. But if that person said "Sorry for your loss" to you over 5 times over the course of 2 hours or so trust me, you'd get annoyed and think that person was a complete imbecile.

It's more than 5 and TBH anything over a single nod is pathetic. "Paying Homage" just means to show your respects. For movie sequels, that's just a brief acknowledgement of the previous film(s) in the series.

It doesn't mean numerous instances of copying. That's beyond "Paying Homage".

If someone in your family died and a person payed their respects and said "Sorry for your loss" you'd say "Thank you" and keep it moving. But if that person said "Sorry for your loss" to you over 5 times over the course of 2 hours or so trust me, you'd get annoyed and think that person was a complete imbecile.


I don't see the point in singling out "homages." There were just as many in P2.
PREDATORS = Knockoff of Predator
Too many homages paid. Especially with the score.
Predator 2 paid few homages, rightfully so considering it is and always will be the official sequel to Predator, and did so with subtlety.
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Most movies, that are sequels still pay homage. So it's not like Predators started this new trend.

Aliens had a few Alien homages. Iron Man had homages to the comics. Spider-Man had homages to the comics. Batman had homages to the comics. Not a new thing. (and by homages, I mean little things like Zaaz in Batman Begins, or The Lonely man in TIH..)
PREDATORS = Knockoff of Predator
Too many homages paid. Especially with the score.
Predator 2 paid few homages, rightfully so considering it is and always will be the official sequel to Predator, with subtlety.

So the Predators score shouldnt sound like a Predator movie? It would'e been the same score if Alan did it. Insted of Guitar Riffs, it would've been electronic beats.

I love Silvestri and all...(he's my favorite) but teh score would not have been any different if he did it.
His score yes..but i'm so sick of all these new sequels that just ignore the other scores. Terminator 3, and Salvation never used the Terminator theme. (except for the credits.) Hellboy 2 didnt use Hellboy's theme from the first.

It's frustrating because it creates a unessesary seperation from the series. It's almost like a new movie.

Dispite Jurassic Park 3 sucking, atleast the composer Don Davis did a very John Williams inspired score. He had new stuff, and yet it still sounded JUST like Williams. If I didnt see the credits, I would'nt have known. It creates a connection to the other films.
I see what you're saying but IMO unless each film is an extension of the other (like Star Wars) and picks up right where the last film left off, creating that connection with the score isn't necessary.
I disagree 10000000000000%. :lol

Music is incredibly important. To me, it's one of the most imporant things in a film. A good score, if used right, can make a scene even more intense then it is.

See the TDK Joker escape. Joker hanging out of the window is cool looking...but you add that deep, bassy sound Hans put in there...and wow. Just creates a whole new new emotion.

The Predator films have a distinct theme to it. Very distinct. Like the Terminator. Or POTC.

It's like if the new POTC movie didnt have any ques from the other Pirate films. People would lose the connection.
Music is incredibly important. To me, it's one of the most imporant things in a film. A good score, if used right, can make a scene even more intense then it is.

See the TDK Joker escape. Joker hanging out of the window is cool looking...but you add that deep, bassy sound Hans put in there...and wow. Just creates a whole new new emotion.


When did I say music isn't important!? I said the SAME score between movies in a series that aren't a continuation of each other (Like Star Wars) isn't important.
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