Terminator Salvation...

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Super Freak
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
A RETROSPECT THREAD: Ok guys for those of us that saw the movie in the THEATER and have purchased it on DVD I would like to know if your thoughts have changed since seeing it in the THEATER? ESPECIALLY now that you have had a chance to sit down in the comfort of your home undisturbed by stupid loudmouth people that were in the THEATER. Me personally I liked TERMINATOR SALVATION ( but hey I liked T3 too ) and even more now that I have watched it a couple times at home. Feel free to comment. Try to keep it civil if you will. Thanks , Mike
Concerning some of the machines in the movie "THE HARVESTER" for one I wasn't very excited about it when I saw it in the THEATER. Maybe because in real time in the THEATER things were moving fast but after rewinding on BLURAY and pausing getting a closer look at it I think it ROCKS! In the theater I felt it was a too TRANSFORMERISH. I especially dug the MOTO TERMINATORS that roll out of it.
I enjoyed it in the movies, and yes even more so at home. Still wish they gave some screen time of with the T-700 then what we saw. Ending however still troubles me since you can see what was the original intention with John Connor dying and Marcus taking over his identity. But instead we get a quick heart swap which felt rushed. Oh yeah, I also enjoyed T-3 too :)
I didn't see it in the theater, and was a bit aprehensive on the DVD after remembering all the lukewarm reviews.

Well, I watched last night and totally loved it. It was a fun ride for me, and I could see myself watching it at least a few more times. I really liked all the different terminators, especially the motorcycles!
it's got action, it's loud, and it looks pretty... yes it's fun. but it doesn't contribute to the terminator franchise in a meaningful way.

worth a watch? yes - popcorn flick

worthy as a terminator film? no
I hate it.

Liked it the first go. Went again, it got worse. Then watching it again, I realize it's a piece of ????.
Hey bro... please elaborate. I would like to hear your reasons for it being NOT worthy of a TERMINATOR film. Thanks, Mike

it's got action, it's loud, and it looks pretty... yes it's fun. but it doesn't contribute to the terminator franchise in a meaningful way.

worth a watch? yes - popcorn flick

worthy as a terminator film? no
When I saw it in the theater, it was a matinee showing and barely anyone was in it. Maybe 12 people total including myself, my girl and my friend. So it was a good quiet experience. I liked it overall because I walk into a theater with an open mind all the time. I got the Blu Ray on the way and I can tell ya I'm pretty excited about seeing it again. Especially all the terminators over again.
I enjoyed the setting. I had no problem with them shifting the action to daytime versus the nighttime future war glimpses in T1 and T2. I enjoyed the sound effects and the look of the T-600. The costumes were great and have made for great figures from Hot Toys. And it was great that they worked Arnie in somehow despite the implausability of it being a 101 again. Even better that they resisted the urge to give him one-liners.

Now for what I didn't like: Skynet is reduced to a villain to be taken no more seriously than Dr.Evil. It goes into detail with Marcus about its grand plan and despite opportunity after opportunity it fails to carry it out. It might aswell have put Connor on an unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism over a pool of ill-tempered mutated sea-bass and then left him alone, not actually witnessing him dying and just assumed it all went to plan!

Add to that the fact that the plan made no sense. Why send in an infiltrator Terminator to merely lure Connor back to the homebase? Why not program him to kill on sight like any other Terminator? Why is there a Skynet homebase? Why rely on a Terminator who thinks hes human and apparently has free will? Of course he was going to side with the humans!

Why does the T-800 not crush Connors head in his hands instead of throwing him around? Don't allow this scenario to present itself if it can't be treated realistically - its a machine with a task to perform - it wouldn't take a dramatic pause!

Why does Connor essentially tell everyone that Reese is his dad - including Marcus, a Terminator of unknown intent at the time? No one but Connor himself should have known. Why does Marcus not find it a bit odd that Connor is clearly older than the guy he claims is his dad?

Just too many questions.

Oh and they made the T-800 too invincible. The Terminators of the first 2 films would not have survived what they put this one through.
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I liked it. Since T3 already ????ed up the nice ending T2 had, they might as well have given us another film of what we really wanted to see; the actual war between the humans and Skynet.
I quite liked the movie..
I don't want to think too much about it, because then I begin to realize how stupid some moves/actions are, and it stops making sense :lol:

When I first watched it, it was OK, not a disappointment, but not something I'd praise, second time I've watched it in cinema (only movie I went to watch twice) it was MUCH better, I noticed all the little details, some parts i missed out the first time, and then when I watched it at home, enthusiasm kinda went away a bit, but still I enjoyed it, so it's no T1 or T2, but for me, it's surely better then T3, I really don't stand that movie much.. :(
Apart from the plot holes, barbaric dialogue and couple of WTF moments... I liked it :) As a big terminator fan I wasn't offended by it but it could have been better.
Apart from the plot holes, barbaric dialogue and couple of WTF moments... I liked it :) As a big terminator fan I wasn't offended by it but it could have been better.

This would sum up my thoughts. Exactly my opinion, only more nicely said!
I liked it. Since T3 already ????ed up the nice ending T2 had, they might as well have given us another film of what we really wanted to see; the actual war between the humans and Skynet.

Well they always could have made a film about the future war events that led to the Terminators being sent back through time in T1 and T2. A kind of prequel if you will. I would have preferred that actually rather than deviating from the established lore as they tried to do with T4.
Some interesting thoughts. I agree with some and disagree with others. Nonetheless we have another TERMINATOR movie that I thought was rather good. I liked the characters and the actors chosen to play those characters. Some very cool TERMINATORS and machines like the HARVESTER and MOTO TERMINATORS. The plot to me was good enough being it did not come from the mind of JAMES CAMERON and all. I will not complain as I am just happy to be immersed in the world of TERMINATOR once again. Can't wait for T5. SPEAKING of T5 ... I wonder where they are going to go with it. I hope we get to see yet another installment of the TERMINATOR franchise in a theater in the not to distant future. Mike
Why does Connor essentially tell everyone that Reese is his dad - including Marcus, a Terminator of unknown intent at the time? No one but Connor himself should have known. Why does Marcus not find it a bit odd that Connor is clearly older than the guy he claims is his dad?

When did he specifically tell anyone that reese was his dad? Yes he did tell marcus and kate, But how is that everyone?
If you tell someone who you regard as your arch enemy such an important detail I think its a safe bet hes also told many of his allies who in turn could have told more and more people. I should watch the film again because to be honest I'm going on memory but didn't he stress to Michael Ironside the importance of Kyle Reese if not directly say 'he is my dad'.
Terminator Salvation is really a fine addition to the series. I watched the blu-ray after it was first released and felt the urge to watch again a couple of days later.

T1 and T2 remain my favorites, but this one was not a disappointment for me. Only thing I would want more of is an emotional connection to the characters... This is something James Cameron does well in his films.