Toht 12-inch Figure

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You can't argue the Hasbro ark looks more screen accurate with the high shine. I know the Sideshow one is annoyingly dull, especially at that price, but it's still a nice piece and a nice representation of the ark. I personally was unwilling to shell out the $60-$100 the Hasbro ark has been fetching on ebay, and I thought the weighty-ness of polystone made the Sideshow price a little more palatable for me. Heck, I thought the hoops Hasbro made you go through originally was overboard too! What was it, 4 12" figures plus $10? Maybe if it was one or two figures and $10 it would have been more reasonable to me.

Anyway, can't wait to get home and take a look at the ark! Toht is packed away under my desk calling out to me to open him! (dirty!)

And drJedisith, there's something oddly appropriate about the blurry pics you put up. They give the scene "atmosphere" :)
Grabbed my Toht from a sleeping Ups guy outside my house this mornin. It's off the ^^^^in' CHAIN! Ark is a bit dull, but dang... it's the ARK! Still glad i got the EX. Toht's flawless. Glasses look great (surprisingly). Face looks near perfek, costume rocks, accessories are plentiful, and the Prometheus is the tightest yet.

Completely Ba'Dass!!
Which of you will be the first to repaint the ark?

Well, before I got it, I did some research on actually plating the ark -- like they do with trophies. It's not too pricey after all but the drive to get it to the shop is a bi-yatch.

However, now that it's in hand, I feel no need to plate it. It is in fact dull in flat daylight, but at night under warm lights or in direct sunlight it looks terrific. I plan to display it in a cabinet under a strong light anyway so I don't think I'll need the plating. It may not shine like Hasbro's but I like it all the same.

Painting is not an option as I can't really find a good gold 'metal' paint. If one presents itself, isn't too pricey, and I see someone else do it first, I might be willing to give it a go.
You won't get the same effect in gold paint. Either plating or leafing is the way to go.
Where can one have it plated?

I just googled "trophy plating" and "gold plating" in my local area (Los Angeles) and came up with 3 places. Most were industrial and I got referred to some other places. Two of them would do it, one was too far away. The last remaining place was also the cheapest but also a long, long drive. He told me $50 on the phone, but I have a gut feeling once I got out there he'd be like "ohhhhhh, no, not $50 for this. $150".
You can't argue the Hasbro ark looks more screen accurate with the high shine. I know the Sideshow one is annoyingly dull, especially at that price, but it's still a nice piece and a nice representation of the ark. I personally was unwilling to shell out the $60-$100 the Hasbro ark has been fetching on ebay, and I thought the weighty-ness of polystone made the Sideshow price a little more palatable for me. Heck, I thought the hoops Hasbro made you go through originally was overboard too! What was it, 4 12" figures plus $10? Maybe if it was one or two figures and $10 it would have been more reasonable to me.

Anyway, can't wait to get home and take a look at the ark! Toht is packed away under my desk calling out to me to open him! (dirty!)

And drJedisith, there's something oddly appropriate about the blurry pics you put up. They give the scene "atmosphere" :)

I didn't know it was migraine inspiring to stick 4 stickers in a little booklet, write down your personal info, add a check for $10 and mail it off to Hasbro. :dunno
I didn't know it was migraine inspiring to stick 4 stickers in a little booklet, write down your personal info, add a check for $10 and mail it off to Hasbro. :dunno

I really meant the fact that one would have to buy FOUR figures, which at full price were about $20 a piece. I know a lot out there waited to get them on clearance, but then you're stuck with 4 figures you may not have necessarily wanted. Those are hoops! :) As opposed to only having to buy one or maybe two figures..much easier and reasonable!
The people that got the ark on ebay for like $40-$50 got a great deal.

Not sure which I'd want if I had both in front of me. I still find both arks to have their individual flaws. I lean towards the SS ark because that's the one I stuck with. But I could have easily gotten the Hasbro ark if I really wanted to. SS gave me plenty of time to cancel. But neither really made me say "oh, that's so much better".
I really meant the fact that one would have to buy FOUR figures, which at full price were about $20 a piece. I know a lot out there waited to get them on clearance, but then you're stuck with 4 figures you may not have necessarily wanted. Those are hoops! :) As opposed to only having to buy one or maybe two figures..much easier and reasonable!

I dunno. I'm not a toy snob. Sure they weren't 100% movie accurate with Trevor sculpts, wired whips and pleated slacks, but they were great for Hasbro and you could play around with them without having to worry about breaking wrist pins, snapping accessories, etc, basically ruining a $100 toy. They were really the only "fun" toys released for Indy (the lack of TOD sucked the fun right out of the 3 3/4" lines). Based on that, I didn't mind forking over the cash for the figures so I only look at it as it was intended to be, as a freebe. And to be honest, if Sideshow hadn't fumbled, nobody here would be whining about having to pick up the Hasbro Ark in the first place. So lay blame where it's due. :lol
I have come to the conclusion you are a FOOL if you dislike Toht and do not own this figure. Just got mine and this figure fing ROCKS! The glasses are not bad at all in person. In fact I have the DiD ones but like the SS ones better.

Also the ark...

OWNS! It is much better in person, it is definitely bigger than it should be but looks great, good use more shine but it is just pure awesome.

This figure FTW.
The SS ark takes a beating but I am glad to see some others who have it in hand who also like it.

Ark aside though, TOHT is just a great figure. I'd say it's the best in the line so far but no one will listen to me because of my avatar. :)
The SS ark takes a beating but I am glad to see some others who have it in hand who also like it.

Ark aside though, TOHT is just a great figure. I'd say it's the best in the line so far but no one will listen to me because of my avatar. :)

You are a Toht-biased nazi. :D
The SS ark takes a beating but I am glad to see some others who have it in hand who also like it.

Ark aside though, TOHT is just a great figure. I'd say it's the best in the line so far but no one will listen to me because of my avatar. :)

Yea Yea! I am with ya homes.