In what order do you rate the Indiana Jones Movies

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Super Freak
May 4, 2008
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Well, all the hype and controversy over Indy 4 has died down. I thought it might be a good idea to reflect on how you see Doctor Jones 4th adventure now, compared with the other movies. Did you hate at first but grew to like it on DVD? Did you like it but grew to love it? (I have to admit I got this Idea off a post from Celticp)

1. Raiders of the lost ark
2. Indiana Jones and the Temple of doom
3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull :horror
4. Indiana Jones and the last crusade (yes it's 4th but I still love it)
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Temple of Doom
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Last Crusade

I love them all, but some are better than the others... just a little.
1/ Raiders of the Lost Ark - Best adventure film ever
2/ The last Crusade - Almost as good and there's Connery!
3/ Temple of Doom - is to Indy what the new Trilogy is to Star Wars: A disaster
4/ Crystal Skull - Uhh! Is that even Indiana Jones! Perfect movie for the Razzy awards!
1.Raiders of the Lost Ark- A perfect movie in almost every way.

2. Temple of Doom- I know a lot of people hate it, but to me it maintains the spirit of the old serial/pulp novels that inspired the character in the first place; outlandish action set pieces, funny sidekicks, "mouthy broads", and over the top villains. And besides it's really fun.

3. Last Crusade- A not so great remake of the first one, but you gotta love Connery!

Crystal Skull... I won't even recognize on the list. A total mess from start to finish.

As an aside, someone on the internet pointed out that in Crystal Skull, if Indy had never gotten involved, the film would have turned out the exact same way (aliens sucking minds and killing everyone). The bad guys still would've lost. I thought it was funny and then realized this logic applies to all the Indy films except Temple of Doom. In Raiders, the Ark still would've blown up Belloq and all the Nazis. In Last Crusade the Grail still could not have been removed from the tomb or anyone who didn't "choose wisely" would've been killed with old age.

Temple of Doom is really the only one where Indy had more to do with the villains death than the actual object everyone was seeking. Nothing like a game of Sankara Stone hot potato invoked by some incantation:whip:lol
The reason I don't like Temple of Doom is because, to me, Indiana Jones is not only the Adventurer, he's also the professor, a fact completely ignored in that episode. And also, I miss the many travels from one continent to another. When you think the wagon chase was originally intended for the first episode, I'm glad they didn't have the budget. Sure, it's fun, but it contributes to remove any lack of realism to the movie.
As for Crystal Skull. I was glad to find Indy again, but I didn't think it would cause so much to the character. The whole ET story is just meh! And it's full of nonsense: For example, the part in the cemetery? How the hell did they find it? With just a sketchy map on a dusty floor? And who are those guys attacking them, and why are they here? Just to spice up the scenario! As for a logic, forget about it. So true, had that film been anything else than an Indy movie, I would have been more lenient, but it's one of my icons they messed up with here!!!! :(
1.Raiders of the Lost Ark- A perfect movie in almost every way.

2. Temple of Doom- I know a lot of people hate it, but to me it maintains the spirit of the old serial/pulp novels that inspired the character in the first place; outlandish action set pieces, funny sidekicks, "mouthy broads", and over the top villains. And besides it's really fun.

3. Last Crusade- A not so great remake of the first one, but you gotta love Connery!

Crystal Skull... I won't even recognize on the list. A total mess from start to finish.

As an aside, someone on the internet pointed out that in Crystal Skull, if Indy had never gotten involved, the film would have turned out the exact same way (aliens sucking minds and killing everyone). The bad guys still would've lost.

Yeah, but if Indy never got involved in Crystal and Raiders Marion, the love of his life, would be dead. And in crusade he saved his father. Last Crusade taught us that there are more important things in life than the prize. To quote Henry Jones Snr 'Indiana, Indiana, Let it go '
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark (what's better than the original that started it all?!)
2. Last Crusade
3. Crystal Skull
4. Temple of Doom
1/ Raiders of the Lost Ark - Best adventure film ever
2/ The last Crusade - Almost as good and there's Connery!
3/ Temple of Doom - is to Indy what the new Trilogy is to Star Wars: A disaster
4/ Crystal Skull - Uhh! Is that even Indiana Jones! Perfect movie for the Razzy awards!

Thats my rank as well.
1 - The Last Crusade - Better characters, in my opinion, bring this one to the top. Connery is a given, River Phoenix was an excellent young Indy, Sallah and Marcus get more screen time and are great, and the villains are ALMOST as good as the first one.
2 - Raiders of the Lost Ark - Villains almost bring this to the top. If I could rate them equally I probably would...
3 - Temple of Doom - Not a disaster, but not nearly as good as the others.
4 - Crystal Skull - Some good moments, but overall pretty terrible. Aliens was not a direction Indy films should have gone to. I don't care if it was the '50s - that's no excuse!
I like them all but 4 was the weakest one. In fact it's almost embarassing how watered down it was compaired to the other 3. Waiting 19 years for that film was a BIG Disappointment.

Raiders and Temple are the best and capture the character perfectly. LC was really good, I especially liked Ford and Connery together , but it started getting a little bit to comical. Of course Elsa was hot so it wins points for that.

If they make Indy 5 they need to find a younger director, someone who has passion for these type of films. Spielberg seems to have lost his touch in his old age. I'd leave both he and George as excutive producers and set the character back in the 30's and 40's where he's meant to be. Of course that means a new Indy since Ford is to old now.....
1) Raiders - Action/adventure perfection

2) Temple - Action packed. Best villain. Comes closest to duplicating the 30's adventure serials

3) Crusade - Brilliant chemistry between Ford and Connery. Opening Cross of Coronado sequence is my favortie of the series. On the downside the plot is just a rehash of Raiders and it has the most uninteresting villains of the series.

4) KOTCS - Ford shows he's still got it, and the chemistry bewteen him and Shia is pretty good. Cate Blanchett was fantastic. Terrific opening sequence at the warehouse. Nice job of capturing the 50's B movie vibe. Unfortunatley, there's never any real sense of danger and the movie overall just has a very comfortable feeling.
Raiders is the best, but my favourite is Last Crusade...I like KOTCS and ToD equally...which is still quite a lot...
Raiders is the best of course

Temple, for it's dark subject matter and the BEST Indy villain ever.. MOLA RAM!

KOTCS, I really liked this movie... except of course for the monkey scene.

TLC, this movie had it's good moments.. but for me the thing that made it good was Connery. Without the Father son moments, it really would have lost the majority of its appeal to me. Still love it, but love it the least.