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Huh, never seen this before.
Got this figure for Christmas. Absolutely love it. I missed out on the SS version back in the day so to finally have THE Clone is amazing.

Bring on 501st, Shockie and Rex!

Great pics as always Pizza... but you can see how small Cody is to the others in that last picture. They've all got bent legs and lower bases and they are still taller than Cody.

In fact, if we remove the bases, the Koto are almost the same size as Cody ...



Are the Kotos 1/6 or 1/7?

I do love this figure, and think its really well done... its just the first figure in a long time where I immediately felt it was too short. Usually that's fixed easily with longer or shorter ankle pegs... but you can't do that with clones. So now all clones will measure up to Cody.

Does anyone have an ANH Stormtrooper they can put Cody next too? I have a feeling there's a half inch difference between them.
The Koto's are not 1/6. They are indeed 1/7 scale. So they should not look that good next to Cody... :lol
I think the height is fine
Yes, it would look better taller BUT I think it?s accurate to the movie. There were not many scenes with Temura and Ewan standing Together but the ones that do exist,and I know perspective blah blah blah ,but the ones that do exist make it appear that Obi-Wan is taller than Jango /clones.

Remember this is based on the movie and NOT the clone wars cartoons

I also think we are conditioned to think taller means badder and meaner and short means weak and fragile and that could be part of the hang up tooC6640899-D81B-4689-8372-7EABA2A3BB2C.jpgF78B50E7-B49D-40C8-BAA1-C1B857167DCB.jpgE55513B9-6461-4EEB-856E-E66BCDF5D88B.jpg
They really gave some lifts to Ewan for that shot, didn't they?

The problem with Cody is not just the height but he is smallish all around, hence being able to stand with 1/7th Koto. That's why I said I noticed it right away. The figure is just smaller scaled.

Strange, because over the last few years HT in general has been scaling up their 1/6th figures. But, what goes up...
Looking at the height at a bunch of upcoming figures they all seem to be right around 11.8 inches. Moff gideon seems short. 11.4