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So we could work at Lucasfilm...

That was nice to see even though I am still bitter they didn't completely retcon Luke by bringing him back to life. The other one was when they said Holdo's lore-breaking weaponized hyperspace was "one in a million" and will basically never work again. LOL! TLJ really did FUBAR this trilogy. JJ spent so much running time trying to clean up Ruin's mess to the detriment of this movie.

I'm a little bitter about that as well. Luke coming back to life or his vanishing in TLJ being retconned as something other than death feels a lot more plausible and less damaging to the Orignal Trilogy than bringing Palpatine back from the dead. I was glad to see he was kind of back to his old self during his brief cameo in this one, but the fact that he was able to just use the Force to lift the functional X-Wing out of the water so she could take that in addition to all the other original trilogy artifacts that's she's been given throughout this sequel trilogy made Luke's actions in The Last Jedi seem even worse and more cowardly. He could just have jumped into that X-Wing and faced his fears, but he chose to do the Force projection and die from using the Force too hard. It kind of bums me out when I think about it.
Lots of people die on the crapper :dunno

Not only did TROS retcon "S-foil as door of Luke's hut" (as stated in the TLJ Visual Dictionary) but also the Battle of Jakku as the Empire's last stand (as previously stated in the new canon comics). It says the war ended at Endor.
Palpatine lost too easy.

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He's an idiot. He told Rey his entire plan, step by step. Had he not said anything, he would have won. But nope, he did it again. Also, he wanted her to kill him so that he could take over her or whatever. Well, she eventually struck him and he just died. Wut? :lol
I'm a little bitter about that as well. Luke coming back to life or his vanishing in TLJ being retconned as something other than death feels a lot more plausible and less damaging to the Orignal Trilogy than bringing Palpatine back from the dead. I was glad to see he was kind of back to his old self during his brief cameo in this one, but the fact that he was able to just use the Force to lift the functional X-Wing out of the water so she could take that in addition to all the other original trilogy artifacts that's she's been given throughout this sequel trilogy made Luke's actions in The Last Jedi seem even worse and more cowardly. He could just have jumped into that X-Wing and faced his fears, but he chose to do the Force projection and die from using the Force too hard. It kind of bums me out when I think about it.

I never in a million years would have imagined Luke Skywalker would die in such a stupid and unheroic way. **** Ruin Johnson.

I don't know whether or not we're to assume Luke knew he'd die from the effort required to pull off his Force projection ruse, but regardless I don't understand how one interprets it as cowardly and/or unheroic. If he'd shown up himself on Crait he wouldn't have lived very long, nor would he have occupied Kylo and The First Order long enough for the thoroughly outgunned Resistance to escape. Once he decided to act, he chose a strategy that had the best chance of success. It reminded me of Obi-wan in ANH when he said "You can't win, but there are alternatives to fighting".
I aw it again. Went with some friends that couldn't make it on opening night. I was considerate enough not to wail on it to them before they saw it by saying I didn't want to spoil it for them.

It was better for me the second time. I didn't have the baggage of expectations and all of the negative press I had absorbed before I went on opening night.

It is still not a great movie (it is JJ we are talking about after all) and I still stand by most of my earlier criticisms, but I did come away this time finding more about it that I did like.

Thanks to some interesting remarks from xipotec, I found new appreciation for Leia's arc in this. It is interesting how her passing really does bring her son back from the darkness.

With the exception of the worm thing being a flimsy excuse to have Rey show off a new power, I liked the whole Pasaana sequence, including the chase. It did show the team working effectively together, despite the lack of chemistry between them. And how cool was it to see Threepio actually working...translating the female's remarks for Rey...that was cool. And having Lando show up the way he did was perfection, very nice.

The entire sequence on the Endor ocean moon was very good. The Death Star wreckage had some visually stunning moments with the interiors that looked almost old-school matte painting (I mean that a s a BIG compliment) and the duel between Rey and Ren was infused with great emotion. Very well done.

But (and it's a big one) the movie still feels like it's working overtime to stuff as much in and unnecessarily ret-con not only TLJ but a bit of TFA too. It could have been shorter and more focused.

The Palpatine thing just doesn't work. Having Rey be a Palpatine could have been dramatic on it's own without him actually being there. Imagine the tension that could have been present between her and Kylo wrestling with that revelation and Rey countering with Leia's wisdom and feeling. That would have had more impact then the zillion-question raising actual return of Palps did. His actually being there overshadowed everything and shrunk the two leads into nothing more than supporting players. It just become an uninvolving easy way out for the writers.

I can consider this an adequate finale for the sequel trilogy bur NOT for the whole saga. The main issue I will always have with this sequel trilogy is that it was built off of the idea of destroying and devaluing everyone from the OT, rendering their sacrifices in vain and their contributions useless. That could have been barely acceptable if they had moved their story forward in a way that could have provided conflict without deconstructing everything that came before it. A lot of folks like to pin that on RJ and TLJ but it started as soon as Kasdan and Abrams sat down and started working on TFA. There were a few interesting ideas in there, like having an ex-stormtrooper in the story. But there was literally NO follow-through with it. Finn spends his entire arc yelling "Rey" or whooping as he blasts troopers away without a second though or show of remorse or conflicted feelings about it. He ends the trilogy as a vacant bore with suddenly awakening force awareness that felt like too little, too late.

The biggest issue with the sequel trilogy is the lack of vision and planning. Why does this trilogy even exist? When Disney bought Lucasfilm, they jettisoned years of material from the EU that could of at the very least, provided some positive inspiration on where to go. Instead, it just started the long process of offending and shutting out fans, the very ones who helped build the franchise into the cultural icon it is.

I hope Disney keeps it's word on giving movies a break. Come up with a plan and people to carry it all the way through. Don't put it in a mystery box...share some of the development with the fans to spark hope and interest.

In the meantime, let the series on D+ carry the's been good so far with The Mandolorian finding that right tone of respectful nostalgia aligned with an engaging story. Here's hoping that Cassian and Kenobi continue the quality...
May DiFabio have mercy on my soul for what i?m about to say.

The most powerful moving moment in Star Wars obviously remains I Am Your Father.

But the second most powerful moving moment in Star Wars for me now is the Leia-Han-Kylo moment.

Rey is on her knees defeated.

When it goes silent around Kylo and you hear Leia then you see her silhouette I had goosebumps and tears but then Han talks and I was floored by that one two punch.

Yes the TROS Han/Kylo moment was even more impactful (but in a positive way as opposed to tragic/heart-breaking) than his death in TFA because like most longtime fans I was pretty much braced for Han to die the whole movie and when he stepped out onto that bridge I instantly knew the end result. But in TROS it was just as emotional but like "I am your father" had the extra impact of being a massive surprise as well.

I'm blown away that they brought Ben back by having him suffer the same surprise wound that he gave his father before he got to re-enact his last moments with the father but making the right choice this time. And then from that point on he took the exact opposite actions as young Anakin Skywalker. Anakin hopped in a speeder and rushed to save Palpatine from Windu in order to save Padme but ended up killing her. Ben hopped in a TIE and rushed to save Rey from Palpatine and then did actually keep her from dying.

I don't even care about how things like "hyperspace hopping" might change the Saga going forward because it literally needs to go no further now. I got the ending I wanted and in some ways the ending I didn't even realize that I wanted.

I suspect that the space battle will grow on me over time and that I'll be able to just sit back and appreciate the sheer zaniness of it all, lol.
Whatever Hot Toys is currently have in their mind for this clown saga, just hurry up and dump those figures out ...once and for all. I want 2020 to be a completely "pure" year without any involvements from this abomination :).
Only a $175 million opening; way down from both previous movies. I don't think this movie is going to hit a billion at the box office.

I never would have believed 7 years after the Disney purchase the most valuable film franchise on the planet would crater and become worthless. Disney should erect a monument to Kennedy's ineptitude right in the middle of the Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Blvd.
Well, I can’t be as forgiving right now as some of you guys are. I didn’t really like Ep9 that much. There were parts I enjoyed, unlike TLJ which I didn’t find anything I enjoyed. It felt so rushed to begin with but I appreciate what JJ was trying to accomplish. I might watch it one more time to catch a few things I missed but it was far from a satisfying conclusion or even installment in the series. It was at least was watchable for me and felt more like a SW movie even though I didn’t care for the overall storyline.
Only a $175 million opening; way down from both previous movies. I don't think this movie is going to hit a billion at the box office.

I had a feeling prior to this film's release that it might only do about $750-800 million. That's fine. They can call it a day with the films and explore other parts of the galaxy on Disney+.
When Disney bought Lucasfilm, they jettisoned years of material from the EU that could of at the very least, provided some positive inspiration on where to go.

What material?

I don't know whether or not we're to assume Luke knew he'd die from the effort required to pull off his Force projection ruse, but regardless I don't understand how one interprets it as cowardly and/or unheroic. If he'd shown up himself on Crait he wouldn't have lived very long, nor would he have occupied Kylo and The First Order long enough for the thoroughly outgunned Resistance to escape. Once he decided to act, he chose a strategy that had the best chance of success. It reminded me of Obi-wan in ANH when he said "You can't win, but there are alternatives to fighting".

I disagree with this. Rey showed up on Crait with no other air support, flew around in the Falcon shooting down Tie Fighters left and right and didn't die. Rose crashed into Finn right in front of the AT-ATs and they didn't get killed. The story could have easily been written to have Luke return in the third movie and it would have been better for it seeing as the movie is called The Rise of Skywalker. I think the projection thing is kind of weak when it would be more powerful and redeeming for him to return in person to make up for his mistakes and the X-Wing thing in Rise of Skywalker makes it worse because it shows that that would have been very possible for him to do. I didn't like the force projection thing in The Last Jedi in the first place, but at least it could be explained away by the fact that he didn't have a way to get off of the island.
Just a thought:

When Kylo/Ben turns up at the end, why do the Knights of Ren attack him? No one has seen him since he "turned" to the light... hell, the only thing he actually did was throw his lightsaber into the ocean; does that mean the rest of the universe knows what happened in that moment? Did he do a PSA renouncing the dark side?

Or am I missing something?
Just a thought:

When Kylo/Ben turns up at the end, why do the Knights of Ren attack him? No one has seen him since he "turned" to the light... hell, the only thing he actually did was throw his lightsaber into the ocean; does that mean the rest of the universe knows what happened in that moment? Did he do a PSA renouncing the dark side?

Or am I missing something?

I don't know. Maybe they have a little bit of the force.

I don't want to be overly negative as there were things I liked about this even if I didn't really like it overall. I enjoyed Finn and Poe's chemistry, it was fun and exciting, they treated Lando with reverence and respect which was nice to see after what was done with the other legacy characters.