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No way an Archer or Janeway would sell compared to a Chekov when you have the rest of his crew out there
Well, in reply to one of my previous posts, Nanjin said he wouldn’t be allowed to enter paradise if he didn’t produce the whole crew, so I guess Chekov is a given.

Now I agree with you about just focusing on the captains being a bad idea. I would never have bought Kirk if I’d known Spock and Bones wouldn’t follow. Some characters need others to be whole. Take Dean Winchester, I’m pissed i got convinced to buy him because we were told Sam would follow. But I won’t make that mistake again, ever!

I'm more intrigued by his commitment to get a Chapel figure out next year. She'll likely be less popular than Chekov but the first lady of Trek deserves to be immortalised.
No way an Archer or Janeway would sell compared to a Chekov when you have the rest of his crew out there

I want to complete the original series crew so Chekov would be great...but I do not think Chekov is even remotely close to Janeway in over-all popularity...Janeway and Chekov both get released I think even without her crew being made she outsells him 3-1.
Yes, can’t say Chapel is a good choice. I’d rather have Chekov, then Rand and THEN Chapel!

I think that although she appeared less often, Rand was a bit more front and centre than Chapel. Grace was essentially the female lead. That said, Chapel was so underrated, under-used, and sidelined in the movie era that I really hope Nanjin can pull it off.
I think that although she appeared less often, Rand was a bit more front and centre than Chapel. Grace was essentially the female lead. That said, Chapel was so underrated, under-used, and sidelined in the movie era that I really hope Nanjin can pull it off.

This merits a wait what?
Yeah that's why I always felt they should have focused on the Captains and more central characters first, so as to build up more interest and excitement in the line. And then they could sprinkle in the secondary characters along the way.

I agree 100%- The Captains should come first from all the spin-off series- I think they would easily out sell Chekov or most other secondary characters
I don’t think so.

Many ST fans consider TOS as THE ST series. TOS needs to be completed first. The rest is icing on the cake.

Nah...that's a generational thing...I have been a life long Star Trek fan beginning with reruns of the original series before any other shows existed...baby boomers think of the original (my over-all 2nd favorite show) as being THE series...Gen Xers and Yers will tell you that TNG is THE series...I will stick to my guns on my belief that fans of ALL Star Trek collectively would rank Janeway way ahead of Chekov in over-all popularity. I am not even a huge Janeway fan but there is no question that her seven seasons as Captain and central character of Voyager make her a little more significant in the over-all Star Trek mythos than Chekov's 2 seasons of the original series and 7 movies with not very much to do on them...
Hopefully we can have both. I know I want Chekov and Janeway.

But I'm not gonna lie, I'm more likely to buy Janeway. She IS a captain and I love or at least like all the captain characters.
The series of my youth is TNG. I only saw TOS in the reruns. Yet I feel that TOS is ST. The rest are spinoffs.

As a little kid I'd watch reruns of TOS with my family, later on "my" Trek was TNG. Picard is one of my favourite characters -- but TOS is the origin of it all.
I've been working with my recently acquired 3D printer and trying to learn how to design stuff. Here is my first showable item: the "ray generator" or "trident scanner" used in a few episodes. I mostly eyeballed the dimensions from online picture and screen grabs. Lots of trial and error on the design and printing phase. I'm a little unsure as to the thickness and my printer resolution isn't the greatest. Given all that, I'm still happy with it and so is Scotty because he finally has something besides his phaser, communicator and tricorder.

ray-generator-1.JPG scotty-gen-1.JPG

scotty-gen-2.JPG scotty-gen-3.JPG

"Aye, they're into the machinery"

This merits a wait what?

Yeah, many people overlook that Rand was the female lead. She appears in all the promotional shots with Nimoy and Shatner, she had equal billing with McCoy, and she was guaranteed 7 appearances unlike the day players (that's about as many as Scotty). If you look at all the Yeomen in season one as opposed to season two, you can see that the stories were written with Rand in mind, plus Uhura's role on the planet in City on the Edge of Forever was initially intended to be Rand (and was even a kick ass version who jury-rigged the transporter and took command of a security team). Grace had a few health issues at the time plus she was sexually assaulted by an executive during a wrap party during the filming of Miri, and they didn't renew her contract after the first half of season one (before any episodes had aired). She didn't even get any lines in her final appearance which is very odd. But to summarise, she was indeed the female lead!
Looks great!!! Any stl. You can share?? I tried to do one on 3Dwarehouse and I couldn't get it right
Are you using an .4mm nozzle and printing it flat or standing up? What slicer are you using?