Moebius Models 1/6 -Star Trek TOS- Kirk and Spock

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Apr 15, 2008
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To be fair to Moebius Models it does state that these are preliminary prototypes and the final prototypes will be shown at the Star Trek convention August 6th-9th.
Not bad for a start, Spock actually looks ok there Kirk needs more work though, excited to see more of theses.
Glad this is happening. But yeah that Kirk has some ways to go. Spock could stand some too. But overall it's a major hole in the market.
I'm excited for these, but Kirk does definitely need some work. Spock is not bad.
Totally unexpected! Happy to see more Trek figures are coming!

Yeah they do need a bit more work especially Kirk, but I'm hopeful they'll make improvements.
Man, Shatner's likeness is just so tough to capture. I honestly don't think anyone has ever managed it in 50 years.

That Spock looks good though.
While the likeness isn't perfect on either figure, they look like decent quality.
Of course, I'm in for Nanjin's fantastic figures, but it's nice to see Star Trek get more love.

Also, it will be interesting to see how deep the line will go.
Would love to see Bones (a no-brainer), Scotty, Sulu, Uhura and others as well.
Likenesses are terrible but good to see somebody at least is making 1:6 Classic figs.
Spock looks great! Kirk looks like Frankenstein and needs more work. Outfits otherwise look good too.
Likeness isn't all there, but no doubt who they are. If they price is good I'd be in on them and Bones.
Agree that the likenesses still need a lot of work, but these still look WELL worth getting just for the outfits and accessories alone.

And I especially love that they included the brown leather phaser belts from the first season as well. I always really loved that look and thought it was a shame they didn't keep them around.