The Dark Knight III: The Master Race

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Super Freak
Jul 20, 2010
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A Serious House on Serious Earth

"DC Entertainment announced today that bestselling, iconic Batman writer and artist Frank Miller will write the epic conclusion of the celebrated THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS saga.

The “THE DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE” is the sequel to Miller’s 1986 classic THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS – heralded by TIME Magazine as one of the 10 greatest graphic novels of all time – and its 2001-2002 follow-up series BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN.

Miller will be joined by acclaimed writer Brian Azzarello (100 BULLETS, JOKER, and WONDER WOMAN) on the eight-issue comic book periodical, to be published twice a month under the DC Comics imprint. Marking the 30th anniversary of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS original series, this periodical is slated for publication beginning in late Fall 2015.

“Batman remains my favorite comic book hero and a sequel to Dark Knight is going to be daunting," said Miller, "but we’ll do our best.”

“We are thrilled to have Frank back home at DC writing Batman,” according to Dan DiDio and Jim Lee, Co-Publishers for DC Entertainment. “The story he and Brian have crafted is an astounding and triumphant conclusion to this seminal body of work which influenced and shaped generations of readers and creators alike.”

According to Azzarello, “It's been an amazing experience collaborating with Frank these past six months. I think we have an epic story that these characters truly deserve.”

Artists for the project have yet to be announced."

If it was written by 1980's Frank Miller...who wouldn't be all for this? Penned by the OTT bad self-parody of himself that he's become since then, it's an easy miss. I couldn't face muddling my way through another shambolic mess like The Dark Knight Strikes Again...err...again. That stands as probably the most dissapointing and disheartening comic book experience I've ever had to endure. Roller blading Catgirl, pointless retread of the Superman pummeling, mutant shapeshifter Joker/decapitated **** Grayson reveal, Wonder Woman wearing Meatloafs face. So much s###e smeared over every page that it almost serves to tarnish my view of the original masterpiece. Almost, but not quite. The original DKR still stands as my favourite Batman story ever, despite all the rip offs and imitators that have followed since. However, it still sickens me that after I finish reading the Absolute version, I've got it's dumber, badly deformed younger brother stinking out the rear of the book like some gross hard cover Human Centipede.

And, anyway....the guy hasn't even bothered getting around to finishing up the god awful All Star Batman & Robin The Boy Wonder yet. Not that I want him to!

Both Miller and DC need to quit trying to return that once rejuvenating Dark Knight well, because the water was polluted a long time ago....when Miller himself decided to take a dump in it.
Pass on anything Miller-related nowadays, though he's picking the right time to cash in on all the goodwill he accumulated in the early-mid '80s, given the Snyder film, new toys, recent animated feature, etc.
I was able to bear ASB&R because of Lee's art. But yeah, certainly do not want a third serving if it is on the lines of TDK Strikes Again.

Find this statement scary, "...said Miller, "but we’ll do our best." :p
Yeah, that tells me it's a pure cash grab on his end. DC recognized this was the time to strike threw money at him, and he's taking it and throwing something together. Sadly, I got the impression that Dark Knight Strikes Again was something Miller really wanted to do, and look how that turned out.
I wonder if Mezco knew of this when they bought the Miller Batman rights? They'd be able to put out Miller based toys in tandem with this release, allowing not only to go back but to go forward as well.

My curiosity is peaked. I didn't like the sequel as much as the first but I'm willing to give it a go.
There's only one Dark Knight comic. What are you all talking about, some kind of fan fiction? :monkey3

Seriously though - Miller seems to be in the process of dying of cancer or liver failure, or possibly both, if recent pictures of him are anything to go by. I know I'm likely to be disappointed, but I'm really, really hoping he pulls out everything he's got left in the tank and delivers one last great piece of sequential art before he shuffles off this mortal coil. For best results, they really need to get Klaus Janson to ink over Miller's rough pencils again.
There's only one Dark Knight comic. What are you all talking about, some kind of fan fiction? :monkey3

Seriously though - Miller seems to be in the process of dying of cancer or liver failure, or possibly both, if recent pictures of him are anything to go by. I know I'm likely to be disappointed, but I'm really, really hoping he pulls out everything he's got left in the tank and delivers one last great piece of sequential art before he shuffles off this mortal coil. For best results, they really need to get Klaus Janson to ink over Miller's rough pencils again.

Since the last sentance in the announcement for the book says 'Artist for the project have yet to be announced', I doubt Miller is doing the artwork on the book.
I'll just pretend there was only TDKR... I'm sure I'll read this, but I don't have a good feeling about it. Obviously this is just a way to piggyback on the movie hype.

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Since the last sentance in the announcement for the book says 'Artist for the project have yet to be announced', I doubt Miller is doing the artwork on the book.

Personally, I'd love to see Eduardo Risso draw this. Some, if not all. Seems like his art (which I find dark, moody, and gritty) would fit Miller's writing. Given that Miller writes this one dark, moody, and gritty. Lol
I thought Strikes Again was tough to get through but I really did enjoy All Star Batman.
It will definitely be interesting to see where he takes this.

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I really did enjoy All Star Batman.

You mean in an ironic or 'witnessing a train wreck' kind of way, right? Besides the art work, what else of merit was there? The three issue car ride just to get to the bat cave? A **** Grayson whose 'training' consisted of being kidnapped, fed on rats and repeatedly called a retard? Black Canary earning a crust as a barmaid in the local boozer? Batman "Ha Ha"ing like Nelson from the Simpsons every time he smashes his knuckles into someones face? Erm....Vicki Vales ass? Seriously, I found it as far from enjoyable as you can get, and the only bat books I can think of that even come close to it's epic awfulness are Miller's own DKSA and Batman Odyssey
You mean in an ironic or 'witnessing a train wreck' kind of way, right? Besides the art work, what else of merit was there? The three issue car ride just to get to the bat cave? A **** Grayson whose 'training' consisted of being kidnapped, fed on rats and repeatedly called a retard? Black Canary earning a crust as a barmaid in the local boozer? Batman "Ha Ha"ing like Nelson from the Simpsons every time he smashes his knuckles into someones face? Erm....Vicki Vales ass? Seriously, I found it as far from enjoyable as you can get, and the only bat books I can think of that even come close to it's epic awfulness are Miller's own DKSA and Batman Odyssey

I thought it was an interesting alternate world origin tale.

I will agree that Odyssey was the worst Batman story I've ever read. I heard bad things about it but Neal was so amazing on the Fatman on Batman podcast I thought I'd give it a read. Big mistake haha.

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You guys may have missed this. :p

Miller will be joined by acclaimed writer Brian Azzarello (100 BULLETS, JOKER, and WONDER WOMAN)...

I think this already is going to be better than TDKSA.
Personally, I'd love to see Eduardo Risso draw this. Some, if not all. Seems like his art (which I find dark, moody, and gritty) would fit Miller's writing. Given that Miller writes this one dark, moody, and gritty. Lol
Rizzo's Batman ROCKS! I'd have no problem with his name being attached to this project. I'm a big fan of his artwork.