Y: The Last Man (FX on Hulu)

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Crazy that this is finally happening after being in development hell for so long.

I remember when Brian K Vaughn was doing some guest writing on Lost, and thinking that was going to get Y it's own TV series.
Crazy that this is finally happening after being in development hell for so long.

I remember when Brian K Vaughn was doing some guest writing on Lost, and thinking that was going to get Y it's own TV series.

Yeah, I assumed a thread would have already been made for this production but a search only turned up one from @2008. Talk about long overdue! :lol
Yeah, this show is "woke" proof (meaning people can't ***** about the casting) cause it was woke before woke was a thing. BKV was ahead of his time.

Honestly probably the most accurate to the source material trailer I've seen for a project of this nature.

I absolutely adored Y and devoured every issue every month, especially when they ended on those maddening cliffhangers. But it was such a product of its time; I haven't gone back for a re-read in forever. Still one of the most poignant and satisfying final issues of all time. I can't read it without crying.

I might watch this, but it might suffer like "Sin City" did from being TOO close to the book, which makes it boring. There's a fine line....you don't wanna stray too far, but you don't want a note for note remake. I'll keep an eye on this and see how it turns out. Trailer looked excellent and I have zero qualms about the casting.
I also haven't read any of the Y stuff for many, many years, but really enjoyed it way back when. Cool idea for a serial TV show, and this has the potential to coopt some of the Walking Dead fanbase given how extreme things would get in the story.
I just made the mistake of flipping through the last issue again, just to revisit it and was Kevin Smith style ugly crying by the middle, as always.

Solid series; perfect last issue.

I also loved Preacher to death and think that ended perfectly as well. I never watched even one minute of the trash TV show though, cause I didn't want anything to sully my love of the books. I made the right choice.

(Most likely will be avoiding the hell out of the Netflix Sandman and Cowboy Bebop series for the same reason.)
I watched the first two seasons of Preacher and thought it was pretty good. Not as good as the Ennis original, of course, but they didn't really hold back with anything. Cassidy was cast extremely well.
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Well, consider my cautious optimism completely eradicated after reading what we're REALLY getting. Clever editing of the trailer showed a note for note remake of the book. But they cherry picked that for the trailer. That's NOT what we're getting.

I won't be wasting my time with this ****.
“But Yorick isn’t the main focus of Y: The Last Man, and frankly, he shouldn’t be. (This is a world now run by women, after all.)”

So the title character isn’t the main focus…and they added a trans male as a main character. I wonder how long before that stirs up controversy (from BOTH sides).

Meh, pretty standard for a blog to generate controversy for clicks. I'll wait to watch it for myself and form my own opinion.

Ahhhhh. Not gonna lie.....as a reader that paid for every issue of this comic book and read it religiously every month, frantically waiting for the next book to see how the cliffhanger was gonna get resolved, and seeing what a ******** they turned it into.......this feels good.