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Next Ashoka release will mean there are more figures from that terrible TV show than The Phantom Menace!

I just watched a clip of Ashoka hopping around in a spacesuit cutting off space ship wings with a saber while they fly at her at speeds of over 750 mph - I'm out. This entire scene is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in Star Wars and I paid real US dollars to watch Jake Skywalker milk an alien teet.


Not wasting my time on this crap. Filoni really is turning Star Wars into a live-action cartoon. Not his fault, that is all he knows. He is not a filmmaker. SW was never high cinema, but this nonsense just pulls the viewer right out of the show unless you are watching a cartoon for kids. Ashoka is the dumbest thing in Star Wars and Filoni, just like Kennedy, is grossly unqualified to shepherd this franchise into the future.

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I think they've decided to concentrate on S2. No idea why, especially as it's written for adults, and who are HT's main customers ?

Anyway we will see. If we don't get Cassian, new K2SO, Saw Gerrera, Two Tubes, Mon Mothma and hopefully Baze (if not simply to finish the Rogue One line) then I will be severely pissed.
You are possibly/hopefully right about season 2. The strikes aren’t helping either.

I think we will be lucky to get Cassian. K2 seems like a sure thing, likely just a repaint or even just a reissue which would make some people happy. I don’t seem them making anything else, Saw, Luthen, Mothma would be great but highly doubtful. And Baze.

Well when I am ninety and in a wheelchair you never know …
Updated with a figure that will take decades to sell out even at clearance prices. Might as well throw the stock in the dumpster with all those Ducktrooper figs from TFA.
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What I want to know is how many Freaks here are disappointed that they got a lamea** FiloniThrawn instead of the real ZahnThrawn?

Marrok who? Looks like a bootleg LOTR character to me. Such a waste for HT to spend all that time and R&D on useless throw-away characters that go nowhere, but I guess that reflects this entire franchise now.
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Crazy to think TPM ONLY has Qui Gon and Maul.
So many choice from that movie that need to be added.

Fingers crossed for next year.

Still hoping for last second wins for ROTJ and TCW anniversary this month, like they did with AoTC last year.
If you really want me to. I kind of liked the blue background of the one I picked. :)
don't get me wrong, your choice if perfectly fine. It's just my recommendation to change the display image to Phase 1 Rex know, to clearly distinguish it with previous Clone Wars Rex (Phase 2). Cheer as always bro (y)
I can't get over the fact there are way more figures from all this Disney+ Filoni/Kennedy trash than Episode 1, you know, actual Star Wars. I would bet DarkChocobi's entire HT collection that a Jar Jar figure would outsell every single Ashoka character 10 to 1. Heck, a Nute Gunray would outsell them all!

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Are you going to create a new Dark Side Category ? Guess it depends if they slot into existing eras or they go into older Extended Universe (or whatever they call it now). Darth Malgus, Revan etc.
Are you going to create a new Dark Side Category ? Guess it depends if they slot into existing eras or they go into older Extended Universe (or whatever they call it now). Darth Malgus, Revan etc.

If Hot Toys releases figures under whatever "Dark Side" means, I'll add it to the checklist.

My takeaway is that red light sabers must sell the best for HT to move forward with this random branding.
I don't see Hot Toys going too eccentric under that branding. They will likely stick to recent/current medium. Still, Curious to see what will be released under that Dark Side theme that can't be released under a specific movie/TV/Comic/Video Game tag.
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I don't see Hot Toys going too eccentric under that branding. They will likely stick to recent/current medium. Still, Curious to see what will be released under that Dark Side theme that can't be released under a specific movie/TV/Comic/Video Game tag.
Why not ? They've done a million Vaders, and all the standard Dark side users. Why not branch out into extended universe. Which many collectors would like.

They've clearly seen they need to go to comic versions and can branch out with "What If" versions for Marvel Characters......and presumably also alternative comic Batman versions with that Batman announcement.

I can't think of anything else they could do other than Darth Magus, Plaegius, Revan etc. They also have some pretty cool designs.

But we will see.

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