Should Hayden Christensen entirely replace Sebastian Shaw in Return of the Jedi?

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Should Hayden Christensen entirely replace Sebastian Shaw in Return of the Jedi?

  • Hell no, leave the OT alone!

    Votes: 41 53.2%
  • Yes, it keeps things consistent!

    Votes: 20 26.0%
  • I really don’t care one way or another at this point

    Votes: 16 20.8%

  • Total voters
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Had this thought after watching the finale of Obi-wan Kenobi last night. I already have mixed reactions to some of the tweaking to the OT over the years but thought this might be an interesting and perhaps polarizing question.

With Hayden’s return on Obi-Wan Kenobi, acceptance of him as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader is higher than ever before. Should Disney take the next step and have him replace Sebastian Shaw in Vader’s unmasking/death scene at the end of Return of the Jedi now? He already replaced Sebastian Shaw’s force ghost of Anakin, should they go all the way and remove Shaw entirely?
Yes. Never liked Sebastian Shaw as Anakin. The guy was like 10 years older than Alec Guiness yet we're supposed to believe he's Obi-Wan student?

I don't like seeing Anakin as a frail old man at the end, he was only just into his 40's.
100% no. As a film, I think it should be left alone. Still think the SE shouldn't have happened, but they did and that's that. Replacing Wingreen's Fett voice with Morrison's, inserting CGI, etc - at what point is enough, enough.

I understand Disney might reboot it at some point (that will be a cataclysmic disaster), but for now, lets leave the gold standard gold.
I say leave STAR WARS (A New Hope) alone...

That said, since they will replace Shaw's face at some point, I hope its in 30 years so Hayden looks properly aged (in that bizarre Star Wars way).

For instance, look at Beru in this new show, and look at her in only 9 years in ANH. Yikes!

Should they replace Owen and Beru too? NEW POLL!!!?
At this point I would say I don’t care as much as I used to. Frankly we aren’t able to watch the films as they were originally anyways so might as well make things gel better.

Also realistically Sebastian Shaw didn’t do much as Anakin anyways and I’m not overly attached to him as the character. In an ideal situation I would like the option to watch both the special editions and original theatrical films with no changes.
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I say leave STAR WARS (A New Hope) alone...

That said, since they will replace Shaw's face at some point, I hope its in 30 years so Hayden looks properly aged (in that bizarre Star Wars way).

For instance, look at Beru in this new show, and look at her in only 9 years in ANH. Yikes!

Should they replace Owen and Beru too? NEW POLL!!!?
Those double suns will really do a number on you. Even Mark looked way older than he really was by the time RotJ rolled around. I totally get what you are saying but we’ve had enough characters looking far older than they actually should be to make the rapid skin aging almost cannon at this point. Rey will look like that 35 year old lady that asked her who she was soon enough :lol
Things like this is why I own the original theatrical OT as released by the Star Wars 4K77 project - Disney can do what they like and I won't care as I'll never see it.

Obviously a hard no for me.

... unless the unaltered trilogy were finally officially released alongside. Even then, it's not a big deal anymore. Grateful to the dedicated fans who brought us Despecialized and the 4K versions when Lucasfilm would not.
Didn't an original cut STAR WARS VHS just sell for quarter of a million dollars recently?

The millennials are choosing the "art" they want to display in their office already. CD and VHS covers all over the walls.
Yup. Liked it much better when they showed anakin at the end of rotj instead of some chubby old guy .
I hope Disney remakes the OT just so I can watch fifty-something SW fans having heart attacks and see their heads explode. :monkey3 :nana: :wink1:
Your gonna do a lot of banning. Remember the last Jedi days? You sure you want to relive that?
Your gonna do a lot of banning. Remember the last Jedi days? You sure you want to relive that?
I'm prepared and it doesn't hurt me any.
:monkey3 :wink1: :lol
Since Obi-Wan takes place the same year as Solo I actually would be curious to see what a remake of the OT would look like if they waited 10 years and then kept McGregor as Obi-Wan and Alden and the two kids from OWK as Han, Luke and Leia, lol.

I hope Disney remakes the OT just so I can watch fifty-something SW fans having heart attacks and see their heads explode. :monkey3 :nana: :wink1:
Thing is, a remake/reboot doesn't really matter. It's a separate thing all its own and I'd be interested to see what they did (interested but no confident LOL). What leads to apoplexy is when inferior products are blasphemously grafted on to beloved childhood artifacts. :ROFLMAO:
Thing is, a remake/reboot doesn't really matter. It's a separate thing all its own and I'd be interested to see what they did (interested but no confident LOL). What leads to apoplexy is when inferior products are blasphemously grafted on to beloved childhood artifacts. :ROFLMAO:
I don't really care if they do a remake or not. I'm just :stick at my fellow SW fans. :lol