Official Sideshow 1/6 ANH Darth Vader PHOTO Thread

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Yeah, I was gonna use the Solo quote about delusions of grandeur... but someone else already did...

There's nothing wrong with wanting a better product, but thre comes a time when you just have to let go and enjoy... if you are still capable of that!

Exactly. Perfection is unattainable... just ask Sir Gawain about that trip.

Discussions are good-- but we've had this discussion before about only pictures in the official photo thread for a new product. For those of us who are still waiting for the character (and I include myself in that group) due to purchasing him in an indirect fashion (for $$$ reasons) we'd like to live vicariously through those of you that have the picture... More pictures please.
Sorry that happened Serg ! I do think you fgure was messed with big time by customs . Definatly call Sideshow and at least try to get a new chest box. The codpieces looks like it can be glued.

Mine came with the left Tusk Plate not being glued onto the helmet . An easy fix but still pretty annoying if your a MIB collector . I also noticed that the glue that was supposed to be used on the Tusk got on the helmet . I decided at that point I'm better off boxing it up , and finish fixing it another day and having it join my other sith on the shelf. Its in good shape otherwise.

I have a regular version coming in a few days for Alter Ego Comics so I'm just going to switch out the Vaders and trays and put the Reg away.
Great shots, Jim! He does looks awesome...
Hope to add a few of my own in the next couple of weeks now that my WL for a regular one just converted to an order...

Keep that cool shots coming, folks!

....and while the conversation has taken a somewhat "spirited" tone...let's keep it from spinning out of control like a certain TIE fighter knocked away from an about-to-explode Death Star...please keep it civil! Thanks...

Thanks, jedibear. And thanks for attempting to get the thread back on line!

Whew! I hadn't checked out the thread since I posted my pics yesterday, and :google oh, the humanity!

I still want to see other people's pictures here. It's nice to see how varied everyone's collections are--and it's kinda cool (in a voyeuristic kind of way) to get a peek at other people's homes and offices!

Although seeing things like your pic, jkno, makes baby jebus cry :monkey2
I would be totally heartbroken! But rest assured Sideshow will replace it at no cost to you--including shipping (I'm pretty sure).
Sorry that happened Serg ! I do think you fgure was messed with big time by customs . Definatly call Sideshow and at least try to get a new chest box. The codpieces looks like it can be glued.

Mine came with the left Tusk Plate not being glued onto the helmet . An easy fix but still pretty annoying if your a MIB collector . I also noticed that the glue that was supposed to be used on the Tusk got on the helmet . I decided at that point I'm better off boxing it up , and finish fixing it another day and having it join my other sith on the shelf. Its in good shape otherwise.

I have a regular version coming in a few days for Alter Ego Comics so I'm just going to switch out the Vaders and trays and put the Reg away.

I'm also thinking more and more of the customs playing with my doll scenario. I always hated customs and what they are supposed to do, always thought 99% of times they are just wasting time, money and play with peoples' nerves.

Maybe SS will just send replacement parts: chest box with straps and crotch armor and belt. Would these be easy to remove and replace with new ones? The crotch armor would be hard to glue unless taking it off those pins are very small and barely enter/fit the holes in the belt. so they'd better send the belt with crotch armor in one.
Man, and I was so happy I received the most awaited figure for 2009. hopefully they will answer to my email which I sent to Returns@ - is this the right email?
Man, and I was so happy I received the most awaited figure for 2009. hopefully they will answer to my email which I sent to Returns@ - is this the right email?

Not sure of the e-mail address I usually just call them. It sounds right though.
I very confident they will make it right for you. Since the figure itself is fine I'm guessing it wion't be a big deal for them to send you the parts.

I'm just as excited to receive the Regular version as I was the Exclusive . Should have it tomorrow or Monday , then next week is the Stormtrooper Commnader and hopefully Han and Luke in ST disguise.
From medi-world (best pics yet)









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My Vader arrived yesterday (in mint condition thankfully). After hearing all the horror stories, I was scared mine would arrive with broken tusks or a detached dome because if there is anything that can go wrong with a figure, it usually happens to mine. Got lucky this time though. I am very pleased with Vader. I was scared the dome size would be very obvious to me, but I don't think I would have even noticed it if I had not been a regular visitor to the boards. Sure it could be a teeny bit larger to be more screen accurate, but it's not a glaring problem that detracts from the essence of the character the way the Utapau Clone helmet would have been if not corrected (in my opinion). This is definitely my favorite SS piece to-date, but Vader has always been one of my favorite characters so I'm a little biased. I’m just torn on how to pose him - so many possibilities. The only problem I can see with this figure is the hands which I don't think many folks have mentioned. I am always scared to death that I am going to break off a peg on my figures arms and now with the Vader having the pegs inside the hands rather than attached to the arm, I did just that with my "outreached" Vader hand last night. As I was trying to remove it from the arm, the peg from the hand remained attached to the arm so I had to remove it from the arm and superglue it back into the hand. Now, I'm scared to switch out the hands and that's really disappointing because Vader is a figure that I would probably switch out more than any of my figures. I’m very pleased with the costume itself. The stitching on the cape really bothered me in the SDCC photos, but I never even noticed it once I had the figure in hand. I am very pleased with Vader - fantastic figure at a very good price. Really looking forward to seeing more pics of Vader so I can get some more posing ideas!
I don't know what's worse:

1) Getting my Vader, only to find the tusk busted...
2) Seeing jkno's photos of a screwed up Vader...
3) Reading tons of pretentious posts from a newbie...