Jonathan Majors found guilty of assault and harassment

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Marvel's PR team now they can no longer sit on the fence:

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What will Phase 6 of the MCU look like now :eek:

There has been IMHO too much investment in Kang so far. I didn't like the character at all. But this looks like it's past the "point of no return" Building up another major villain will require more ramp in across the different storylines and franchises. You start to radically change the projected timelines and you'll risk losing the more "in demand" actresses/actors already entrenched.

Feige has to understand that he can't lose Florence Pugh. So many of the Phase 4 characters and films didn't work out. Pugh was one of the few that rose past the carnage. Whether it's Kang or a new major villain, it will have to be a POC. The media firestorm to do otherwise is just too much attrition for the currently floundering MCU. If the MCU wants to keep Kang, then recast and try to keep somewhat of the same "tone", then I can see Jordan Peele or Jeffrey Wright being approached.

What would I do as Feige? If you keep Kang, then cast Will Smith. He's never played a bad guy before. He can carry a film with enough of the right components in place. It allows him a "comeback" narrative. You can spin it that Smith hurt someone to defend his wife while Majors hurt someone who wasn't even his wife, etc, etc. I'm not saying I'd buy that myself, but for a marketing campaign, I can see some version of that being deployed.

Alternatively, since Blade is a mess right now, then bring back Wesley Snipe as Blade and make him the main villain. The "thirst" finally got to him. Show him killing Karen Jensen, The Eternals, Shang Chi and most of the Wakanda Forever cast. Basically use him to purge the MCU of all the franchises and characters that don't work.

But this was strategically timed. So the last four months of 2024 are likely ( my best guess/assessment) will likely be nothing but rioting / looting /burning in most of the major cities in America. The switch out from Majors gives a decent sized excuse to push the timelines back some to attempt to avoid that. No one wants to go to the movies and out in public when they see people being burned out and looted night after night near Xmas 2024.

There's only so much you can push back the timelines though before it creates stacking problems for Feige and the practical logistics around pumping out more Avengers films. Sometimes a rose grows out of a cowpie. This is a potential opportunity to "reboot" the MCU and purge it's non viable elements organically if the cards are played right.
Honestly - I would be willing to bet cash money that Marvel do a complete pivot and in a post or mid-credit scene or even in the opening scene of their next big crossover movie, show a scene of devastation with a whole bunch of dead and dying Kangs stood over by a triumphant Dr Doom or Galactus or The Phoenix Force or something - thus establishing them as a new universe-crossing threat with major stakes, a more serious threatening tone and immediately investing the audiences into this whole multiverse saga by bringing in more popular IPs like FF and Xmen straightaway rather than years into the future.

This not only cuts away the baggage of the rather unpopular Kang saga, but it immediately shows a change in direction - which the MCU needs.

Hell, you could go even harsher and have the villain [my personal preference is Doom] kill most of the current Avengers roster and just keep the few characters that seem to have resonated with the audiences - thus necessitating the need to bring in those long promised new characters like Blade [either new Blade or Snipes Blade], the Xmen [OG cast, FC cast or new cast], FF and other underused bought properties from other universes to combat the threat.
I imagine the effect could be like the opening of Infinity War which reestablished Thanos as a genuinely threatening villain after a few lackluster appearances by having him feature in a pretty dark opening with the utter defeat of a very powerful force and hero and the death of a long-established character.
In hindsight I think Kang era planned gets shelved...and Feige brings in
x-men and FF a little earlier than expected and then the X men and FF are the revamped idea for Phase 5 and 6 which is why the teaser at the end of The Marvels

Personally I think they should just recast Kang
Betting the farm on one villain was foolish to begin with. He's not that great an actor or character.

Now cast Mads Mikkelsen as Doom.
Yeah, this is rare "good" timing. After the events of Loki season 2, Kang is no longer really relevant anyways. Move onto another big bad, whether it's Doom, the Beyonder, Infinity Ultron coming into this reality, Strange Supreme, etc. All the time travel arcs are played out anyways and just confuses everyone.
Soooooo apocalypse instead as the next big bad? Lol
That's interesting ...but I can understand they need to reintroduce the X-men into the MCU (Disney) first ...because Apocalypse was always an X-men villain so that might be the next MCU era planned