Invincible (Image Comics) - Amazon Prime

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I think we're spoiled with superhero overload, but like with every genre, new ideas will come eventually
Maybe it's because others have copied it since but I just started reading this and don't see what the fuss is about. Kinda reminds me of saga in the tone and humour but it doesn't seem as amazing as people say

Now I know why I thought this was so familiar and addition to all the other titles, there was also a series called Irredeemable/Incorruptible by Mark Waid that also came out in the 2000s. Not only is the name almost the same as Invincible, the plot is also identical. (It also has a movie deal.)

Seems like a lot of guys thought they were being really edgy edgelords at the time but they were all basically writing the same exact book.

And yet Invincible was released years before both.....

It’s funny how y’all keep trying to say Invincible was copying things when literally everyone was copying Invincible.

Whatever. Your loss.
Now I know why I thought this was so familiar and addition to all the other titles, there was also a series called Irredeemable/Incorruptible by Mark Waid that also came out in the 2000s. Not only is the name almost the same as Invincible, the plot is also identical. (It also has a movie deal.)

Seems like a lot of guys thought they were being really edgy edgelords at the time but they were all basically writing the same exact book.

Except Invincible came out 6 years before that.
And yet Invincible was released years before both.....

It’s funny how y’all keep trying to say Invincible was copying things when literally everyone was copying Invincible.

Whatever. Your loss.

I never said invincible copied anything, if you read my post I accepted that others copied it. I'm saying it isn't all that interesting
And Alan Moore's Miracleman came out decades before Invincible, so clearly Invincible is the copy.

Do I win the nerd no-prize?
I never said invincible copied anything, if you read my post I accepted that others copied it. I'm saying it isn't all that interesting

I read your post the same way you read mine a few days back.

And Alan Moore's Miracleman came out decades before Invincible, so clearly Invincible is the copy.

Do I win the nerd no-prize?

You sure do have a hate boner for literally everything in the present. Yeesh.
I read your post the same way you read mine a few days back.

You sure do have a hate boner for literally everything in the present. Yeesh.

Not nearly as throbbing as yours seems to be for anything that had the audacity to made and released before you were born. It's automatically **** of course, so you don't bother actually watching it, you just already know it sucks so you hate it. And of course anyone that dares to have a different opinion is some kind of moron, clearly.

You're right, all the time, about everything, ever.....forever. And we're all drooling mummies barely clinging to life through our love of "the pictures" from the early days of cinema.

I get it, now. Yeesh. "The*ucky"
It’s funny how much you cry and insult... Because I don’t like the same movies you do.

It’s sad how some of you act here. Like children.
I read your post the same way you read mine a few days back.

You sure do have a hate boner for literally everything in the present. Yeesh.

I'm sorry your feelings were hurt

Funny phrase, 'literally everything in the present'

You got issues, I'm sorry for that
I fondly remember anticipating each issue of Invincible back in the day.

I remember imagining it as a TV show, thinking it would be something like Smallville, but they hold out the reveal about Mark for a mid-season finale, or even the season finale. And then stretch out the reveal about Nolan to the second season finale. I imagined how entertaining it would be to be watching this show thinking it was some lame high school tween drama, then BAM it turns into an epic superhero show.

That was over 10 years ago, before superheroes became the latest cliche.

In that vein, it is sad to see this show being interpreted as a copy, when it was pretty original back in the day. And it's somewhat bittersweet to finally see it as a TV show, but the animation seems pretty basic, almost like they're cutting frames out to save time, it seems choppy.

Overall though, the first season was entertaining. I thought JK Simmons did a wonderful job, but as much as I love Walton Goggins, I don't think he's a good fit for Cecil, or at least, he doesn't fit the voice in my head when I read Cecil's scenes.
This is a roaring success! Glad people love this and it feels like 2d animation is slowly making a comeback.
This is a roaring success! Glad people love this and it feels like 2d animation is slowly making a comeback.

I think people only like it cause it's repulsively violent for the sake of being violent. I watched some more clips and it just seems like angry edgelord stuff...shock value, basically. Like a lot of Mark Millar or Garth Ennis's more juvenile fare (and I say this as a big fan of both of those guys, but I can admit that not everything they write is great.)

I'm also glad to see something in 2D animation, but it's sad to see such POOR 2D animation. The frame rate is really low. It's not Hanna Barbera bad, but it's pretty bad. I don't know if we'll ever see hand drawn 2D animation ever again, cause it really is obsolete in the era of computers, but I really miss it. Quality hand drawn animation is time consuming and tedious. I can't imagine many people are willing to do it like they did in the old days.

Anyway, I'm glad for people who are enjoying this. But just like Kirkman's other magnum opus, it simply isn't for me.
I think people only like it cause it's repulsively violent for the sake of being violent.

I like it because it's effective parody in the definitive sense; it imitates a given genre and comments on it. I haven't been exposed to 800 stories just like it, so I enjoy it. I think the character design is charming too.

I'm also glad to see something in 2D animation, but it's sad to see such POOR 2D animation. The frame rate is really low.[...]

I guess I'm not much of an animation connoisseur since that's something I don't even notice, the style is similar to stuff I watched as a kid, whether or not it's intentional is debatable.

I don't think this (or 99.9% of this genre stuff) is highbrow, deep or innovative, but I do experience this particular show as a highly entertaining diversion. YMMV and that's okay too.
I think people only like it cause it's repulsively violent for the sake of being violent. I watched some more clips and it just seems like angry edgelord stuff...shock value, basically. Like a lot of Mark Millar or Garth Ennis's more juvenile fare (and I say this as a big fan of both of those guys, but I can admit that not everything they write is great.)

I'm also glad to see something in 2D animation, but it's sad to see such POOR 2D animation. The frame rate is really low. It's not Hanna Barbera bad, but it's pretty bad. I don't know if we'll ever see hand drawn 2D animation ever again, cause it really is obsolete in the era of computers, but I really miss it. Quality hand drawn animation is time consuming and tedious. I can't imagine many people are willing to do it like they did in the old days.

Anyway, I'm glad for people who are enjoying this. But just like Kirkman's other magnum opus, it simply isn't for me.

The violence serves the story its trying to tell though.