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Super Freak
Sep 9, 2005
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Deepest, darkest Devon
So that is Toyfair 2007. Wow, I am so underwhelmed I might have a heart attack from being so underwhelmed.
I have collected 12" figures for many years (Hasblow, playmates, bbi & Dragon) and started with the far superior Sideshow on Buffy and Bond.
I collected everything available from those lines except the Thunderball swimming Connery. Then I collected X Files, then some classic horror, Star Wars and LOTR. I think the only exclusive I missed out on was Krycek in the X Files. (I even bought 5 of the original Star Wars trilogy premiums...Obi twice, because his light saber didn't work, nor did the replacement.)
Fair to say I was very happy with Sideshow.)
I was delerious when Giles was announced and although I couldn't understand the point of releasing a D'Hoffryn without Anya, I could live with it, because we had the core Scoobies.
I really thought that the Angel line would be followed through with a Wesley, Fred and maybe a Gunn and that something would be announced at this Toyfair. All we get is a rehashed PF bogeyed Buffy and not even a 12" SW or LOTR to abate my disappointment.
Looks like SS now do dioramas, not 12" figures.
Although I am not going to totally throw my toys out of the pram like Obsolete man, I will give SS more time, but I am as disappointed now as I was by the spooktacular.
Looks like a long love affair is beginning to come to an end on this Valentine's week.:monkey2
I share your feelings 100% and I have expressed them as well, I don't feel like expressing my frustration and sadness at Sideshow right now all over again. I'm with you, that's all. Oh, and I will wait anyway too....
Seeing as how Hot Toys is dominating the 1:6 market my attention was raptured by their announcements of the Aliens Power Loader and Aliens Warrior that I barely gave Sideshow's products a glance. I think they realized that they bit off more than they could chew last year with their ambitious debut of the Star Wars license which resulted in numerous product delays and production problems across the board so they decided to be more realistic in their product announcements this time around with what they could reasonably deliver. And yes, it is apparent now that they are shifting their product focus away from 1:6 figures and focusing on the PF and maquette statues. The good news is that it is a much needed relief on my wallet knowing that I don't have dozens of figures pre-ordered month-to-month and that I can concentrate my collecting on the quality Hot Toys figures. The bad news is that many of my favorite licenses will likely not be adding more figures. After a year-long wait for Terminator 2, I am extremely excited about the license but with Andy's departure from Sideshow and no new 1:6 product announcements, this line is about as DOA as Highlander. Praise be to Howard Chen and Hot Toys for making our dreams come true and picking up the ball and running with it when Sideshow fumbled.
i echo dekadentdave's thoughts... with the aliens powerloader from hottoys announced, everything else was secondary, or even tertiary to me!

on top of that, there IS still SDCC, and we know that sideshow always makes a TON of new announcements then, so there is still time. :)
dekadentdave said:
And yes, it is apparent now that they are shifting their product focus away from 1:6 figures and focusing on the PF and maquette statues.

dekadentdave said:
Seeing as how Hot Toys is dominating the 1:6 market my attention was raptured by their announcements of the Aliens Power Loader and Aliens Warrior that I barely gave Sideshow's products a glance. I think they realized that they bit off more than they could chew last year with their ambitious debut of the Star Wars license which resulted in numerous product delays and production problems across the board so they decided to be more realistic in their product announcements this time around with what they could reasonably deliver. And yes, it is apparent now that they are shifting their product focus away from 1:6 figures and focusing on the PF and maquette statues. The good news is that it is a much needed relief on my wallet knowing that I don't have dozens of figures pre-ordered month-to-month and that I can concentrate my collecting on the quality Hot Toys figures.

This summarizes my feelings as well. I expect that Sideshow will continue to churn out 1:6 Star Wars and LOTR stuff, and at this point I can't budget for much more than that with the great stuff we're getting from Hot Toys.
Sideshow is evolving as a company. People and the market are demanding higher quality products and more unique items. If Sideshow wants to remain on the cutting edge moving away from 12 inch figures into more museum quality items is a smart move. I believe the relationship with Medicom will allow Sideshow to satisfy the 12" figure fans while they can concentrate on the higher end stuff.

There are so many companies that make 12" type figures I'm glad there are companies like Sideshow who make products for people who want something of a higher quality.
Kookie said:
There are so many companies that make 12" type figures I'm glad there are companies like Sideshow who make products for people who want something of a higher quality.

Higher quality, schmigher quality. I want toys, that you can, y'know, move and pose and have little wars on your kitchen counter with....
metaphorge said:
Higher quality, schmigher quality. I want toys, that you can, y'know, move and pose and have little wars on your kitchen counter with....

Ok...well take a trip to your local Toys R Us and have a field day.
Collector Freak said:
I agree. Sideshow should stick to toys. Gentle Giant is 100 times better at statues.

have you see darkness PF or the marvel dioramas or..(too much too mention)

I have never disagreed with someone more with that statement
I would be very wary of completely abandoning the 1:6 lines and truth be told I don't think that they will be doing this but it is worrying how not a single SSC 1:6 figure has (yet) been announced at Toyfair.

Still - I live in hope. A fool's hope, but a hope nonetheless...
Well the only thing I might order now is Robocop. Nothing else I'm interested. Power loader is nice, but I don't collect Aliens, untill the ALIEN version comes out.

The SW Chess set is really lame is Chewie and R2 are still a long ways out. Pretty pointless.
Well the only thing I might order now is Robocop. Nothing else I'm interested. Power loader is nice, but I don't collect Aliens, untill the ALIEN version comes out.

The SW Chess set is really lame is Chewie and R2 are still a long ways out. Pretty pointless.

Exactly. What is the point of the chess table? What are we suppossed to do with it? There is no diorama to use it with and no figures so what is the point?

Oh and, does anybody even still shop at Toys R Us? They never have anything. I'm surprised that they are still in business. Most of them closed down and there are only one or two left in my state.
I used to buy Marvel Legends from TRU, but with so many Wallyworlds and Targets, no need to. And since I'm a 1/6th Movie/Comic guy, they offer nothing for me.
Yeah, Toys R Us is pretty terrible... just barely hanging on most places.

I'm a little dissapointed by no 1/6 announcements from Sideshow, but at the same time I'm sure they'll have a lot for SDCC and leading up to it. The SW and LOTR lines are strong and will certainly continue. But aside from them I think the only lines we'll continue to see much activity from are the Dead, Angel (yawn) and maybe New Line.
I am so down on Sideshow. I used to buy so many items that they produced now it's amazing if I purchase one or two items in a year. They've lost their identity and become the LOTR, SW, and import company. It's good for some, but it stinks for me.

The only good thing I still really care about that's associated with Sideshow is this board. What a shame!

I agree with DecadentDave about the Chess Table. What a waste.

Has anyone actually seen the Sith Droid expansion for Maul? I can't believe how much that costs either! It's such a waste of space. Not to mention all those beast packs like Bubo and what not.

They seem like reasons to make people spend money. I can't see where the demand is.

I could be wrong, though.
Maybe they're improving their 1/6 bodies? OR maybe we'll get a slew of release thurs. for no good reason? Meh, I love SS PF's and that's mainly it. I DO hope they do some more 1/6, IF they improve some things like paint quality control and bodies. I mean I prefer toys to statues, and I want more 1/6 figures. I'm only getting my kicks from Medi and HT, but I say the more 1/6th companies the better, I really do hope they just take a break, step it up and come back strong. With an awesome montage song happening in the back all the way!
dekadentdave said:
Exactly. What is the point of the chess table? What are we suppossed to do with it? There is no diorama to use it with and no figures so what is the point?

I can say the same about the Sith probes and Bubo....I'm sure those are holy grails to Star Wars fans but really WTF? Salacious was the only one worth anything, he should've just been paired with the Jabba figure in the first place or tagged on as an exclusive.

To me it seemed like making these figures was a cheap way of Sideshow dragging out a little more money from Collectors and most of you all fell for it.

Instead of working on new headsculpts for figures they're instead working on the little rats and floating basketballs in Star Wars. While it is a neat addition you have to ask yourself is it really worth it?

The Sith Probes would've been worth it if they had the Sith Hovercycle to go with it, then you have your whole "diorama" set there.

Sideshow has taken note that the fans are buying up the little "trinkets" of Star Wars, if you like them...I'm happy for you, but I see them as a big waste of money and time. Personally I'd rather have them devoted to getting the 1/6 scale figures out ON-TIME instead of getting a swamp rat from Dagobah.