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Super Freak
Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Wasn't really interested in this, never asked for or wanted a Gladiator sequel, to what was essentially a perfect movie and a perfect end.

Yet with both original lead characters dead, and the ridiculous Maximus reincarnated storyline out, and now removed enough from the original, focusing instead on Lucius coming into his own, plus the cast keeps getting more and more interesting, they have my attention.
While Crowe’s Maximus character met his end in the classic original film, Gladiator 2 will follow the continuing story of Lucius, the son of Lucilla (Connie Nielsen), The youth was the nephew of Commodus (Joaquin Phoneix), the weaselly son of Roman leader Marcus Aurelius who murdered his father seized the throne and wound up in the gladiator ring with Maximus, who though mortally wounded, skewered the emperor before fading into the great beyond to reunite with his slain wife and son. Maximus saved the boy and his mother while avenging his own family, and left a strong impression on the young Lucius.

Paul Mescal Starring in Ridley Scott’s ‘Gladiator’ Sequel^1651995433785339916|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

If they put him in the arena , or as any kind of General, they can't give him anything that looks remotely like a Mando helmet. That would just be to hysterically distracting :lol
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Not a film that I expected to see a sequel to. The first ended perfectly as a stand-alone, in all likelihood it can only go downhill from there.
I think I remember way back when that after the success of Gladiator and Ridley was considering a 2nd movie, it was supposed to be a prequel. The story would be about Maximus' rise to General or something like that. Unfortunately that's obviously not something that could happen today and is no longer on the table. But to me that sounded far better than this.

I don't care about this kid being all grown up. With today's Hollywood landscape, there's no way this can even come close to the quality and grandiose of the original.

"Says Paul Mescal’s son of Russell Crowe’s late Maximus in a VoiceOver, ..."
I honestly can't make sense of that sentence? :google Though seems to confirm it in the next.

Lucius Verus was Maximus' son.
Seemed obvious, yet is that the first outright confirmation of it?

Though it was always left open ended, It read that way to me. Then especially when this was announced with Lucius as the lead, they would want to definativley tie it back to Maximus.

If Lucius rises to power in the wake of Commodus' death, at the hands of Maximus (now revealed to be his own father), that will not blow over well for him (and Lucilla).
It creates some great potential drama for Lucius character, as he comes into adulthood, and the political power plays that ensue.
That then will likely play out in the arena.

For a sequel I never really wanted or asked for (the end was already perfect), it's actually a pretty good set up.
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Idk man. There are certain films from certain era's that are just great and timeless. To attempt to rehash them with (let's be honest) a lesser continuance decades later just does not work 9 outta 10 times.

I understand the box office draw it'll bring. But ticket sales do not equate to a good film overall.

I wish I could say this is surprising but it isn't.

I'll cross my fingers and toes but deep down I know better. As per usual, it'll likely only tarnish the memory of the original because it's attached to it.

Lightning in a bottle rarely happens more than once.

Edit: Wtf is wrong with a good movie having a solid ending and standing on its own forever without a sequel?
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Connie Nielsen returns as Lucilla, the mother of Mescal’s Lucius, as does Derek Jacobi, playing a member of the Roman Senate
Derek Jacobi confirmed.

...and gladiators fighting sharks​

They really going there :lol

Though apparently there was precedent for it ....


If they are doing a flooded Arena, should make for a sensational spectacle!

Though the original had plenty of battle spectacle, it was also about an honorable character, love for family, loyalty, betrayal, revenge, and ultimately a man just looking for a way out of the arena of endless war and killing.

Hope the CG armored rhinos, naval battles, sharks, and war monkeys don't detract to much from that. :lol
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Ah well... I love me some swords and sandals epics, but this sounds a bit silly.
Will just have to wait and see.
I mean, having such an amazing wealth of history and (for historical figures from 2000 years ago) information of actual historical figures and events, why make up crap? Why not try to tell the story of Gaius Julius Caesar, or Pompeii Magnus or Hannibal Barca, or Vercingetorix on the big screen?
Yeah, honestly this didn't need a sequel or whatever you want to call it. If anything, Maximus in Hades would have been a crazy dumb fun 2005 flick.

Leave perfection be.
Loong ago after the movie came out and was well received and made money, the initial talks were of a prequel. About a younger Maximus and his journey to becoming the Roman General. Not whatever this crap is gonna be...

I love the original, one of my favorite movies of all time. But I have no care or desire for whatever this will be.