Ghostbusters Bill Murray Ada group commission

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You'll see this one uses the old And-gor Venkman head on it. Mine doesn't look great. It's like a 15th generation cast I'm sure, and it shows. It's just time for us to make a better one!

To bad the first generation castings of that head are no longer available. I was able to get an original from a fellow collector who was selling off his collection. All I have is the head as they never made the one-off proton pack available for purchase. Still hopeing to piece together this figure as well as the rest of the crew. I'ld be interested in the other three Ghostbusters if the quality matches the Venkman I already have.

This custom looked really cool. To bad they imploded before making the other guys.
There are a few Andgor heads floating around on this board--I'd kill for that Willy Wonka they did and that Lector wasn't too bad either. I think it was ok a few years ago, but I think we can really improve on the sculpt and overall look of Venkman. That jumpsuit is way too tight on it and we can make some really stellar logos and name tags in Photoshop. And I'm glad everyone seems to be down for the smart-ass look! :rock

The proton packs do seem a little on the pricey side and I haven't heard anything on that front yet. The fact he has a lower the price for every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th one you buy is a good sign. Since we already have 10+ freaks in AND clamorings for the rest of the gang--I think we should be able to get a decent group rate. I believe he's also in the UK, so keep that in mind with S&H.
I might be interested, depending on how things turn out and on the price. I would probably want all 4 if I was going to do it, but put me down as a tentative.
With 16 people signed up, that puts us at about $28 a head guys! That's AWESOME!
+$15 each for any additional heads you want
+$10 to have Ada paint it

$5 shipping total (no matter how many extra heads you get).

It might be kind of a pain to do, but I was thinking for the Proton packs, maybe people should post a best case/worse case scenario of how many we'd want each depending on final price?
Example: I want 2, but would naturaly prefer 4 if we got a good deal.

If we go to the guy with the highest possible potential number (which would be quite high), it might be more convincing to offer us a lower price as a whole?

Also, the international shipping shouldn't be as terrible on those if they are all sent to one place in one box overseas, then shippied out individual from here like I do with the heads from Ada. it should keep that cost down, if anything. :)
If it's not too late, put me down for a head as well as four proton packs
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If we can get a better deal on the proton packs as part of a very large group buy, I'd be in. $70 + $20 shipping for one proton pack that doesn't include the frame is a little higher than I can afford right now. Maybe if we could work out a deal to have a big bulk order shipped to the US and someone (Shatner's Toupee?) could distribute the order?

But provided something like that could work out (maybe if we could get it down to $30 per pack for a set of 4 in part of a very large group buy?), I'd be all over this for all the GB heads...Venkman, Stantz, and Zedmore!

But the pricing on the proton packs is really the hangup for me.
put me down for the following for now.
1 bill murry head
1 harold ramis head
2 proton packs

i may be interested in more proton packs depending on price and possibly a Ray and Winston head as well.
I'm in the process of moving so my wallet is a bit strained at the moment, but (pending likeness) I'd definitely be interested in this project assuming I could buy in, say, next month.
Gang, we have 18 people wanting this head. I'm SURE we'll get to 20, so let's just officially say we have enough people involved to lower the community commission price to just $25 a head. Congratulations!!! :banana:banana:banana

We're still waiting for Slade Super Agent to get a response on the backpacks. You've gotta figure worse case scenario if we combine all our Proton pack wants together, we'll be at least getting the "4 pack" price for everyone, but lets hope he can do us better than that since our order will be so large.

Since we have more than enough people involved, we can commission the Bill head any time now.

The final cost for everything is:
$25 a head (including fraction of commission cost and head cast)
+$15 each additional head you want (to make slimed and unslimed versions?)
+10 if you want Ada to paint the head
+5 S&H

We are still taking names until the head is ready to ship, so no one is cut off.
I intend to send the commission off Friday. People who are comfortable paying now can, just PM me. I'm fine with people waiting to see it as well.
Thanks for making this happen, gang!
I'm still waiting to hear on the packs, but it looks like we should be seeing some members of the GB Fans forum joining us here b/c I'm letting everyone know that this thread is home-base for this project.

And for some happy inspiration, here's what Ada's WON'T be looking like!

I like the suit though and the iron-ons are spiffy!
I'm still waiting to hear on the packs, but it looks like we should be seeing some members of the GB Fans forum joining us here b/c I'm letting everyone know that this thread is home-base for this project.

And for some happy inspiration, here's what Ada's WON'T be looking like!

I like the suit though and the iron-ons are spiffy!

Is this Sideshows' latest proto :naughty ?
I'm intrested in the bill murray head sculpt depending on it's likeness.

Any examples of stuff painted by Ada?

I'm also intrested in a pack depending on cost.
Thanks Cryoguns!

WST would I be able to have him added to my order if I decide to get Venkman?