Frank Miller appreciation thread

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I re-read Holy Terror today. It's not great, but it's not the trainwreck everyone wants to think it is. The ending is super rushed, and the inner monologues are pretty cringey, but so are the ones in Sin City. They sound especially ridiculous spoken aloud in the movies. Works better on paper.

I'd love some artist to go back and retouch all the panels so it really is Batman, Catwoman, and Gordan (although Gordan wouldn't really need a tweak: he's still 100% Gordon lookswise in the book.) But given how unpopular this book was, I doubt anyone would ever bother editing it for fun.
Oh Marvel. You little rascals. Did you really think we'd fall for this?

Just saw on the comics news sites that an upcoming issue of Captain America will have a Frank Miller variant cover.

Captain America.jpg

Not bad right? But any fan of Frank's knows he'd never draw like that in 2018. The last time I'm aware of him drawing Cap was in 2001, and it looked like this:


So it turns out this is an old pin up from 1984, over THREE DECADES AGO, that they slapped some new digital color on and are pretending it's a new piece.

1984 - Captain America by Frank Miller.jpg

They pulled the same crap with old Jim Lee X-Men art. I would be more angry if I thought anyone was actually getting duped into buying their garbage books, but everyone knows Marvel's sales are in the toilet anyway.
Couldn't agree more.

Truly a shame he and Lynn Varley couldn't at least work together professionally, cause they were the best artist/colorist team I've ever seen.

If you can't get Lynn? Keep it flat and old school, or leave it in black and white. This shiny digital crap looks like poo-poo.
Once again, THIS is how Frank draws in 2018:


Would look better in black and white. Not much better, cause it's not a great piece, but still better without that stupid shiny computer coloring.
Yeah, that flat-out does not work. Some flat gouache or a good digital facsimile thereof and some screentones would look way better.
This is why I only read older books on Comixology. I can't stand the way new books are colored. And if an old book has been recolored, I won't buy it.
Apparently Frank did a page for the "wedding" issue of Batman, #50. Spoiler alert, nobody got married.

Really looks like Fixer here...could just as easily be an unused page from Holy Terror as a new page.

Ignore the execrable dialogue by Tom King.

Batman (2016-) 050-011.jpg
Here's some cool pin-ups and sketches from Dark Knight and DK2. I absolutely love that black and white of Superman.

Batman - The Dark Knight Saga - Deluxe Edition-460.jpg
Batman - The Dark Knight Saga - Deluxe Edition-440.jpg
Batman - The Dark Knight Saga - Deluxe Edition-438.jpg
Batman - The Dark Knight Saga - Deluxe Edition-474 - Copy.jpg
Batman - The Dark Knight Saga - Deluxe Edition-474.jpg
Batman - The Dark Knight Saga - Deluxe Edition-354.jpg
Batman - The Dark Knight Saga - Deluxe Edition-281.jpg
Batman - The Dark Knight Saga - Deluxe Edition-478.jpg

I also read that Miller was influenced by Yo****oshi. I never heard of him, but a quick wikipedia search revealed a brilliant ukiyo-e artist and I can clearly see the influence of his style in Miller's stuff, particularly the way cloth seems to lay. Very interesting stuff....the 80s era Miller definitely shares a lot with style.

Apparently some of Miller's originals will be on display at the Norman Rockwell Museum next year. It's an awful long way from Japan, but I just might have to make the trek.

Norman Rockwell FM Poster.jpg
I'm back with more awesome Frank Miller art.

I found scans of a bunch of his commissions from the last few years. I posted a few of these already, but I'm gonna post them again so they're all in one spot. These are really detailed and look a lot better than his recent published stuff, in my opinion. Definitely better than his covers for DKIII. As far as I can tell, these are all confirmed to be authentic FM sketches.

First up, Batman:

Batman A FM Ink.jpg
Batman B FM Ink.jpeg
Batman Carrie A  FM Ink.jpg
Batman Carrie B FM ink.jpg
Batman Carrie D1 FM Ink.JPG
Batman Catwoman FM Ink.jpg
Batman Joker A FM Ink.jpg
Batman Joker B FM ink.jpg
Batman Mutant Leader FM Ink.jpg


Elektra A FM Ink.jpg
Elektra D FM Ink.JPG

Nancy from Sin City:

Nancy FM Ink.jpg

Wonder Woman:

Wonder Woman FM ink.jpg

And what I think is insanely cool, a new pic of Ronin:

Ronin 2016 FM Ink.jpeg
Current Batman writer and terrible hack Tom King posted that this image will be used in an upcoming issue, probably as an expensive variant cover.

I've posted it before, but this is the first time in color. It looks good...not too "shiny."

Too bad it's gonna be associated with that lame ass wannabe Tom King.

Batman in color.jpg
Detective Comics 1000 variant cover....nice to see these detailed commissions he did finally seeing print:

Detective 1000.jpg
I had held onto this book for a long time and just by chance was able to get it signed in June.I only have 2 signed books and this is one of them.

Frank Miller changed the Face of Batman forever.


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