Fairy Tail (anime and Collectibles)

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Super Freak
Aug 25, 2008
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The optimal altitude for missile deployment

Anyone watch this anime? I randomly picked up the first season on Blu the other day, and me and my wife have been quickly working our way through the episodes. I figure it's probably not highly regarded or anything as it's pretty silly, But I dig the characters. It's goofy and easy to watch. Was passively looking around for collectibles, but can't seem to find many good ones. A couple of statues here and there. That's about it.
Is any good its on netflix?

It's pretty funny. It starts off pretty basic, but once they start delving into each characters back stories and what not it gets pretty interesting.

It's pretty awesome. So far only statues, I really NEED a figma from them.

Yeah I'd dig a Figma of Natsu and Erza to start. I'd probably end up getting the main four…and Happy. I was eyeing their 1/7th scale statue…but I don't really have a place for it in my collection, so I figure I'll wait for a sigma or something.

Same author as one piece? saw this on TV, recognize the cat (there's a few of em), it's like Tournament thing right?
Same author as one piece? saw this on TV, recognize the cat (there's a few of em), it's like Tournament thing right?

Its from the guy who did Rave Master a while back.

You know how one piece is all pirates, Naruto is ninjas? This anime is a world full of wizards.

Im a big fan, working on the manga then watching the anime later when i have time. The humour gets a lil out of hand sometimes, but yea once they start fleshing out characters, it starts to get good.

Anyone watch this anime? I randomly picked up the first season on Blu the other day, and me and my wife have been quickly working our way through the episodes. I figure it's probably not highly regarded or anything as it's pretty silly, But I dig the characters. It's goofy and easy to watch. Was passively looking around for collectibles, but can't seem to find many good ones. A couple of statues here and there. That's about it.

I LOVE Fairy Tail! It is a little silly at first, but it gets more mature as the series progresses. My favorite story arc is the Tower of Heaven.
I recently clicked on this on netflix at random thinking that this series would be unwatchable silliness. But to my surprise, it turned out great! I like it and so does my GF and she dislikes watching anime.

Anyways, my GF ordered this off of eBay for us. Pretty cool surprise. They're quite small at 1" but, pretty detailed for under $10. I like them and it's a nice start to my small Fairy Tail collection. :)


Oh and they all came together in a full set.
Oh yeah, Happy does look normal! Lol and that's the other reason why I like these, they're small enough to be displayed anywhere.
I love this show! I pre-ordered Erza and Gray from Tsume-Art.com recently. Can't wait for them to arrive...