Clark W. Griswold custom thread...

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Toy Anxiety

Super Freak
Mar 8, 2008
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Customizers of the board, I need your help! I am trying to piece together the parts necessary to create a Clark Griswold action figure from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! First off I have a wonderful artist working on a sculpt right now and when the time is right I will reveal it in all it's glory. But what I really need help with is finding different accessories/outfits. This is where you guys come in. I need advice on where to acquire the specific parts for ol' Clark and if anyone knows of a good website for good screen caps from the film. Tried google and oddly enough couldn't really find any good shots of him in his full costume. Thanks for reading my thread! :wave


Here is the first figure I am going to customize.
Hahaha sounds awesome, keep us posted.
'And when santa sticks his fat ass down that chimney, he's gunna found the happiest bunch of a$$sholes, this side of the nuthouse' :p
My family is called the Griswalds by my cousins. I swear, they must have watched my father before writing the scripts.

I do really want one. Please. 1 unpainted sculpt
Hallelujah, HOLY S***! I have made a deal, and I will be owning the mold and will be offering some unpainted heads to interested parties. I have already seen the completed sculpt, and will post a picture soon. Stay tuned over the next week or two.
Hallelujah, HOLY S***! I have made a deal, and I will be owning the mold and will be offering some unpainted heads to interested parties. I have already seen the completed sculpt, and will post a picture soon. Stay tuned over the next week or two.

I may be interested depending on how it turns out. Will it only be an unpainted sculpt that is offered?

I'd love to see an original Vacation version too.


One of the funniest scenes from this movie. I still laugh at the "Sorry Folks, Parks closed for two weeks to clean and repair America's Favorite Family Fun Park, Soorrryyyyyy.... Ehu Ehu Ehu" scene.
I'm looking forward to seeing the sculpt. Though after reading this thread I now have Holiday Road running through my head.
I would certainly be interested in a Chevy Chase sculpt; it seems wrong to have Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd hanging out without Chevy to go with them.

Now someone just needs to get Aykroyd and Belushi as the Blues Brothers on deck....
Ok, this head sculpt was commissioned by Spenser, whom you've seen many head sculpts done by in this forum. I have acquired the sculpt and mold, so while Spenser gets the credit he deserves for this awesome sculpt, all sales will be through me, Dan. I also want to let everyone know that despite I am a representative of Toy Anxiety, this is purely personal. I just don't use another ID to separate myself from the store.

The heads are currently on their way, and I will have 5 for sale to start at $35 unpainted. Sorry, won't be able to offer them painted at this time. I don't have that kind of talent. Here's a picture of the sculpt and a painted head, which was also painted by Spenser as a test shot.

Lastly, I started this thread more so I could get people's ideas on outfit pieces, so if anyone has any good ideas, let's here them. Specifically looking for ideas on the sweater and tie. Thanks!

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